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Micro's Zoom 6max: SB range Micro's Zoom 6max: SB range

01-08-2019 , 08:30 PM
I started out defining a base game plan to open for the different positions based on what Verneer proposed some years ago in his building a bankroll series and verified it on the forum and made some adjustments. That worked out quite well. The blinds were still on my to do list. So:

I looked into Carroters 'how to master 6max Zoom' and Pokersnowie and they propose the ranges here below:

Carroters proposes to not having a completing range and to not give too much credit to limpers, He states this range is unbalanced and not really defendable but that's not too important for the stakes I'm going to use it. The range gets his strength based on fold equity.

Pokersnowie takes an approach which doensn't look that standard to use as a default (in NL2 zoom). it completes very wide with a small raising range. Not sure I can use it that readily.

Verneer's range is more default.The red part is his standard opening range or what he completes when there is already a limper. The blue part is his what he open raises with a limper. This should result in a range that flops well and dominates the limper's range.

I don't know where I got the info to open with more or less your CO or BU range. But if we take that and the above ranges together I would go for something looking like this:

I took Verneer's opening raise w limper to use accordingly. I added my button's range to open in other cases: I think 3x is good a betsize. 2.5x would made it profitable for BB to call wide. at 3x it needs to succeed more but at NL2 BB's aren't defended that much anyway. I might need to review later but as long as I am where I am it's good I guess. I had one color left and thought to define some standard 3bet range so I have whole the SB-plan in one chart. A 3bet-or-fold strategy from the SB is pretty standard as far as I know. Of course there are exceptions with a weak passive BB, implied odds, ....
The 3betting range falls within the ‘open w limper’ range which falls within the open range.

Any thoughts ?

I think I might need to trim the opening range in general: I just took my BU range as my CO-range is too tight (for the sake of keeping things simple which actually is an invalid reason). That leaves it at this:

Thanks for your opinions and my apologies for probably some broken english here and there...
Micro's Zoom 6max: SB range Quote
01-08-2019 , 09:23 PM
Da war aber jemand fleißig

at the Moment i Play CO / BTN / SB very dynamic. i.e. my sb Chart in total is about 55%. But vs a decent Villain i open only 40ish%. Against a BB who is overfolding i open 100%... on NL 25 zoom i end up opening more then 50% on average from the SB. pretty much all non regs overfold pre or overfold flop.

since snowie likes limping from the sb but it is a somewhat complicated strategy i checked all Combos for expected value and all Combos from my 55% range are +ev according to snowie.

also i think you can size down against Players who fold alot in the BB because they just dont care...

you should also figure out how to react when BB 3 bets... what Hands to fold, what Hands to call, what Hands to 4 bet

aaand i dislike that 3 bet range SB vs EP...

i hope Carroters vids are working for u.
Micro's Zoom 6max: SB range Quote
01-08-2019 , 10:18 PM
I need some base plan to deviate from. I am getting desperate as I can't seem to turn things around.

Maybe it's better to stick to 2.5x then. yes.

What don't you like about the 3 bet range vs UTG (took it from the grinders manual) ?

BvB is the next step

Carroters vids are defintely useful but I'm not sure he made enough vids to compensate for all the hands I mess up.

Last edited by Nachtwerk; 01-08-2019 at 10:24 PM.
Micro's Zoom 6max: SB range Quote
01-08-2019 , 10:35 PM
88-TT are not very easy to Play oop against a strong EP range. Villian will flat alot IP and not 4 bet too much... he will usually just flat with QQ/JJ a lot of times... with any Axs you can always outflop Villain and you block some of his strongest Holdings...

