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NL10 - QJs big draw on flop NL10 - QJs big draw on flop

11-27-2007 , 11:49 AM
$0.05/$0.1 No Limit Holdem
5 players
Converted at

UTG ($9.70)
CO ($7.68)
BTN ($12.18)
SB ($10.17)
BB ($9.63)

BTN has Q J

Pre-flop: ($0.15, 5 players)
UTG raises to $0.3, 1 fold, BTN calls $0.3, SB raises to $0.85, 1 fold, UTG calls $0.55, BTN calls $0.55

Flop: 2 T A ($2.65, 3 players)
SB checks, UTG bets $0.5, BTN ??

What does BTN do? Do you call/raise and why?
If you raise, do you call a push?
(No reads/stats yet)
NL10 - QJs big draw on flop Quote
11-27-2007 , 11:53 AM
fold preflop to the reraise

I would just call, its a small bet and hes letting you see the turn card cheap.
NL10 - QJs big draw on flop Quote
11-27-2007 , 11:58 AM
I'm getting around 4:1 PF, fold?

What if the SB reraises him and the IR calls?
NL10 - QJs big draw on flop Quote
11-27-2007 , 12:03 PM
Yes, fold. Even though you are getting good odds you arent going to hit a hand that will pay you off enough to compensate for the amount of times you flop a q or a j and stack off vs. an overpair, AQ, etc.
NL10 - QJs big draw on flop Quote
11-27-2007 , 12:44 PM
Fold preflop, as you are likely to be dominated.

I don't know SB 3b range with 2 players in already, guess that's kinda important to know, if you want to play hand. I think if you raise the flop, you are prolly gonna be faced with a push, and with that A on the flop wich is likely to have hit someone, and the possibility of one of them having TT, JJ, QQ and KK, I don't think you can play your draw here profitably.

On the other hand, if you flatcall his flop bet, SB is acting behind you, and he showed preflop he does not care to 3b with a raise and call in front of him, so he is very capable of c/r.

Folding seems to be a bit weakish...

