The shortstack in this hand was newish to the table so no reads. The other big stack i had been sitting with for ages and (s)he had started to 3bet every time i open raised and had squeezed a few times over the last few orbits. IIRC stats were about 31/21/?. (this hand happened last night so don't recall too well).
Pretty much wondering what our range to get it in pre against somebody playing like this is. I don't believe i have any fold equity as Villian had 4bet bluffed me w/ 45s and called my shove so he's clearly not folding anything.
Is JJ strong enough against his range considering he is squeezing an unknown as well as me?
Full Tilt Poker $0.05/$0.10 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players
The Official
2+2 Hand Converter
Powered By
BB: $19.34
UTG: $3.99
MP: $3.90
CO: $16.92
Hero (BTN): $15.54
SB: $3.88
Pre Flop: ($0.15) Hero is BTN with J

1 fold,
MP raises to $0.40,
CO raises to $1.35, Hero calls $1.35,
1 fold,
BB raises to $5.50, MP calls $3.50 all in,
1 fold,
Hero ??????