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NL10 6Max - 3Bet AQs NL10 6Max - 3Bet AQs

01-09-2015 , 04:01 PM
No Limit Hold'em $0.05/$0.10
5 players
Formatted by - Mac OS X hand history analysis and tracking

UTG - UTG ($10.67)
CO - CO ($20.24)
BTN - BTN ($18.62)
SB - Hero ($15.75)
BB - BB ($10.00)

Preflop: ($0.15, 5 players) Hero is SB with A Q
UTG raises to $0.30, 2 folds, Hero raises to $0.90, 1 fold, UTG calls $0.60

Flop: 6 T Q ($1.90, 2 players)
Hero bets $1.35, UTG calls $1.35

Turn: 8 ($4.60, 2 players)
Hero bets $1.80, UTG calls $1.80

River: T ($8.20, 2 players)
Hero checks, UTG bets $6.62 (all-in), 1 fold, Uncalled bet of $6.62 returned to UTG

Total Pot: $8.20

UTG wins $7.83

Villain is 37/27/1.12 F3B:78%.
When he calls my 3 bet i was ruling out AA, KK.
On the flop i made a Cbet. The only thing i don't like much is that it is probably too big. And i havent realised that by the river he will have only pot size bet left.
Is the check/fold line on the river too weak? Only hand that i can imagine that he would calls me is the same hand that i have. And i don't want to risk 60BB for a chop.

Thanks for any comments, ideas
NL10 6Max - 3Bet AQs Quote
01-10-2015 , 05:02 AM
Opp is in EP and folds a lot to 3b so his range is pretty strong here. Does he fold a lot to cbets on all streets and whats his river aggression like? If he never folds to cbets and is very aggressive on the river, we can call here but otherwise its definitely fold. And yes, flop cbet is a bit too large ... I would bet around 1.05
NL10 6Max - 3Bet AQs Quote
01-10-2015 , 05:06 AM
He looks very strong here. He is folding a ton to 3BET and when he is calling from UTG your 3BET he gotta have a very strong range. Even AA,/KK is calling you sometimes and he has also TT/QQ/66. Whats his folding to c-bet in 3BET pot?Whats the samplesize u got on him?
NL10 6Max - 3Bet AQs Quote
01-10-2015 , 05:10 AM
You don't give enough info on villain and their tendencies for us to give a decent response.

However, bigger sizing pre, to like $1.10 since you are oop. Flop could be slightly smaller, turn sizing is too small and coupled with that river check, villain could decide to turn some of their hands into bluffs like KQs and JJ.
NL10 6Max - 3Bet AQs Quote
01-10-2015 , 05:40 AM
Originally Posted by DaJoker1988
He looks very strong here. He is folding a ton to 3BET and when he is calling from UTG your 3BET he gotta have a very strong range. Even AA,/KK is calling you sometimes and he has also TT/QQ/66. Whats his folding to c-bet in 3BET pot?Whats the samplesize u got on him?
Sample size is just 100 hands. Hit FCbet is 57%. His Agg on river is 20%
NL10 6Max - 3Bet AQs Quote
01-10-2015 , 05:43 AM
as played sigh call.
NL10 6Max - 3Bet AQs Quote
01-10-2015 , 05:45 AM
Originally Posted by milanPS
Sample size is just 100 hands. Hit FCbet is 57%. His Agg on river is 20%
Ok , that changes almost everything. He is basically Unknow. Probably i would call in Vacuum. Our hand its not that bad at all.
As fatNsweaty said we still beat some Hands and he could turn his JJ/KQs in bluff.
NL10 6Max - 3Bet AQs Quote
01-10-2015 , 09:06 AM
3-bet bigger oop, at least to 10 bb, with 9 bb i think he calls more in position.
It is normal that you dont broke with TPTK here ?
Why do you cb the turn so small ?
Why are you checking river, perhaps even betting 1.5 on river and folding to a shove, because he dont bluff like this any day but with checking you dont know for sure, if the call is -EV or +EV.
River makes TT unlikely, dont know if he calls 66 pre, if you 3-bet bigger to 10-11 bb he would propably fold 66, so he might setmine, dont know, he could also call KJs here in position sometimes.
But i dont think the hand is played bad, perhaps your check/fold against him was good on river, never know, pehaps he is calling with QQ too (thinking 4-bet/broke would be bad UTG against SB), so try to give him a range.
F3B 67% is not that much seeing he play loose.

Last edited by philkill; 01-10-2015 at 09:14 AM.
NL10 6Max - 3Bet AQs Quote
01-10-2015 , 10:04 AM
Seems a fairly easy fold at this point. The turn is a really bad card for us, and this board is not fantastic for our range, minus a couple of sets. I would like to imagine a way in which we get to check the turn, but I think I'd be b/f'ing the turn, with the intention of c/f'ing rivers.

I suppose on the turn we can say that we hate a lot of river cards, and try to justify a turn check. I think it's fairly well played. I'm unsure of sizing on the turn. There aren't draws to price out, so I think the smaller sizing gives us more fold room and is good.
NL10 6Max - 3Bet AQs Quote
01-10-2015 , 12:27 PM
c/c flop?
NL10 6Max - 3Bet AQs Quote
01-10-2015 , 05:01 PM
Since he has that big ft3b stat i don't see many Tx combos in his range. So only hands that you should be worried about are AA and KK and i think he would 4b them pre quite often. This said i think it's a call. I would just rather shove river my self though. You might get call from KQ and fold from AQ which would be also pretty nice. It's just that if somebody is ft3b 78% than he doesn't have any Tx in his range except TT and there is only 1 combo of TT. Maybe this is a mistake to say if it sample of hands is small but i think if you have like 400+ hands on V than you get a pretty good ft3b stat.
NL10 6Max - 3Bet AQs Quote
