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01-28-2011 , 03:40 PM
So basically, I tried converting the hand history from my friends hand but it wont let me, it said something about "can't guess button" so I'll just break it down real quick, but basically I wanna know if he made a good call in terms of +EV or not...playing 2nl.

He was in small blind dealt K8o, and the first two players UTG limp in, followed by the button calling, and my friend(hero) completing the small blind and the BB checking...$.08 in pot so far.

flop came Qh, 8h, 2s...hero bets .06 into pot. 2 folds and its to the original limper. He raises it to .30. Hero 3-bets him to .56. Villain moves in for his last like, 1.26. Hero calls.

Villain turns over Jh 7h. Turn and river are blanks, hero takes the pot down.

Now obviously in terms of the hand itself it was a good call, but over all in terms of +EV, is it???

sorry it's so rugged, wouldn't let me post hand history thanks
My friend Quote
01-28-2011 , 03:44 PM
lets just say he plays 2nl for a reason...
My friend Quote
01-28-2011 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by subs
lets just say he plays 2nl for a reason...
i play it currently as well, and he was bragging about this being a smart play. "genius" in his terms. I'm wondering if maybe my logic is flawed and there is something I need to work on, or understand, or if I'm correcting in assuming that's a negative EV play...

I play 2nl to get better, and learn the fundamentals before trying to actually move up...
My friend Quote
01-28-2011 , 04:00 PM
no this is an awful play... i guess you are both correct though in a way... he is correct in that once he 3 bets the flop he has to call the 4 bet shove... but you are correct in that this is a terrible play and he should just fold to the initial flop raise
My friend Quote
01-28-2011 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by subs
no this is an awful play... i guess you are both correct though in a way... he is correct in that once he 3 bets the flop he has to call the 4 bet shove... but you are correct in that this is a terrible play and he should just fold to the initial flop raise

His "genius" was that he knew the guy was on a heart draw bluff....

which I don't see how...I can see the semi bluff raise on the flop maybe, but the guy shoved a 4-bet...that doesn't really scream "hearts" to me does it?

then again, I'm the one who wants to improve not him.
My friend Quote
01-28-2011 , 04:32 PM
My friend Quote
01-28-2011 , 04:34 PM
Get new friends, imo.
My friend Quote
01-28-2011 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by Geralt
i said 2nl.
My friend Quote
01-28-2011 , 05:53 PM
Limping in the SB with K8o with three early and late position limpers, then shoving your stack in with 2nd pair on the flop is not what I would call "genius."

Fold preflop. Why even argue with your friend about this? The only thing you, OP, need to work on is making notes of players that you see doing this kind of thing. We are all looking for more "friends" like this at the table.
My friend Quote
01-28-2011 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by bawksy
His "genius" was that he knew the guy was on a heart draw bluff....

which I don't see how...I can see the semi bluff raise on the flop maybe, but the guy shoved a 4-bet...that doesn't really scream "hearts" to me does it?

then again, I'm the one who wants to improve not him.
Running into the bottom of someone's range doesn't make you a genius.
My friend Quote
01-28-2011 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by thepaul1
Running into the bottom of someone's range doesn't make you a genius.
exactly this.
My friend Quote
01-28-2011 , 06:28 PM
This hand definitely does not make your friend an Einstein; maybe a Thomas Jefferson though.
My friend Quote
01-28-2011 , 06:31 PM
Can I be friends with him too? Maybe we can go to Foxwoods
My friend Quote
01-28-2011 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by thepaul1
Running into the bottom of someone's range doesn't make you a genius.

Thanks, that summed it up for me. I guess I was looking for a bit of confirmation here, to make sure that everything I've learned since browsing these forums for the month or so I've been here wasn't moot.

I struggle with some basic questions everyday. Let's say I even decide to play that hand, which I definitely wouldn't, but let's assume that I do,

with that board and everything, I fold to a raise everytime. So I'm actually losing the pot, but in the long term folding that same hand on that same board is +EV, right?
My friend Quote
01-28-2011 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by bawksy
Originally Posted by Geralt
i said 2nl.
made me lol
My friend Quote
01-28-2011 , 08:17 PM
So the other 20 times he's done this and ran into 22 that was just unlucky and the other guy was an idiot donk, right?

Basically when you call with everything, you'll look like a freaking genious about 5-10% of the time.
My friend Quote
