** Game ID 877527974 starting - 2007-11-25 19:10:20
** Howard City [Hold 'em] (5.00|10.00 No Limit - Cash Game) Real Money
- MRBLUE1 sitting in seat 1 with $986.50
- fryggy sitting in seat 2 with $2771.60
- mattssons sitting in seat 3 with $1172.46
- Hero sitting in seat 4 with $1742.00 [Dealer]
- Zelena sitting in seat 5 with $895.50
- PKRpaul1 sitting in seat 6 with $1307.00
Zelena posted the small blind - $5.00
PKRpaul1 posted the big blind - $10.00
** Dealing card to Hero: 10
, 10
MRBLUE1 raised - $40.00
fryggy folded
mattssons folded
Hero raised - $135.00
Zelena folded
PKRpaul1 folded
MRBLUE1 called - $135.00
** Dealing the flop: 7
, 6
, J
MRBLUE1 bet - $142.50
Hero called - $142.50
** Dealing the turn: Q
MRBLUE1 went all-in - $709.00
Villian is 57/32/2.5 so obviously not good. He's a down from the session and might be tilting. Few orbits ago I stacked him off with my aces. He insta called me preflop. What's your flop/turn line?