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Most amt of BI lost during a session of combined tilt/running bad (per table) Most amt of BI lost during a session of combined tilt/running bad (per table)
View Poll Results: Most amt of BI lost during a session of combined tilt/running bad
2 BI per table
8 13.79%
4 BI per table
10 17.24%
5-7 BI per table
13 22.41%
10+ BI?!?
27 46.55%

03-25-2008 , 05:26 PM
Lost 11k at a live 5/10 game once.
Most amt of BI lost during a session of combined tilt/running bad (per table) Quote
03-25-2008 , 05:28 PM
per table is the dumbest clause ever, i've lost 80k at 25/50 in a session, thats my worst.
Most amt of BI lost during a session of combined tilt/running bad (per table) Quote
03-25-2008 , 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by AAismyfriend
I lost 4 buyins at a live 2/5 game recently if it makes you feel better.
omfg you suck!
Most amt of BI lost during a session of combined tilt/running bad (per table) Quote
03-25-2008 , 05:59 PM
this poll would be better if the minimum was 10, then 15, 20, 30+
Most amt of BI lost during a session of combined tilt/running bad (per table) Quote
03-25-2008 , 06:02 PM
Most amt of BI lost during a session of combined tilt/running bad (per table) Quote
03-25-2008 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by noluck17
I don't know why, but I laughed out loud for at least 30 seconds when I saw this. Seriously.
Most amt of BI lost during a session of combined tilt/running bad (per table) Quote
03-25-2008 , 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by OwChS
C'mon guys, it's not that hard of a concept to grasp. All you do is take your biggest downswing for one day ever (think about how many tables you were playing that day and divide it by that #), to get your biggest loss per table.
If that is how you want to calculate it then your poll is way off.
The lowest you can pick is 2BIs/table.
Those are the losing sessions you must have for that to be true:
4 tabling = - 8BI
6 tabling = - 12 BI
8 tabling = - 16 BI
10 tabling = - 20 BI
12 tabling = - 24 BI
16 tabling = -32 BI

I never lost 12BIs in one session (long sessions/lots of tables).
Most players here will rarely lose 10 BIs. To choose 4BIs or more in the poll players have to go broke in a single day.
Most amt of BI lost during a session of combined tilt/running bad (per table) Quote
03-25-2008 , 06:08 PM
If that is Hovz... cosmo told me he once lost 16 BI one day when he was running bad. Cosmo likes to @ss kiss a lot of SC'ers who plays poker.

I certainly do feel better now thans to AAIsMyFriend :]
Most amt of BI lost during a session of combined tilt/running bad (per table) Quote
03-25-2008 , 06:18 PM
12.5 @ 600
Most amt of BI lost during a session of combined tilt/running bad (per table) Quote
03-25-2008 , 06:33 PM
11 @ 400
Most amt of BI lost during a session of combined tilt/running bad (per table) Quote
03-25-2008 , 06:33 PM
Seriously... the guy flopped a set 4 times, turned a boat twice, rivered quads once, and still made the most horrible bluffs at the wrong time against me and told me I was a fish. He told everyone he got QQ/AA/AQ/KK back to back to back to back.

I think the board was:

AXX 3 spades... 4-5 way pot I had raised w/ KQo (K of spade on the button), of course I chk the button, turn comes K... and the monkey fires out $75. I call, river comes A non-spade, and he fires out $250... the pot PF was like $30 x 5 + $150 on the turn.

Then when I call he's like "STUPID! THAT WAS SO STUPID I KNOW HE CALLS EVERYTHING!!!" and I say "show your cards sir" and he shows some **** like 64o w/ a 6 of spade. But he was so easy to read because he v-bet everytime he had a hand and over-bet everytime he was bluffing.

I didn't flop a set once.. he just put me on tilt so bad and if the board was like... KxQK9 w/ a flush draw on the end, some guy would bet when the flush completed, he'd raise and the guy would be like "lol.. what do you have, K9 or something?" and be like "alright ill pay you off once" and then the Asian guy would say "OMG YOU'RE SO GOOD at poker, YOU ARE A MASTER AT READING HOW DID YOU KNOW I HAD K9? " and i'm like... omg that's like the most obvious read in the world.

-.-, lol

Last edited by Mike Haven; 03-25-2008 at 06:53 PM.
Most amt of BI lost during a session of combined tilt/running bad (per table) Quote
03-25-2008 , 07:35 PM
live poker is rigged dog, you'll learn that one of these days
Most amt of BI lost during a session of combined tilt/running bad (per table) Quote