So this is a fold preflop, as played I'm not really sure how to play the flop. Maybe some more experienced players know....
NL10 - QJs big draw on flop Quote
11-27-2007 , 12:48 PM
Preflop is fine, its pretty thin but I dont think its terrible. On the flop, I raise and get all in in whatever way possible, you are ahead of every ace except AK in which you have 43% equity, more than compensated for by the bloated pot. If your opponent has a PP lower than JJ you are massive with 15 outs and are an equity favourite. You called preflop to hit this exact board, so get your money in.
NL10 - QJs big draw on flop Quote
11-27-2007 , 01:02 PM
I wouldn't put your opponents on TT+ AQ+ since its NL5.The flop bet from UTG is so smallish, raise it up to 2.5 or so.Obviously call a shove and if you get called and the turn is a blank you can take the free card.
NL10 - QJs big draw on flop Quote
11-27-2007 , 01:26 PM
I raise the flop for FE and call a push as you have will prob have great odds to draw to you fd +gutshot.
NL10 - QJs big draw on flop Quote
11-27-2007 , 02:08 PM
Preflop is fine, its pretty thin but I dont think its terrible. On the flop, I raise and get all in in whatever way possible, you are ahead of every ace except AK in which you have 43% equity, more than compensated for by the bloated pot. If your opponent has a PP lower than JJ you are massive with 15 outs and are an equity favourite. You called preflop to hit this exact board, so get your money in.
I think calling the 3 bet is really bad. at this level people arent likely to 3bet you light, and you tend to get in a lot of really marginal situations, for example a q 8 2 flop, that you would be better off avoiding imo.
NL10 - QJs big draw on flop Quote
11-27-2007 , 03:24 PM
Preflop is fine, its pretty thin but I dont think its terrible. On the flop, I raise and get all in in whatever way possible, you are ahead of every ace except AK in which you have 43% equity, more than compensated for by the bloated pot. If your opponent has a PP lower than JJ you are massive with 15 outs and are an equity favourite. You called preflop to hit this exact board, so get your money in.
I think calling the 3 bet is really bad. at this level people arent likely to 3bet you light, and you tend to get in a lot of really marginal situations, for example a q 8 2 flop, that you would be better off avoiding imo.
Playing QJs is more about flopping huge hands than playing a marginal TP. According to the 5-10 rule, the call was right as the raise was less than 10% of the effective stack, and got even better because the flop is 3-way and Hero is in position.
NL10 - QJs big draw on flop Quote
11-27-2007 , 03:32 PM
Preflop is fine, its pretty thin but I dont think its terrible. On the flop, I raise and get all in in whatever way possible, you are ahead of every ace except AK in which you have 43% equity, more than compensated for by the bloated pot. If your opponent has a PP lower than JJ you are massive with 15 outs and are an equity favourite. You called preflop to hit this exact board, so get your money in.
I think calling the 3 bet is really bad. at this level people arent likely to 3bet you light, and you tend to get in a lot of really marginal situations, for example a q 8 2 flop, that you would be better off avoiding imo.
I'm not playing QJs in a 3bet pot to flop TP/medium kicker. I would be able to get away from that. This was one of the flops I was looking for and could stack off on. But I dont know if this preflop call is profitable.
NL10 - QJs big draw on flop Quote
11-27-2007 , 03:40 PM
Preflop is fine, its pretty thin but I dont think its terrible. On the flop, I raise and get all in in whatever way possible, you are ahead of every ace except AK in which you have 43% equity, more than compensated for by the bloated pot. If your opponent has a PP lower than JJ you are massive with 15 outs and are an equity favourite. You called preflop to hit this exact board, so get your money in.
I don't think this is bad, but there are two opponents, not one. I'm pretty happy getting my money in here, but I'm also pretty happy taking a cheap card if it is offered and getting money in on the later streets, since I think any hand that calls a shove on the flop will not fold if I hit my draw later. Since SB was the 3 bettor there is a strong chance he's going for a c/r, so this plan might not work. If it doesn't, then I go ahead and shove at that point. If I thought the raise on the flop would get As to fold, I might try that, but I think I'd rather hope for the cheap card at this level.
NL10 - QJs big draw on flop Quote
11-27-2007 , 03:44 PM
I won't get into the pre-flop debate other than to say he isn't calling to hit top pair. He is calling to hit a board like this one. So get it in...
NL10 - QJs big draw on flop Quote
11-27-2007 , 03:58 PM
@ gumpzilla:

What do you do if you call the $0,50 and the SB reraised to $2/$3 and the initial better calls?
Do you push / fold(?) / call?
NL10 - QJs big draw on flop Quote
11-27-2007 , 04:01 PM
I'm not a big fan of calling with JQs to a reraise preflop, but at least you're in position against multiple opponents. You have to be able to dump it against any pressure on a J or Q high flop, though.

Raise flop and try to get AI as soon as possible
NL10 - QJs big draw on flop Quote
11-27-2007 , 04:10 PM
@ gumpzilla:

What do you do if you call the $0,50 and the SB reraised to $2/$3 and the initial better calls?
Do you push / fold(?) / call?
In the heat of the moment I might call, but in that spot neither guy is likely to fold and you probably have >33% equity in the pot, so just shoving at that point is probably good.
NL10 - QJs big draw on flop Quote
11-27-2007 , 04:14 PM
I'm getting around 4:1 PF, fold?

I know that many others have discussed this, but PF with a hand like this you're looking to hit on the flop and play for stacks. Therefore, immediate odds aren't relevant. Think implied odds.

In this hand, there's 2.1 in the pot with 0.55 to call, but opponents have 9.32 left and 8.85 left. You have implied odds of ~20:1 against both of the players. I haven't done the math, but these seem like reasonable odds to hit your perfect flop. I don't mind the PF call IP.

On the flop, I agree with raise/call shove.
NL10 - QJs big draw on flop Quote
