PokerStars - $0.02 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 5 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4
BTN: $2.45 (VPIP: 49.12, PFR: 31.58, 3Bet Preflop: 11.54, Hands: 58)
SB: $2.00 (VPIP: 28.57, PFR: 14.29, 3Bet Preflop: 16.67, Hands: 7)
BB: $1.22 (VPIP: 48.04, PFR: 34.31, 3Bet Preflop: 0.00, Hands: 107)
UTG: $2.00 (VPIP: 16.67, PFR: 16.67, 3Bet Preflop: 11.11, Hands: 13)
Hero (CO): $1.70
SB posts SB $0.01, BB posts BB $0.02
Pre Flop: (pot: $0.03) Hero has 9
Hero raises to $0.06,
BTN raises to $0.21,
Hero calls $0.15
Flop: ($0.45, 2 players) T
Hero checks,
BTN bets $0.28,
I called since he's playing 49/32/12 so far, so he's probably 3betting pretty light. I really hated the flop since it's pretty often hitting his 3bet range, so he has a lot of equity. In this spot with nines and a gutshot I don't think it's profitable to call, there's not many good turn and river cards for us.
I ran the spot in PT4's Equity Calculator and put his 3bet range to 88+, AQo, ATs+, which is loose, but I think pretty appropriate considering his stats. Vs this "optimistic" range we have about 47% equity. His cbet stat was 78% and AF 4, but I think he's firing at least 2 barrels pretty much every time, so we would've probably gotten in a really horrible spot on the turn.
What do you think?