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NL10 3 handed KJo vs flop raise?  Range analysis help NL10 3 handed KJo vs flop raise?  Range analysis help

08-13-2014 , 03:40 PM
Villain is:30/21 Steal:39 Cbet:74 AF:2 ~6,000 hands
WTSD:26 W$@SD:60

He seems solid, generally stays in line. Only two barrels unless he has something. Seems sticky postflop and generally plays passive after the flop unless he has it.

We play a lot of Heads Up/Short Handed together so the stats may be skewed.

He seemed to be a bit more aggressive as of late as I have been taken some money off of him recently, but nothing to crazy.

Should I donk this flop? Folding to his raise?

Winning Poker Network - $0.10 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 3 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

BTN: 124 BB
SB: 78.4 BB
Hero (BB): 110.6 BB

SB posts SB 0.5 BB, Hero posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has K J

BTN raises to 3 BB, fold, Hero raises to 10 BB, BTN calls 7 BB

Flop: (20.5 BB, 2 players) J 8 9
Hero bets 15 BB, BTN raises to 42 BB ??

What do you think of the range I assigned him? Still trying to improve my range analysis.

BU 76.96% 76.43% 0.52% 88+, AJs, QTs+, J9s, AhQh, AhTh, Ah8h, QTo, J9o
BB 23.04% 22.52% 0.52% KhJc
NL10 3 handed KJo vs flop raise?  Range analysis help Quote
08-13-2014 , 03:50 PM
What do you mean? this isnt a donk since you 3bet pre right? i could be wrong though.

I would just call and re-evaluate on turn. i think since this vil is so aggro you are putting him on very nutted ranges imo. i could see an aggresive villain doing this with something as little as A9o/Q9o and just about any ten. I'm pretty bad at ranges also so lets not take this to heart haha
NL10 3 handed KJo vs flop raise?  Range analysis help Quote
08-13-2014 , 03:54 PM
It's not a donk bet really, as you are the betting lead once you 3bet pre-flop. He raises, you call, and you bet the flop. That is a doonk bet, as you bet into the pre-flop aggressor.

Hand ranges look ok. Missing 78 and quite possible he does it with other double suited hands (in hearts). List of hands is long that you are behind to or going to see cards that make you feel worse about it. Don't see an issue letting this one go. Certainly if he is passive generally post-flop as you mentioned.
NL10 3 handed KJo vs flop raise?  Range analysis help Quote
08-13-2014 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by aapokermasteraa
What do you mean? this isnt a donk since you 3bet pre right? i could be wrong though.

I would just call and re-evaluate on turn. i think since this vil is so aggro you are putting him on very nutted ranges imo. i could see an aggresive villain doing this with something as little as A9o/Q9o and just about any ten. I'm pretty bad at ranges also so lets not take this to heart haha
not sure if its a donk or not, I guess I just mean the lead

Would it be better to just call vs this villain since he seems sticky postflop with KJo?
NL10 3 handed KJo vs flop raise?  Range analysis help Quote
08-13-2014 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by huntsman41
It's not a donk bet really, as you are the betting lead once you 3bet pre-flop. He raises, you call, and you bet the flop. That is a doonk bet, as you bet into the pre-flop aggressor.

Hand ranges look ok. Missing 78 and quite possible he does it with other double suited hands (in hearts). List of hands is long that you are behind to or going to see cards that make you feel worse about it. Don't see an issue letting this one go. Certainly if he is passive generally post-flop as you mentioned.
okay thanks!
NL10 3 handed KJo vs flop raise?  Range analysis help Quote
08-14-2014 , 03:55 AM
First of all no need to 3bet hand like KJo in this spot, 3bet hands which have more playbility post flop.

As played I would cbet smaller, something like 12-13bb's and definitely fold to his raise being OOP, because there so many bad turn cards for you and he can x back on all cards, which are good to you.
NL10 3 handed KJo vs flop raise?  Range analysis help Quote
08-14-2014 , 06:32 AM
As LuckyMan said before me , there is no need to 3b this pre,just call it down.
Once he call you pf and raise that much otf I think fold is in order.
Hes range is so value heavy there that our hand is as good as bluff catcher .
NL10 3 handed KJo vs flop raise?  Range analysis help Quote
