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NL 25 Min Raising from SB NL 25 Min Raising from SB

02-11-2009 , 08:35 PM
If I get a halfway decent hand - A5+, K9+, QT+, etc I will usually min raise from the SB if folded to me. Almost invariably (well maybe 4/5 times), I get a fold from the BB. I am beginning to think that min raising in this situation is +ev with ATC. Somebody talk me down.
NL 25 Min Raising from SB Quote
02-11-2009 , 08:37 PM
well if you do it to often the BB will play back at you after a while and youre always OOP
NL 25 Min Raising from SB Quote
02-11-2009 , 10:15 PM
Yea, ive noticed ever since greg and happypixel posted that vid of 50nl where he would minraise from button and sb almost all the time, that a lot of the regs have started trying the same thing. It works a lot especially good vs tight shortstackers but i personally am not going to give a free blind to min raise if i have anything half decent. Im calling with any ace, pp, sc's, any 2 big cards, and reraising anything good.
NL 25 Min Raising from SB Quote
02-12-2009 , 12:24 AM
u should be 4x it against any decent bb
3x it against ****ty full stackers
min raise for bad short stackers(good ones will own you)
NL 25 Min Raising from SB Quote
