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NL100: AT makes TP OOP and gets raised on the flop NL100: AT makes TP OOP and gets raised on the flop

11-26-2007 , 01:05 PM
Main Villain here is a NL100 reg, running 15/6/0.65 over 900 hands so far.
I'm running at 16/11 at this table.
Reg might put me on a CB here thinking I might have missed the flop but I'm rally not sure if he/she would raise me on a pure bluff here given his/her AF...
Comments appreciated!

Full Tilt Poker, $0.50/$1 NL Hold'em Cash Game, 9 Players - Hand History Converter

MP1: $50.40
MP2: $99
CO: $246.60
BTN: $199.95
SB: $115.65
BB: $25.35
UTG: $253.85
Hero (UTG+1): $98.50
UTG+2: $201.80

Pre-Flop: A T dealt to Hero (UTG+1)
UTG folds, Hero raises to $4, UTG+2 calls $4, MP1 folds, MP2 calls $4, 4 folds

Flop: ($13.50) 3 T 6 (3 Players)
Hero bets $10, UTG+2 raises to $32, Hero?
NL100: AT makes TP OOP and gets raised on the flop Quote
11-26-2007 , 01:07 PM
does he fastplay sets? 33 and 66 have to be in his range pretty strongly no? i suppose some combo diamond draw is possible. i would tend to fold here given the af that you mentioned, and also that he could easily be putting us on an overpair given our ep open, and yet he still shows a lot of strength.
NL100: AT makes TP OOP and gets raised on the flop Quote
11-26-2007 , 01:10 PM
what did MP2 do?

usually a raise here in a multiway pot is legit, wtih no history im tossing it.
NL100: AT makes TP OOP and gets raised on the flop Quote
11-26-2007 , 01:14 PM
Fold. AF that low, he has something, and if he doesn't, fine, you ran into the 1 bluff he'll run this week.
NL100: AT makes TP OOP and gets raised on the flop Quote
11-26-2007 , 01:20 PM
what did MP2 do?

usually a raise here in a multiway pot is legit, wtih no history im tossing it.
Sorry. MP2 folded.
NL100: AT makes TP OOP and gets raised on the flop Quote
11-26-2007 , 01:23 PM
i would fold, i dont want a pair of tens oop against those stats if im being raised. You are a solid player, and a reg knows that, so they are probably putting u on something better than TPTK after raising EP. Maybe they are putting u on AK and raising your cbet, but i think its mroe likely that this player has the goods.
NL100: AT makes TP OOP and gets raised on the flop Quote
11-26-2007 , 01:30 PM
Fold preflop. As played, fold flop.
NL100: AT makes TP OOP and gets raised on the flop Quote
11-26-2007 , 01:50 PM
You probably have to fold here. I usually limp this hand preflop though.
NL100: AT makes TP OOP and gets raised on the flop Quote
11-26-2007 , 01:52 PM
You probably have to fold here. I usually limp this hand preflop though.
Sorry, but gross.
NL100: AT makes TP OOP and gets raised on the flop Quote
11-26-2007 , 01:56 PM
You probably have to fold here. I usually limp this hand preflop though.
Sorry, but gross.
If you give some solid reasoning, then maybe we can discuss this. I have no idea what part of it you think is bad, or even if you really know what you are talking about when it comes to NL when you post 3 insulting words.
NL100: AT makes TP OOP and gets raised on the flop Quote
11-26-2007 , 01:58 PM
He thought that my PFR was bad so I guess he'll think that limping with ATs is even worse...
NL100: AT makes TP OOP and gets raised on the flop Quote
11-26-2007 , 02:02 PM
He thought that my PFR was bad so I guess he'll think that limping with ATs is even worse...
That logic doesn't work in poker all the time. You know this. Fold, raise, or limp are not always in order. I think in this case it would be limp > raise or fold. This is absolutely not a raise or fold hand.
NL100: AT makes TP OOP and gets raised on the flop Quote
11-26-2007 , 02:10 PM
You can limp this. I wouldn't. But it's not absurd.

