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NL 50 Flop nut flush, now what? NL 50 Flop nut flush, now what?

09-03-2007 , 04:52 PM
Poker Stars - No Limit Hold'em Cash Game - $0.25/$0.50 Blinds - 6 Players - (LegoPoker Hand History Converter)

SB: $6.95
Hero (BB): $52.05
UTG: $34.05
MP: $32.50
CO: $59.90
BTN: $64.50

Preflop: Hero is dealt 2 A (6 Players)
UTG raises to $2.00, MP folds, CO calls $2.00, BTN calls $2.00, SB folds, Hero calls $1.50

Flop: ($8.25) 5 4 T (4 Players)
Hero checks, UTG bets $1.00, CO calls $1.00, BTN folds, Hero calls $1.00

Turn: ($11.25) A (3 Players)
Hero checks, UTG bets $2.50, CO calls $2.50, Hero raises to $7.00, UTG calls $4.50, CO calls $4.50

River: ($32.25) K (3 Players)
Hero bets all-in for $42.05, 2 folds

Pot Size: $74.30 ($1.55 Rake)

Table is donkish, but no strong reads on anyone in particular. Does anyone bet this out? I figure it shows huge strength to bet this out and so does check raising a weak one dollar bet. I pushed the river thinking that at least one who called my check raise on the turn must be strong enough to call the river. Thoughts? Not sure if I maximized here.
NL 50 Flop nut flush, now what? Quote
09-03-2007 , 05:04 PM
both players are obv weak from just flat calling, open shoving the river is dumb...thin value bet for like 15-20
NL 50 Flop nut flush, now what? Quote
09-03-2007 , 05:07 PM
both players are obv weak from just flat calling, open shoving the river is dumb...thin value bet for like 15-20
Pushing the river is not dumb. He doesnt have to called very often here to make it the move that maximizes his EV here. That said, with two guys sticking around, I agree that making some type of value bet might be the better play here.
NL 50 Flop nut flush, now what? Quote
09-03-2007 , 05:14 PM
I'd often raise the flop and then put out a weak lead on the turn.

This is not the kind of flop where you stack an overpair or TPTK so either your opponents have a decent piece like a small flush, a high diamond or a set - or they don't.

A small flush probably hands over his stack or at least a good portion of it even if you show strength on the flop and a high diamond or a set put more money in while they still have a decent chance to draw and they will probably shut down on the turn and definitely not pay you off on the river.
NL 50 Flop nut flush, now what? Quote
09-03-2007 , 05:16 PM
Dunno about anyone else but I raise to about 10 on the flop, because believe it or not it's 4 handed, UTG raised preflop, he could have JJ or QQ or KK with a diamond, one of the other guys could have a set (they didn't but could have, and you let them draw cheap, worse flush could be out and a 4th diamond could come and ruin your action, so many reasons to raise flop imo.

As you did on the flop, then you raise by $4.50 in a $20 pot, honestly I just hate it, when I see something like this alarm bells ring so so loud.

Regards Mack
NL 50 Flop nut flush, now what? Quote
09-03-2007 , 05:21 PM
Yeah I only addressed the river play in my post but the flop lead for 1.00 is pretty horrendous.
NL 50 Flop nut flush, now what? Quote
09-03-2007 , 05:50 PM
You need to raise flop for value and build a pot, raise turn bigger for same reasons.
NL 50 Flop nut flush, now what? Quote
09-03-2007 , 05:58 PM
You should be folding this hand PF your oop against two opponents. As played bet the flop for value, I like a check on the turn if you lead the flop and your reasonably certain someone will try to steal it. Bet ~20 for value on the river don't shove.
NL 50 Flop nut flush, now what? Quote
