5 players seated
UTG limps (97BB), button limps(169BB), I check BB (135BB) with J

Flop (3.5BB): 7



checked to button who bets 18BB (they bet this size in the past with a wide range this was their standard size on flop), I call, UTG calls
Turn (57.5BB): 7

checked to button who bets 29BB, all folded
Do you think the turn should have been a call or a fold, also what do you believe the button is betting not sure if he really could be bluffing, think the UTG player had the Ace of hearts and gave it up or something like that
Also does a limp in the BB with this hand seem reasonable or should this be an open preflop
Last edited by puppyies; 07-31-2017 at 10:58 AM.
Reason: adding question