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Micro Forum November Prop Bet, Who Plays Most hands 250k+?? Come bet with me!! Micro Forum November Prop Bet, Who Plays Most hands 250k+?? Come bet with me!!

11-12-2008 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by Tumaterminator
il take action on joey pm me
nononono, i want joey.90

Micro Forum November Prop Bet, Who Plays Most hands 250k+?? Come bet with me!! Quote
11-12-2008 , 04:31 PM

Hollyoaks > 90210
Micro Forum November Prop Bet, Who Plays Most hands 250k+?? Come bet with me!! Quote
11-12-2008 , 04:57 PM
Chicago joey - i'll take action on not getting to 650k hands.

$200 - quote to confirm.
Micro Forum November Prop Bet, Who Plays Most hands 250k+?? Come bet with me!! Quote
11-12-2008 , 05:02 PM
i believe its 600k sir.
Micro Forum November Prop Bet, Who Plays Most hands 250k+?? Come bet with me!! Quote
11-12-2008 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by richbrown360

Hollyoaks > 90210
Whoa - who are they!? Yummeh!
Micro Forum November Prop Bet, Who Plays Most hands 250k+?? Come bet with me!! Quote
11-12-2008 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by Damntra
I can only imagine what you'd come up with if I had written "Humphrey Bogart." *shakehead*
The local train system is called BART for Bay Area Rapid Transit. The free shuttle thingy the runs you from the hinterlands to the train station used to be called Humphrey GoBart.

No, really.

(Just imagine what the train system in Fresno is called!)

Originally Posted by noidea555
lol, you're not close. And from that list, I know who Frank Sinatra is, cuz I am from New Jersey
Micro Forum November Prop Bet, Who Plays Most hands 250k+?? Come bet with me!! Quote
11-12-2008 , 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by KurtSF
The local train system is called BART for Bay Area Rapid Transit. The free shuttle thingy the runs you from the hinterlands to the train station used to be called Humphrey GoBart.

No, really.

(Just imagine what the train system in Fresno is called!)


Painful, so painful.
Micro Forum November Prop Bet, Who Plays Most hands 250k+?? Come bet with me!! Quote
11-12-2008 , 06:54 PM
My wife says I have the sense of humor of a 6th grade teacher.

I insist I am simply misunderstood.
Micro Forum November Prop Bet, Who Plays Most hands 250k+?? Come bet with me!! Quote
11-12-2008 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by KurtSF
My wife says I have the sense of humor of a 6th grade teacher.

I insist I am simply misunderstood.
I feel sorry for your wife and think she's just trying to make you feel better.
Micro Forum November Prop Bet, Who Plays Most hands 250k+?? Come bet with me!! Quote
11-12-2008 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by notontilt09
nononono, i want joey.90

why do you have .90 after each sentence
Micro Forum November Prop Bet, Who Plays Most hands 250k+?? Come bet with me!! Quote
11-12-2008 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by Daxonovitch
You know, I snipped out the reasons that I thought the bet was shady because I felt no need to drag people on the forums to your level, and I thought that you felt the same way, but, fine:

1) You never sent money to Berge20. Of course not. YOU posted that you sent berge20 1500 which was a lie as the money bounced! I asked berge and he said he had not received from you. I was sending as soon as you sent. so your 1st point is bs
2) Your post history is full of flaming people and idiocy - you're not what I would call a "respected poster". You've been involved in multiple bickering matches with people here. Yeah sorry that i dont take peoples bull****. I say what i want and do what i want. If you dont like it dont read it. pretty simple to understand but i know some people are ******ed. Also are you stating i have 900 posts of "LOL" youre a moron. Also i dont need to be a respected poster! thats not apart of the deal. we are making a bet. your the one that BACKED out of a booked bet! your shady as ****! The money was being escrowed. I could be a serial killer typing this at the prison library! doesnt ****ing matter because money is escrowed ******. Then you said you didnt trust berge? you were the one that mentioned you only wanted to go with him. You're a moron
3) You originally offered me $600/200, then changed your mind - Why, because you were sharing action with someone else? I asked for more, and *told* you that it was 2000:666, but let you know that I didn't have money on stars, so it would take me a couple days to deposit. Apparently this was some sort of problem for you. I showed Berge20 I even had deposited the money (we even played some microlimit razz while we were talking). Again, let me reiterate that you never sent money to escrow either (when you said you had). Yes i did offer 200$ at first because ive cashed out right before i knew about this bet. Ive also lost 2k in poker already and ive put up another 1k in other bets. So I figure i make another small bet. Then you mentioned you wanted to bet 3600 to my 1200. Fine no problem i started to get more money on stars. then you back out of that. thats fine because we didnt have a bet. Then you said 2k at least for 666$. I said ok no problem. We BOOKED the bet! YOU CONFIRMED BET IS BOOKED! You then posted you sent to berge. Now of course before i send im going to ask berge if you sent and you did not so i started asking whats going on. If anything is shady here its you betting 2k and then backing out. Dont come to vegas. ever.
4) I asked Joey to move the pillow (which was blocking the webcam), he said no.
You have no right to ask him anything. Your a nobody. you werent betting you were just some person trying to make him dance on the webcam. Hes working. Hes busy. Now i can understand if you have money escrowed on this bet then yeah you can say hey i dont see your face or something can you move the cam or something.
5) Berge20 seems like a respectable enough guy, but I am not going to escrow him an amount that is nearly half his bankroll. No offense to Berge, but this board has enough "so and so stole my money" posts.
I trust berge20 and have the upmost respect for him and his game. Im sorry berge you got dragged through this.