it is fine to use multiple sizings , depending on villain. on the button i use 2.5bb as Default and against good aggressive regs i minraise to induce smaller 3 bets (it does not work always, many still 3 bet to 9 /10 bb) . If we Play 3 bet pots IP as the caller we want the spr to be as large as possible ...
Micro's Zoom 6max: SB range Quote
01-09-2019 , 06:42 AM
I experimented with a limping strat based on Snowie for a few years. It was "interesting", but I don't think it makes as much money as opening with a standard strat in the micros.
I generally use 2.5bb at 2NLz and 5NLz, but 3bb at 10NLz+, and my range is more or less the same as I open on the button.
Anything from about 38% to 55% can work, but paying attention to the player in the BB is important. Steal more often from nits obv.
Micro's Zoom 6max: SB range Quote
01-09-2019 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by Zuko
88-TT are not very easy to Play oop against a strong EP range. Villian will flat alot IP and not 4 bet too much... he will usually just flat with QQ/JJ a lot of times... with any Axs you can always outflop Villain and you block some of his strongest Holdings...
I don't have the book with me but aren't we just giving up most of the time we don't hit our set ? Would you ditch 88-99 to add AJs for example or am I missing the point here ? What range would you go for ?
Micro's Zoom 6max: SB range Quote
01-09-2019 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by Nachtwerk
I don't have the book with me but aren't we just giving up most of the time we don't hit our set ? Would you ditch 88-99 to add AJs for example or am I missing the point here ? What range would you go for ?
when 3 betting oop a pocket your plan should not be to give up when not hitting a set. it is fine to flat some hands from sb vs ep. EP has a much stronger range which will lead to less overcalling / squeezing from the BB. one reason we usuallly dont flat from the sb is because we dont want the BB to overcall or squeeze.

as a default i 3 bet JJ+/ ATs+ /KQs /some Axs combos (Villain dependent) SBvsEP.
Micro's Zoom 6max: SB range Quote
01-09-2019 , 06:57 PM
You are putting too much trouble in a spot that you shouldn't be worrying that much...

At the micros, they don't defend enough.. that's it.. for the last 10+years it is exactly the same.

Even if you do want to open 60% of your range and cbet almost all flops, you will have something like -20bb/100 in general at the SB, and that's is awesome!

And will probably be up in your open raise range at the SB.

Don't worry that much to have an specific range, keep track at your steal stat at HM2 or PT4..
Micro's Zoom 6max: SB range Quote
01-09-2019 , 07:42 PM
i think it is totally fine to workout and learn a default strategy and then to deviate from it... just klicking buttons is probably not gonna make you go anywhere.
Micro's Zoom 6max: SB range Quote
01-09-2019 , 09:32 PM
Yep, I try to do so to avoid making preflop mistakes. I like to start out solid preflop, there is always room to butcher these good openings postflop. Only opening decent ranges gives me plenty opportunity to mess things up postflop anyway.

So what about this ? Ditched some lower PP to keep more or less the same amount of combo's.
Micro's Zoom 6max: SB range Quote
01-09-2019 , 10:19 PM
extra question: how far should I consider opening up vs 3bets from CO/BU ? Would adding the "open with limpers" range to the 3bet range be a good idea ?
Micro's Zoom 6max: SB range Quote
01-09-2019 , 11:31 PM
i would ditch A9s and use A5s so you can flop some Gutshots with Bdfd.

you should open up alot vs co and bu. snowies ranges there are pretty solid...

as a default i 3 bet 16.6% sb vs bu . thats 55+ any suited broadway. Any Axs , K9s-J9s. i ditch KTo/QTo/QJo/JTo ...
Micro's Zoom 6max: SB range Quote
01-09-2019 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by Nachtwerk
extra question: how far should I consider opening up vs 3bets from CO/BU ? Would adding the "open with limpers" range to the 3bet range be a good idea ?
i dont understand. who 3 bets ? you in sb or CO vs who?
Micro's Zoom 6max: SB range Quote
01-09-2019 , 11:41 PM
Originally Posted by Nachtwerk
Yep, I try to do so to avoid making preflop mistakes. I like to start out solid preflop, there is always room to butcher these good openings postflop. Only opening decent ranges gives me plenty opportunity to mess things up postflop anyway.

So what about this ? Ditched some lower PP to keep more or less the same amount of combo's.
Just noticed... Add Q7s-97s and 86s, 75, 64s and ditch J8o and T8o
generally suited hands have more ev ... even hands like 85s, 96s or Q6s perform better than T8o
Micro's Zoom 6max: SB range Quote
01-10-2019 , 12:22 AM
Originally Posted by Zuko
i dont understand. who 3 bets ? you in sb or CO vs who?
I meant sb 3bet vs steal, you already answered in the post above.. Thank you !

Looks better and better I guess...
Micro's Zoom 6max: SB range Quote
