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Need help building my 3bet vs steal range Need help building my 3bet vs steal range

11-10-2014 , 04:52 AM
I've been having problems in order to tune my 3bet vs steal range vs tags essentialy. How should it look like?

Right now I 3bet AJs+ AQo+ TT+ some Axs, Kxs and some middle suited connectors.

I cold call with KTs+ KJo+ ATs AJo QJ 77+.

Obviously my light 3bet range is only added when I'm up against someone that folds at least 70%+. Since I currently play only 2NL there seems to be no need to balance ranges or anything.

Thanks in advance!
Need help building my 3bet vs steal range Quote
11-10-2014 , 07:26 AM
Originally Posted by Tiduspt
I've been having problems in order to tune my 3bet vs steal range vs tags essentialy. How should it look like?

Right now I 3bet AJs+ AQo+ TT+ some Axs, Kxs and some middle suited connectors.

I cold call with KTs+ KJo+ ATs AJo QJ 77+.

Obviously my light 3bet range is only added when I'm up against someone that folds at least 70%+. Since I currently play only 2NL there seems to be no need to balance ranges or anything.

Thanks in advance!
Why do you 3bet AJs and don't 3bet AJs?
AJs, is a much better cold calling hand especially if you are in the SB and there is a big fish on BB.
This is just an example, you need to think which hands have a better playability post flop and and those are much better to flat than those with a high equity preflop but with poor playability like AJo,KJo, low to mid pairs and stuff like that.
Need help building my 3bet vs steal range Quote
11-10-2014 , 08:22 AM
Depends on what positions you are vs which position.
Need help building my 3bet vs steal range Quote
11-10-2014 , 08:28 AM
it all on depends on weather the person you 3bet against is gonna fold a lot pre or not, if he plays good postflop, does he tend to stack of light, will he bluff in 3bet pots etc and how well you can play yourself in 3bet pots. Like 3betting AQo for value is good if btn is gonna call with a wide range but if hes folding a lot i prefer to flat those and play postflop where people tend to make a lot more mistakes. You need to figure out what kind of player your up against and adjust accordingly. there is no way somebody can tell you you need to 3bet this this and that and that is the most +ev.
Need help building my 3bet vs steal range Quote
