Originally Posted by Tiduspt
I've been having problems in order to tune my 3bet vs steal range vs tags essentialy. How should it look like?
Right now I 3bet AJs+ AQo+ TT+ some Axs, Kxs and some middle suited connectors.
I cold call with KTs+ KJo+ ATs AJo QJ 77+.
Obviously my light 3bet range is only added when I'm up against someone that folds at least 70%+. Since I currently play only 2NL there seems to be no need to balance ranges or anything.
Thanks in advance!
Why do you 3bet AJs and don't 3bet AJs?
AJs, is a much better cold calling hand especially if you are in the SB and there is a big fish on BB.
This is just an example, you need to think which hands have a better playability post flop and and those are much better to flat than those with a high equity preflop but with poor playability like AJo,KJo, low to mid pairs and stuff like that.