1-2 NL, 9 handed at MS
The two villains in this hand are relatively average live players, but the UTG+2 guy has some very strange tendencies - I've seen him limp-reraise pocket 2s from early position twice already, and both times he followed up with a big bet on the flop (as long as no high cards came) and announced something about protecting his hand. He also checked back the river on a A 10 2 7 8 three-flush board with A8 after I raised PF, bet flop and turn. Has also called a couple of small ($50-120) all-in bets with very weak, middle-low pair hands, so I don't think he's afraid of putting money in the pot. I don't know if anyone else can put anything together from these two hands, but he is generally a pretty loose player PF, does not have an aversion to big bets, and probably doesn't really have much of a clue about relative hand strengths.
The other villain (UTG) is an average player, no real significant reads on him except that he raises his straddles at least 50% of the time; last time he did he said he had 46o and I believe him.
UTG ($230) straddles to $4.
UTG+2 ($600) calls, a couple other MP players call, and I call $2 more with A
from the BB and $425.
UTG raises to $15, UTG+2 calls, one MP guy calls, and I call.
Pot is ~$70.
Flop: 3
I check, UTG checks, UTG+2 leads for $50, MP folds, I call, UTG calls.
Pot is now about $220, I have $360, UTG has $165, and UTG covers.
The turn is the A
This is where it becomes interesting. I'd usually just check here. But, while I'm deciding what to do, the UTG player checks, and then the UTG+2 checks. I say 'hey guys, I haven't acted yet.' What's my play here?
I'll post the turn action in a bit, I'd really like some input on what anyone else would do here - especially because the out of turn actions are VERY significant...