Absolute Life Poker Montrouge 0.01/0.02, hand converted by the iPoker Converter at Talking-Poker
Button 20011977 ($1.60)
SB Flaximus ($1.01)
BB Buzzzonfire ($1.79)
UTG s1ck707 ($5)
UTG+1 Darkness667 ($3)
MP filipussy ($3.03)
MP lutQQ ($3.71)
MP Tomykas ($1.11)
CO-1 Tomas1985 ($0.85)
CO RuslanX ($1.91)
Preflop: Buzzzonfire is in the BB with Q


1 fold, Darkness667 checks, 7 folds, Buzzzonfire raises to 0.08, Darkness667 calls 0.06.
Flop (0.17) 5


I feel I understand better c-bet (number of players, texture of flop, bet size) but I have a little doubt here : I know it is advised to avoid c-betting on a flop with low cards but what about two pairs on the flop. I feel it reduces the odds the other player would get the trips or a pair with the other card and feel like betting, was I right with c-betting here ?
Last question about c-bet (I didn't find this much in articles I red) : I feel the position plays no role in whether you c-bet or not but is it true ? (against one player, I'll c-bet whether I play before or after him, against two players, i may c-bet a little less if two people can call or raise after me)
Thank you very much in advance.
Buzzzonfire bets 0.12, Darkness667 calls 0.12.
Turn (0.41) A

Buzzzonfire checks, Darkness667 bets 0.02, Buzzzonfire calls 0.02.
River (0.45) 4

Buzzzonfire checks, Darkness667 bets 1.58, 1 fold
Darkness667 shows 8

Darkness667 wins 2.03 with Two pair, Nines and Fives with a Ace for a kicker