As I mentioned, none of these reasons by themselves are reason to "back out" of the bet, but I am careful with my money and have no desire to be chasing down people over the internet. I offered to lower the bet amount to something I felt was more reasonable (ie, that I wouldn't be pissed off about getting angled out of).
I declined this because im pretty ****ing tired of just talking to you. firends and i were laughing at your pm's because you act like your 12 years old lol. I want to have nothing to do with you. Also why get in a bet if you WERENT POSITIVE ABOUT IT! dont book a bet if you wont go through with it.

If you feel as though I am backing down, fine, but nothing has changed from yesterday to the day before. CJ was on pace for 589k when I booked the bet, and was on pace for 583k when I made other arrangements. I am still pleased with my bet, just not the circumstances around the arrangement.

gfy you are just a ******
I think money is worth being careful with, and I'm willing to take the abuse if the potential to be scammed is there.
To summerize, u suck.
Micro Forum November Prop Bet, Who Plays Most hands 250k+?? Come bet with me!! Quote
11-12-2008 , 07:29 PM
I think that actually sums things up pretty well lol

90210 is on many websites that stream tv shows check that out lol just a pic from that other show she was on before but u see much of this

Micro Forum November Prop Bet, Who Plays Most hands 250k+?? Come bet with me!! Quote
11-12-2008 , 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by Damntra
Whoa - who are they!? Yummeh!
do a google IMG search for "Hollyoaks" mmmmmm. Its a soap thats on every week day in the UK.

Whens the next up date?
Micro Forum November Prop Bet, Who Plays Most hands 250k+?? Come bet with me!! Quote
11-12-2008 , 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by partypoker123
To summerize, u suck.
That's more like it
Micro Forum November Prop Bet, Who Plays Most hands 250k+?? Come bet with me!! Quote
11-12-2008 , 09:42 PM
Originally Posted by HappyPixel
why do you have .90 after each sentence
CJ will get it.90

and anyone that's played 100nl w/ him in the past few days.90

Micro Forum November Prop Bet, Who Plays Most hands 250k+?? Come bet with me!! Quote
11-12-2008 , 11:19 PM
lmaoooooooooooooo lolll

edit seriously cant stop laughing at your posts kid
Micro Forum November Prop Bet, Who Plays Most hands 250k+?? Come bet with me!! Quote
11-12-2008 , 11:45 PM
Originally Posted by notontilt09
CJ will get it.90

and anyone that's played 100nl w/ him in the past few days.90

Micro Forum November Prop Bet, Who Plays Most hands 250k+?? Come bet with me!! Quote
11-13-2008 , 12:44 AM
if you played 100nl with me lately you would understand his post lol
Micro Forum November Prop Bet, Who Plays Most hands 250k+?? Come bet with me!! Quote
11-13-2008 , 01:26 AM
Originally Posted by ChicagoJoey
if you played 100nl with me lately you would understand his post lol
I have, I saw you SS earlier I think? I need to pay more attention.
Micro Forum November Prop Bet, Who Plays Most hands 250k+?? Come bet with me!! Quote
11-13-2008 , 01:29 AM
i was a SS for like 3 hands lol then i turned auto reloaded back on, def havent shortstacked this month though, can make way more full stacking imo
Micro Forum November Prop Bet, Who Plays Most hands 250k+?? Come bet with me!! Quote
11-13-2008 , 02:23 AM
Im still trying to figure out how Ive played 25k hands of 100NL and 15k hands of 50NL and dont have one single hand with joey. Guess I play at odd peak times?
Micro Forum November Prop Bet, Who Plays Most hands 250k+?? Come bet with me!! Quote
11-13-2008 , 02:38 AM
people say the same thing to me also. You have to realize theres soooooooo many tables running. if you search him then find the tables hes playing on then you can go and sit at those tables and play with cj
Micro Forum November Prop Bet, Who Plays Most hands 250k+?? Come bet with me!! Quote
11-13-2008 , 03:57 AM
Originally Posted by jasons0147
Im still trying to figure out how Ive played 25k hands of 100NL and 15k hands of 50NL and dont have one single hand with joey. Guess I play at odd peak times?
You were both on one of my tables today at the same time, just different tables :P
Micro Forum November Prop Bet, Who Plays Most hands 250k+?? Come bet with me!! Quote
11-13-2008 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by jasons0147
Im still trying to figure out how Ive played 25k hands of 100NL and 15k hands of 50NL and dont have one single hand with joey. Guess I play at odd peak times?
I have played more than 2K hands against Joey this month. If you play several fast tables of NL 50 or 100, it's difficult not to play against him these days.
Micro Forum November Prop Bet, Who Plays Most hands 250k+?? Come bet with me!! Quote
11-13-2008 , 01:12 PM
That could be part of it, I dont play fast tables at all. Also, the games have been to soft for me to be searching out regs
Micro Forum November Prop Bet, Who Plays Most hands 250k+?? Come bet with me!! Quote
