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NL20: bottom set against competent player NL20: bottom set against competent player

11-11-2011 , 10:04 PM
same competent opponent from today's other thread

what do you do on the flop here? initially i thought "i have a set i get it in" but after reminding myself that this opponent is never messing around here and i know this 100%, i put in some ranges and was shocked at my equity.
his mini raise is very suspicious, but even after including his multiple pair+fd combinations ( even though i would assume he would raise these larger on the flop) that is [ 88,66,T9s,9h8h,9h7h,8h7h,86s,75s ] I have at best 44% against his range.

Grabbed by Holdem Manager
NL Holdem $0.20(BB) Replayer
SB ($26.09)
Hero ($16.80)
UTG ($17.60)
UTG+1 ($29.81)
CO ($23.96)
BTN ($16.64)

Dealt to Hero 4 4

UTG calls $0.20, fold, CO raises to $0.80, BTN calls $0.80, fold, Hero calls $0.60, UTG calls $0.60

FLOP ($3.30) 6 8 4

Hero bets $3, UTG folds, CO raises to $6, BTN folds[/color]
NL20: bottom set against competent player Quote
11-11-2011 , 10:15 PM
lol. He isn't folding Aces through Tens here imo.
NL20: bottom set against competent player Quote
11-11-2011 , 10:15 PM
Folding flopped sets when u're starting the hand with 84bb isn't a very good strategy.

Get it in. The range you gave him is too tight, he's going to have more flushdraws, and probably overpairs but even if it was his range, you'd still be making a mistake folding.
NL20: bottom set against competent player Quote
11-11-2011 , 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by ForeverLearning
Folding flopped sets when u're starting the hand with 84bb isn't a very good strategy.

Get it in. The range you gave him is too tight, he's going to have more flushdraws, and probably overpairs but even if it was his range, you'd still be making a mistake folding.
what if i can eliminate a lot of his range because of the assumption that a mini raise by him will tilt his hands more towards 88/66/57/8h7h hands and exclude overcards. i am pretty much dead here.
NL20: bottom set against competent player Quote
11-11-2011 , 10:26 PM
there's not really any reason to assume that though
NL20: bottom set against competent player Quote
11-11-2011 , 10:29 PM
If you think that's his range, fold. I don't.
NL20: bottom set against competent player Quote
11-11-2011 , 11:20 PM
there are too many action killing cards on the turn. I would keep raising to keep the betting open.
NL20: bottom set against competent player Quote
11-11-2011 , 11:45 PM
you do realize your donk increases the range of overpairs that's raising in this hand?
NL20: bottom set against competent player Quote
11-12-2011 , 10:06 AM
I think CO has an overpair.
But anyway the question is: why you call for setmine and you fold when you hit ?

I think that a solid player would NEVER tribet UTG from CO with this range: [ 88,66,T9s,9h8h,9h7h,8h7h,86s,75s ]

I would tribet with AA - KK - QQ - JJ - TT - 99 - AK - AQ - (KQ - KJs maybe)

Last edited by huge_fish; 11-12-2011 at 10:12 AM.
NL20: bottom set against competent player Quote
11-12-2011 , 10:24 AM
buy in full
now go all in
NL20: bottom set against competent player Quote
11-12-2011 , 12:19 PM
Hey another thread about folding sets otf with a seriously ******ed range given to villain...

Sorry you lost the hand op, but this is a super standard 3b/shove otf, your range is laughable inaccurate
NL20: bottom set against competent player Quote
