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Need some help! NL10 ZOOM 6MAX Need some help! NL10 ZOOM 6MAX

01-02-2014 , 09:52 AM
Hey ,Guys , I am a new poker player , just move to PokerStars and started to play NL10 ZOOM 6max. That 's the first try on ZOOM POKER.
Here are my question:

I have been play for a week and played about 58000 hands.
And my stats show I play even looser than co when I am in blinds .
Here are my stats:
SB 25.9 /18.8 /7.04/ 19.7
BB 23.9/ 10.0 /10.3/ NA
CO 21.0 /18.2 /4.70 /33.8
BTN 35.9 /30.6/ 6.45/ 26.7

And of course i lost a lot in blinds.
-39.46bb/100 in sb
-22.15bb/100 in bb.

Am I play too width in blinds?
what's stats is a proper one?
I ' ll be so happy if you can describe it in details ,especially about calling range and 3beting range.

another big problem is about 3betting pot:
for example , i get AKs and 3bet in blinds , flop show 7c9c2d ,villian fcb is about 50%, what 's my action? if i bet , what size is better?

Thank you for all your guys reading my threads.
ps: I am Chinese , and I am sorry if my poooor english make you confused.
Need some help! NL10 ZOOM 6MAX Quote
01-02-2014 , 09:59 AM
seems fine, i think you are defending a bit too much from the blinds
there aren't any proper stats, you should balance your VPIP with your PFR
Need some help! NL10 ZOOM 6MAX Quote
01-02-2014 , 10:04 AM
could you pls describe it in details?
maybe an example is better .
what's do you means about balance my VPIP and PFR?
btw , thx for your reply~ you are the first guy in my thread
Need some help! NL10 ZOOM 6MAX Quote
01-02-2014 , 10:35 AM
your range should be entirely dependent on how well you play your hands post flop. play as many hands as you're comfortable with.

you should be more aggressive PF.

in the hand you described, c/fing is usually the way to go.
Need some help! NL10 ZOOM 6MAX Quote
01-02-2014 , 11:22 AM
thank you for replying.
Need some help! NL10 ZOOM 6MAX Quote
