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Micro Leak assistants please! Micro Leak assistants please!

01-15-2015 , 12:35 AM
Most of my sessions I win money at showdown but not enough to make up for what I am losing at non showdown. I have to give up many raised hands on the flop after a cbet or without. Its causing me to spew money constantly as I am not getting enough value hands to showdown. I am cbetting 72 percent and only getting 44 percent success. This shows in my WWSF which is only at 43 percent

Also I am wondering if folding to 3b is a weakness. I am folding to 3b 71 percent of the time and seems a lot is coming from the blinds when I have weak holdings on the BTN or CO.

From anybody with experience with this how do you deal with these issue?
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01-15-2015 , 12:38 AM
All those numbers sound fairly normal to me.

If you aren't getting enough value hands to showdown, due to v folding, consider semi bluffing more.
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01-15-2015 , 12:50 AM
Originally Posted by iocane
All those numbers sound fairly normal to me.

If you aren't getting enough value hands to showdown, due to v folding, consider semi bluffing more.
I end up checking turn a lot of times as I have no hand and fear getting called down by stations which happens most of the time. my turn cbet is only at 38 percent.
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01-15-2015 , 02:04 AM
What are your PFR stats per position?

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01-15-2015 , 02:12 AM
I know many microstakes guides say not to double barrel; however, I have found it incredibly effective against CERTAIN opponents. Set your hud to show fold to turn bet percentages. Pick your board wisely as well. That turned my redline around like crazy. Also, I believe it has helped my image to where I get some ridiculous payoffs.

Last edited by B52Bummer; 01-15-2015 at 02:23 AM.
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01-15-2015 , 02:13 AM
post stats for position for sure
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01-15-2015 , 02:42 AM
Originally Posted by The Bukafax
I end up checking turn a lot of times as I have no hand and fear getting called down by stations which happens most of the time. my turn cbet is only at 38 percent.
If you are continually getting called down by stations why are you not getting more value out of your strong hands?
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01-15-2015 , 04:51 AM
71% cbet is too high, but could be good at these stakes.

Post your positional stats over a fairly meaningful sample (~50k hands).
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01-15-2015 , 06:06 AM
Yeah post some stats. At micros its normal to lose at non showdown! You cant bluff at this limits and u should concentrate on the fish and play for Value.
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01-15-2015 , 07:17 AM
Just want to point out that 44% cbet success rate is above the line assuming you cbet 2/3 pot you only need a success rate of 40%
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01-15-2015 , 07:51 AM
I have to give up many raised hands on the flop after a cbet or without. Its causing me to spew money constantly as I am not getting enough value hands to showdown.
Be more selective with your c-bets with board textures and type of villain you are against. C-betting dry boards vs weak-passive players should be done 100% of the time since they are looking to play fit or fold postflop. Vs some decent regs they will be aware that you can't call a raise on a dry board if you missed so they can bluff raise you some of the times. Plan ahead and figure out which turn cards you should or shouldn't double barrel and think about your perceived range vs villain's ranges.

I am cbetting 72 percent and only getting 44 percent success. This shows in my WWSF which is only at 43 percent
C-bet seems slightly high, just pick your boards and villains better. You can also check some top pair hands and delay c-bet and get weaker hands to call turn and river bets.

I am folding to 3b 71 percent of the time and seems a lot is coming from the blinds when I have weak holdings on the BTN or CO.
71% is too nitty and you are either opening way too much from CO+BTN which I doubt, or you just aren't defending enough. Any reg w/ a hud that sees your Fv3B will just be printing money 3b'ing you with ATC.
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01-15-2015 , 08:06 AM
The number one play of the tagfish is to bet one and done. To decrease this number you must increase the times where you bet 0 streets postflop and the times where you bet 2 streets postflop. So start giving up straight away on more hands, stop betting like Q86fd with A9o, and don't also be afraid to check back A3o on A72 type boards. One huge thing that helped me in this regard was the way I played my 2nd pair type hands and differentiating between the types of 2nd pair. Checking back KK is very similar to checking back A3 on the A72, but you should be much more inclined to bet 88 given the threat of a 2nd overcard falling with a hand like this.

Just a small handful of instances that you will want to look at, overall concept is stop betting one and done so much. It is not weak to give up on the hand on the flop in low equity situations. Just as it is not strong to bet too mediocre of a hand for value on the flop.
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01-15-2015 , 08:27 AM
Originally Posted by fatNsweaty
I am folding to 3b 71 percent of the time and seems a lot is coming from the blinds when I have weak holdings on the BTN or CO.
71% is too nitty and you are either opening way too much from CO+BTN which I doubt, or you just aren't defending enough. Any reg w/ a hud that sees your Fv3B will just be printing money 3b'ing you with ATC.
+1 to this. I've recently started playing €20nl and for some reason most of the regs on there have a ridiculous fold to 3bet stat (>80%) as well as very low 3bet. Red line has gone through the roof.
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01-15-2015 , 09:19 AM
Originally Posted by FTWStrategy
The number one play of the tagfish is to bet one and done. To decrease this number you must increase the times where you bet 0 streets postflop and the times where you bet 2 streets
I really like this. I think it's key to work out which players will, say, fold third pair once two overs are on the board and which won't. I've had lots of times when I've cbet a K high flop, been called, barrelled an A OTT, given up on the river and been shown something like a pair of 9s. Comes down to the whole not bluffing calling stations thing I guess
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01-15-2015 , 09:29 AM
Originally Posted by The Bukafax

Also I am wondering if folding to 3b is a weakness. I am folding to 3b 71 percent of the time and seems a lot is coming from the blinds when I have weak holdings on the BTN or CO.
OP what does your 3b calling range look like from BTN/CO vs blinds? When we call I think we have to sometimes be creative post flop and use position. Especially vs someone with a high 3b from blinds percentage. If the flop really misses their range then it can be worth floating and they'll often give up OTT.

Do you ever 4b bluff against players who 3b loads from blinds vs a steal?

I struggle here too to be honest
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01-15-2015 , 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by wonkydonk
I really like this. I think it's key to work out which players will, say, fold third pair once two overs are on the board and which won't. I've had lots of times when I've cbet a K high flop, been called, barrelled an A OTT, given up on the river and been shown something like a pair of 9s. Comes down to the whole not bluffing calling stations thing I guess
What you described is an understandably frustrating yet natural and more importantly necessary part of a winning poker strategy. To assume that someone will call in a spot like that with 99 is a mistake, and for them to call without sufficient reads on your barreling tendencies (which likely few people have) is an even bigger mistake. So to make what one would call a "standard play" and get shown a non standard play is quite alright, the key is how you proceed from there. Some people will still keep barreling out of the principle of "Well it was a good scare card". Where a top player will immediately adjust, remove the cbets out of their range that have really poor equity, probably would need something like a gutter to the nuts to want to cbet at least, and be left with high equity hands for betting and a lot of weak hands in a checking range.
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01-15-2015 , 10:04 AM
Will post positional stats when I get home.
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01-15-2015 , 04:27 PM
After reading the responses I realized I misunderstood op. I thought he said he wasn't getting to showdown because Vs were folding too much, not that he was getting pushed off his hand. Ignore my first response
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