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[NL10] Facing Flop Raise after 3Bet Pro OTB with AJo [NL10] Facing Flop Raise after 3Bet Pro OTB with AJo

12-20-2022 , 04:04 AM
Is it Pre a Call only?

Raise OTF almost always 66, TT, AJ+? and Fold?

PokerStars - $0.10 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

Hero (BTN): 104.9 BB
SB: 46.3 BB
BB: 113.9 BB
UTG: 198.4 BB
MP: 97.8 BB
CO: 100 BB

SB posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has A J

fold, fold, CO raises to 2.5 BB, Hero raises to 7.5 BB, fold, fold, CO calls 5 BB

Flop: (16.5 BB, 2 players) 6 T A
CO checks, Hero bets 11.8 BB, CO raises to 27.5 BB, Hero calls 15.7 BB

Turn: (71.5 BB, 2 players) 9
CO bets 65 BB and is all-in, fold

CO wins 68.3 BB
[NL10] Facing Flop Raise after 3Bet Pro OTB with AJo Quote
12-20-2022 , 06:47 AM
your flop sizing bet is terrible, especially with your hand, you can just fold flop vs cr imo, becouse you block significant amount of bluffs villain can raise you with and hitting jack have reverse implied odds in some cases, so i m just folding
[NL10] Facing Flop Raise after 3Bet Pro OTB with AJo Quote
12-20-2022 , 07:21 AM
You Fold AJo pre BTN vs CO?!

WHy is the Flop BEt Size terrible? Pls explain- how can I improve with your thoughts if you just throw something into the Room.
[NL10] Facing Flop Raise after 3Bet Pro OTB with AJo Quote
12-20-2022 , 09:00 AM
Preflop is fine.
On the flop your bet size is a bit transparent in my opinion. Would you bet that much with air, or black Qs let's say?

The raise on the flop is super strong against your sizing, and I think you having the Jd is bad (not too sure to be honest)
[NL10] Facing Flop Raise after 3Bet Pro OTB with AJo Quote
12-20-2022 , 09:53 AM
Good Question,

i kind of play standard 75% when I hit as Players at these Levels dont pay Attention that much.
[NL10] Facing Flop Raise after 3Bet Pro OTB with AJo Quote
12-20-2022 , 09:57 AM
Originally Posted by BigSchnidde
You Fold AJo pre BTN vs CO?!

WHy is the Flop BEt Size terrible? Pls explain- how can I improve with your thoughts if you just throw something into the Room.
preflop is fine of course, but OTF You want to bet polar in loose positions where actully both players have a lot of broadways, you dont have a hand you can get 3 streets of value from worse hands, and you can be dead or flipping against strong draws, jd is very good for checking this hand, as yuo can continue vs larger stab by villain on flush completing turns
you practically dont beat other aces, villain may fold or rather 4bet weaker suited ones, and at is 2 pairs now, villain have sixes always and tens most of the time on nl10 i guess, expet aq full frequncy, and ocassional ako, and hands villain fold otf will fold later, and you have a lot of hands in your range that want to check, like all under pp, 2nd pairs, you need strong hand like aj to protect that weaker range agaisnt stabs, also villain may go crazy with weaker aces if you check. In general on dynamic boards by checking marginal hands you increease value of positional adventage, and if you start betting villain can remove this adventage by check raising you and forcing you to play 2 streets poker, when you dont want this

Last edited by Ramius; 12-20-2022 at 10:03 AM.
[NL10] Facing Flop Raise after 3Bet Pro OTB with AJo Quote
12-20-2022 , 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by Ramius
preflop is fine of course, but OTF You want to bet polar in loose positions where actully both players have a lot of broadways, you dont have a hand you can get 3 streets of value from worse hands, and you can be dead or flipping against strong draws, jd is very good for checking this hand, as yuo can continue vs larger stab by villain on flush completing turns
you practically dont beat other aces, villain may fold or rather 4bet weaker suited ones, and at is 2 pairs now, villain have sixes always and tens most of the time on nl10 i guess, expet aq full frequncy, and ocassional ako, and hands villain fold otf will fold later, and you have a lot of hands in your range that want to check, like all under pp, 2nd pairs, you need strong hand like aj to protect that weaker range agaisnt stabs, also villain may go crazy with weaker aces if you check. In general on dynamic boards by checking marginal hands you increease value of positional adventage, and if you start betting villain can remove this adventage by check raising you and forcing you to play 2 streets poker, when you dont want this
Lets imagine I check the Flop- than you say it is more EV+ to call down OTT + OTR?
In this case i would probably give up OTT.

Does that make sense?

Maybe i should check with Ranges what would bet and what not.

Any suggestions how to improve on that?
[NL10] Facing Flop Raise after 3Bet Pro OTB with AJo Quote
12-20-2022 , 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by BigSchnidde
Lets imagine I check the Flop- than you say it is more EV+ to call down OTT + OTR?
In this case i would probably give up OTT.

Does that make sense?

Maybe i should check with Ranges what would bet and what not.

Any suggestions how to improve on that?
if you check flop, you definitely have to call turn, on turn you at least get outs against hands that were beating you, and it will be very hard for villain to bluff 4 flush river rnunout if it comes
But ignore what i said earlier if you play against fish, who calls any ace, any junk preflop, then aj is actully almost nuts, so you can go against those very bad palyers with a bet, bet, shove with tpgk, but they will be minority, even recs those days have sane 3bet calling ranges
[NL10] Facing Flop Raise after 3Bet Pro OTB with AJo Quote
