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NL 25 Rush:  JJ faces an interesting river RRAI NL 25 Rush:  JJ faces an interesting river RRAI

08-25-2010 , 10:48 AM
No reads, FR.

Hero ($26.50)
Villain ($29.35)

Folds to Hero in MP1 with JJ who raises to .70, folds to BB who calls.

Flop: 8 5 2 ($1.65)
BB checks, Hero bets $1.10, BB calls.

Turn: 2 ($3.85)
BB checks, Hero bets $2.50, BB calls.

River: K ($8.85)
BB Checks, Hero bets $4, BB RRAI (fairly quick).

A took an extra couple of seconds than usual before betting, and bet a little bit less because I think K is a bad card for getting value here and I wanted to try to make him cry call his 99-TT, 87ss thinking I whiffed a flush.

Is this a fold? His range looks exactly like 88 / 55 that hit an FH on the turn, sees a K is a great card to CRAI because...rightfully so...I'm firing a fair amount of my value + bluff range on the river.

How often is this a whiffed 67 / flush draw? Could he be RRAI Kxss for value here?
NL 25 Rush:  JJ faces an interesting river RRAI Quote
08-25-2010 , 12:55 PM
generally fold 1 pair to big river bets or big river raises.
NL 25 Rush:  JJ faces an interesting river RRAI Quote
08-25-2010 , 12:58 PM
The river crai is rarely a bluff, because people tend to never fold average-to-good hands to it.

I agree that it can sometimes be 67 or spades for bad hand-readers to be making this move on a pretty bad bluff card,

but more often it's K8, K5, etc.
NL 25 Rush:  JJ faces an interesting river RRAI Quote
08-25-2010 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by TJ Eckleburg12
generally fold 1 pair to big river bets or big river raises.
I folded the hand.

I was worried mostly about my bet sizing on the river. I bet a little less than half the pot to induce a call, but does that increase the % likelihood of being a bluff? Should I bet 5 or 6 here instead of 4 because while it may cost me some value, it will prevent villain from making a spazzy bluff and forcing me into a fold.

NL 25 Rush:  JJ faces an interesting river RRAI Quote
08-25-2010 , 02:16 PM
Is A2 a possibility? maybe even As2s?
NL 25 Rush:  JJ faces an interesting river RRAI Quote