As played it's a super easy fold. You're repping huge and unobservant, ultra-passive player is repping bigger.
NL100: AT makes TP OOP and gets raised on the flop Quote
11-26-2007 , 02:13 PM
Let me also say this...

This hand shouldn't be a default raise preflop in EP unless you have a table-specific reason.
NL100: AT makes TP OOP and gets raised on the flop Quote
11-26-2007 , 02:16 PM
Open-limping OOP in NL, without LRRing, is exploitable. Smart TAGs can pretty consistently raise your open-limps and force you to tough decisions. In general, don't you find that playing OOP outside of the lead is difficult?

I'm sorry if I sounded overly rude. In a lot of games, especially at the lower limits, you can get away with this because people are happy to limp around. So if that's the case in your game, more power to you. Go ahead and limp. But IMO, open-limping, especially with a hand like AT, and especially UTG is -EV.

EDIT: Oh, just to point out, I agree that ATs isn't an auto-raise in EP. I think it should be folded.
NL100: AT makes TP OOP and gets raised on the flop Quote
11-26-2007 , 02:20 PM
Open-limping OOP in NL, without LRRing, is exploitable. Smart TAGs can pretty consistently raise your open-limps and force you to tough decisions. In general, don't you find that playing OOP outside of the lead is difficult?

I'm sorry if I sounded overly rude. In a lot of games, especially at the lower limits, you can get away with this because people are happy to limp around. So if that's the case in your game, more power to you. Go ahead and limp. But IMO, open-limping, especially with a hand like AT, and especially UTG is -EV.

EDIT: Oh, just to point out, I agree that ATs isn't an auto-raise in EP. I think it should be folded.
Well, first I do l/rr. Secondly, if you have a bunch of solid players to your left then you probably shouldn't play ATs at all in EP. Manipulating the pot size is far more important, in general, than having the lead. Raising this hand in EP is "getting out of line"(not by much, but it is). It is up to you whether or not your opponents will punish you for getting out of line.

Everything is exploitable in NL.
NL100: AT makes TP OOP and gets raised on the flop Quote
11-26-2007 , 02:30 PM
I agree with both of you that coming in with a raise with ATs in EP is not a default play but on the right tables / with the right villains, I def have no problem with it.

Edit: And you see threads, cheese was talking about the open - limp, that was only what I was referring to...
NL100: AT makes TP OOP and gets raised on the flop Quote
11-26-2007 , 02:32 PM
I agree with both of you that coming in with a raise with ATs in EP is not a default play but on the right tables / with the right villains, I def have no problem with it.
Yeah, that's what I'm getting at. In addition, I am saying that at a lot of tables you may be raising it for all the wrong reasons if you default raise it. It doesn't play well OOP in a raised pot, as is evident in this particular hand.
NL100: AT makes TP OOP and gets raised on the flop Quote
11-26-2007 , 03:15 PM
Fold against a guy with those stats.

He doesn't have to have a set to beat you, he could have like QQ.
NL100: AT makes TP OOP and gets raised on the flop Quote
11-26-2007 , 03:19 PM
Fold against a guy with those stats.

He doesn't have to have a set to beat you, he could have like QQ.
That was in my mind too, that he maybe only flat called with QQ/JJ stuff here and now raises on a low board...

BTW: Congrats on your 5000th post SABR!
NL100: AT makes TP OOP and gets raised on the flop Quote
11-26-2007 , 03:51 PM
Doh, I didn't even notice.
NL100: AT makes TP OOP and gets raised on the flop Quote
11-26-2007 , 04:21 PM
Dump it. Preflop annd cbet are both good. Don't listen to the nits.
NL100: AT makes TP OOP and gets raised on the flop Quote
11-26-2007 , 04:37 PM
I like to check the PFR% at the table before limping stuff like this in EP. If it's raise heavy, I'll dump it preflop but raise maybe 10% of the time. As played, I'm folding here. As others have said, someone with those stats isn't doing this without at least an overpair (and IMO, he'd probably rather flat-call and snipe another bet with an overpair, so I'd lean more towards a set).
NL100: AT makes TP OOP and gets raised on the flop Quote
