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NL10: Good fold with JJ? NL10: Good fold with JJ?

10-15-2008 , 12:20 PM
Poker Stars $0.05/$0.10 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

Hero (SB): $10.45
BB: $7.60
UTG: $7.80
CO: $10.80
BTN: $9.60

Pre Flop: ($0.15) Hero is SB with J J
2 folds, BTN raises to $0.40, Hero calls $0.35, 1 fold

Flop: ($0.90) 2 T 6 (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN bets $0.90, Hero raises to $2.50, BTN raises to $9.20 all in, Hero folds

Was just wondering what you guys think of this fold. I'm kinda certain I'm beat here. He was a really tight good player and I can't see him going all in with anything but QQ+ or a made set.

I didn't 3Bet him PF as I had done this earlier to him with Queens and he folded pretty easily so this time I was looking to get at least an extra bet out of him on the flop, hence the check raise. He was also more likely to hold a weaker hand as he could have been stealing and a 3Bet PF would have sent him folding. Obviously the 3Bet might have ousted out the smaller pocket pairs like twos or sixes but I thought for this particular occassion this was the best line and it just didn't work out. What do you think?
NL10: Good fold with JJ? Quote
10-15-2008 , 12:24 PM
Slowplaying jacks is bad, just 3 bet unless hes a nit. Check raising the flop is bad, unless he is really spewy and stacks off with AT here. I think as played, check/call is fine on the flop, see what the turn brings, unless he is really bad and will stack off with a worse hand. You made him sound nitty. If we don't have stats or history then folding to his shove is good.
NL10: Good fold with JJ? Quote
10-15-2008 , 12:26 PM
terrible fold. whats the point of raising here...

he coudl be taking this like with any draw, AT, etc. and its a 6 bucks more to you in a pot of 12 already you are getting about 2-1 on your money, you even have equity vs. 2 pair hands.
NL10: Good fold with JJ? Quote
10-15-2008 , 01:15 PM
I haven't played at these stakes so i don't know the general tendencies at this level. You said your opponent was tight. Thats not really enough information. Was he tight aggressive or weak tight. Have you seen him get to showdown with any hands that could give us a clue to how he plays. Does he raise with draws.

Without much information on the player i call here. There are draws he will play this way and maybe worse hands like AT.

This is the problem with taking a line like this with JJ. You should always 3 bet your big hands vs a btn raise at any stakes imo. Taking this line will give you tough decisions. Check raising the flop just gets rid of all worse hands and only keeps in good draws, sets, overpairs. The only hands you beat that might stay are TPGK. So your line is pretty terrible compared with 3 betting pre flop.

If you 3bet preflop you can define his range better, if he 4bets you and his a very tight player you can fold, probably facing an overpair or AK.
Otherwise he folds his weak hands and you take it down (not a bad result, you dont have to win a huge pot just because you got dealt JJ). If he calls you can Cbet and take it down most of the time, and if he raises your cbet you can fold probably fold easily on a board with overs. On low boards you just get it all in stacking smaller pairs and getting stacked by AA, KK, QQ which are unlikely as he will usually 4bet preflop. Occasionly he may flop a set that he didn't have enough implied odds to call with.

3betting pre makes the hand much easier to play oop.

Hope you can see why 3 betting is better. If you decide not to 3bet, check calling the flop is by far the better option as check raising just folds out all worse hands.

GL at the tables.
NL10: Good fold with JJ? Quote
10-15-2008 , 01:23 PM
a actully dont mind preflop once and a while here but it has to be with the intention of getting it in here.

standard would be to 3bet obv.

I dont see anyway to get away from this with JJ in the SB vs a BTN open he could have a ton of worse hands/draws here.
NL10: Good fold with JJ? Quote
10-15-2008 , 01:24 PM
1:1 i think
NL10: Good fold with JJ? Quote
10-15-2008 , 02:08 PM
I just can't see you being behind at this stage, he either has AT or 2 diamonds. He's not putting you on an overpair to often as you flatted PF.

NL10: Good fold with JJ? Quote
10-15-2008 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by jaysu
Slowplaying jacks is bad, just 3 bet unless hes a nit.
Originally Posted by Mullanimal
This is the problem with taking a line like this with JJ. You should always 3 bet your big hands vs a btn raise at any stakes imo. Taking this line will give you tough decisions.

3betting pre makes the hand much easier to play oop.
Originally Posted by monkeymaps
a actully dont mind preflop once and a while here but it has to be with the intention of getting it in here.
Yeah 3 Betting pre-flop is definitely better in most instances and I'll do it 9 times out of 10. This was the 1 time out of 10 where I felt it was the better option because it looked like a steal, he's more likely to have a medium/weak strength hand, I can get a little bit more value from my Jacks rather than 3 Betting and taking his initial PF bet.

Originally Posted by Mullanimal
I haven't played at these stakes so i don't know the general tendencies at this level. You said your opponent was tight. Thats not really enough information. Was he tight aggressive or weak tight. Have you seen him get to showdown with any hands that could give us a clue to how he plays. Does he raise with draws.
He was a tight aggressive player. His stats were 14/12/3. Unfortunately, I haven't got any hands to give us a clue as to how he plays. For the most part I'd say he's playing solid hands and wasn't going crazy without a strong hand (I can't say for sure though).

Originally Posted by Mullanimal
Check raising the flop just gets rid of all worse hands and only keeps in good draws, sets, overpairs.
He's on the button and it's likely that he's was trying to steal the blinds so I'm not expecting him to have a good hand here at all the majority of the time. He C Bet a very high percentage of flops and I felt that this was an opportunity to take the pot which the villain wouldn't put any more money into.

Probably not the greatest hand I've ever played but I'd expect to take this pot the majority of the time. Would it have been correct to check raise if I flopped a set if I held pocket sixes for example?
NL10: Good fold with JJ? Quote
10-16-2008 , 11:32 AM
Yes I would check raise a set. There are more worse hands that may call you and flush draws have less equity against you compared to if you had an overpair so you just want to get as much money in the pot as possible with a set.
NL10: Good fold with JJ? Quote
