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NL 10 How do we get max value vs this reg? NL 10 How do we get max value vs this reg?

06-24-2018 , 04:52 PM
Merge - $0.10 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 5 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

BTN: 199.6 BB (VPIP: 52.03, PFR: 13.01, 3Bet Preflop: 6.82, Hands: 126)
Hero (SB): 155.2 BB
BB: 380.3 BB (VPIP: 25.55, PFR: 14.22, 3Bet Preflop: 3.05, Hands: 4,453)
UTG: 55.5 BB (VPIP: 36.69, PFR: 13.47, 3Bet Preflop: 0.87, Hands: 968)
CO: 73 BB (VPIP: 72.18, PFR: 1.01, 3Bet Preflop: 0.76, Hands: 1,408)

Hero posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has Q T

fold, CO calls 1 BB, fold, Hero raises to 4.5 BB, BB calls 3.5 BB, fold

Flop: (10 BB, 2 players) J 8 9


We flop the nuts against one of the better players on the site. Just looking for ideal post flop strategy here. Previous in the session, the vil had called a few times after I had isolated the fish, and then called when I bet the flop, then bet the turn and I folded. So, I felt he definitely had some floats in his range. That being said, my default was to bet the flop, and then check the turn and let him bluff. But then what? A check raise? That would seem too aggressive vs this player. Also considering, I've almost never managed to get even 2 streets of value vs this reg.
NL 10 How do we get max value vs this reg? Quote
06-24-2018 , 10:15 PM
This isn't a hand I'd ISO pre with from the sb

V in the hand isn't a good player, be's playing 72/1 lol..

Bet the flop, don't overthink it
NL 10 How do we get max value vs this reg? Quote
06-24-2018 , 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by nuxxx
V in the hand isn't a good player, be's playing 72/1 lol..

I agree with you but he's a bit better than 72/1.
NL 10 How do we get max value vs this reg? Quote
06-24-2018 , 10:28 PM
I’d just bet against what looks like your average passive micro regfish
NL 10 How do we get max value vs this reg? Quote
06-24-2018 , 11:01 PM
Originally Posted by .isolated

I agree with you but he's a bit better than 72/1.
Maybe I missed the sarcasm, for OPs sake I hope I did
NL 10 How do we get max value vs this reg? Quote
06-24-2018 , 11:13 PM
Starts with betting.
NL 10 How do we get max value vs this reg? Quote
06-24-2018 , 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by nuxxx
Maybe I missed the sarcasm, for OPs sake I hope I did
The 72/1 guy limp/folded. We're facing the BB.

OP, bet flop. Turn's whatever. I bet sometimes and x sometimes. Flip a coin.
NL 10 How do we get max value vs this reg? Quote
06-24-2018 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by .isolated
The 72/1 guy limp/folded. We're facing the BB.

OP, bet flop. Turn's whatever. I bet sometimes and x sometimes. Flip a coin.
Ah my bad, sorry op
NL 10 How do we get max value vs this reg? Quote
06-25-2018 , 02:15 AM
check raising as a default but betting is fine especially vs a passive one
NL 10 How do we get max value vs this reg? Quote
06-25-2018 , 07:13 AM
From villians stats he looks more on the passive side but could do with more stats. Just bet bet bet.

Also if he's never calling your value bets start bluffing more.

Preflop i think we can just complete given we are in small blind. Think ISOing the 72/1 IP would be fine
NL 10 How do we get max value vs this reg? Quote
06-25-2018 , 09:11 AM
Bet, bet, bet and add some bluffs when you are in hands with V, just don't over do it.
NL 10 How do we get max value vs this reg? Quote
