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@@@*** May 2015 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ @@@*** May 2015 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@

05-15-2015 , 05:51 AM
Someone posted a very large graph in one of the monthly goals threads a few months back.
@@@*** May 2015 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ Quote
05-15-2015 , 08:08 AM
Originally Posted by mottotom27
From what i heard, yibo is like the microstakes equivalent of gus hansen at high stakes. gus lost 14mil at high stakes and it sounds like yibo is losing at a similar rate for the micros. jw does anyone actually know how much yibo has lost overall?
hes loses around 2.5k-4k each month but wins post rb.
@@@*** May 2015 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ Quote
05-15-2015 , 09:57 AM
Originally Posted by CRP90
hes loses around 2.5k-4k each month but wins post rb.
wins post rakeback how is that even possible? he'd have to be playing like 500k hands/month and i can't see how anyone can possibly achieve such ridiculous volume
@@@*** May 2015 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ Quote
05-15-2015 , 10:08 AM
Funnily enough that's exactly what he does.
@@@*** May 2015 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ Quote
05-15-2015 , 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by Mzbourg
Funnily enough that's exactly what he does.
500k hands really? more or less? why the hell would someone put in such an insaaaane amount of volume just for a small amount of rakeback earnings? with that volume he could potentially earn like 10x as much just if he hired a coach for a short while or subscribed to a training site rather than mindlessly grinding countless hours and not improving anything about his game.

he sounds like someone with no common sense at all, daft
@@@*** May 2015 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ Quote
05-15-2015 , 11:06 AM
I'm not sure anymore but not long ago Rosh broke down how much he would be winning with rb and it's quite a bit. I imagine it's worth a lot more in China.
@@@*** May 2015 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ Quote
05-15-2015 , 11:45 AM
you're probably right but nonetheless if he uses some of his 15hrs/day he spends grinding aimlessly and puts that time into becoming a better poker player, then he can have a winrate AND make decent rakeback which should help China even more!
@@@*** May 2015 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ Quote
05-15-2015 , 11:46 AM
On the other hand that's bad for us if the losing players start becoming good
@@@*** May 2015 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ Quote
05-15-2015 , 11:52 AM
Well no reg is good for the game. Even if he's a -2bb loser. Doesn't add to the poker economy.
@@@*** May 2015 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ Quote
05-15-2015 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by LordRiverRat
Well no reg is good for the game. Even if he's a -2bb loser. Doesn't add to the poker economy.
Your good for my game
@@@*** May 2015 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ Quote
05-15-2015 , 02:10 PM
@@@*** May 2015 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ Quote
05-15-2015 , 02:48 PM
Shots fired pew pew pew.
@@@*** May 2015 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ Quote
05-15-2015 , 06:23 PM
in b4 spelling correction
@@@*** May 2015 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ Quote
05-15-2015 , 08:56 PM
Originally Posted by Mzbourg
Shots fired pew pew pew.
Over 7 hours since shots fired and no response yet. Disappointed.
@@@*** May 2015 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ Quote
05-15-2015 , 09:59 PM
when i become a 1knl beast then everyone will be good for my game! first shot fired, come at me!
@@@*** May 2015 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ Quote
05-15-2015 , 11:32 PM
Originally Posted by Husker
Over 7 hours since shots fired and no response yet. Disappointed.
He got me so hard I was in the hospital and just got out.

couldn't think of anything witty enough
@@@*** May 2015 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ Quote
05-16-2015 , 02:06 AM
I play 1knl and I still don't like you guys.

except mzbourg
@@@*** May 2015 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ Quote
05-16-2015 , 03:50 AM
Originally Posted by pitapita
I play 1knl and I still don't like you guys.

except mzbourg
1knl, show off lol
@@@*** May 2015 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ Quote
05-16-2015 , 03:56 AM
how long would it take a part-time grinder playing 50k hands/month to reach 1knl out of interest? for me (at 10nl right now) i'm thinking 4 years:

end of this year - 50nl
2 years - 200nl
3 years - 500nl
4 years - 1knl

does this seem like a reasonable estimate of the speed of progress someone can make playing 600k hands/yr? i dream of being a 1knl beast like you pita, just wondering how far from reality i actually am?
@@@*** May 2015 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ Quote
05-16-2015 , 04:29 AM
If you are talking about winning all the way then most will neve reach it. Most will never even reach 100nl.
@@@*** May 2015 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ Quote
05-16-2015 , 05:48 AM
i disagree with you dogarse and let me explain why. once i can beat 10nl, then i should be able to figure out how to beat 25nl too. and once i've done that, then with a bit of work, help from a coach and i can beat 50nl. i can just slowly work my way up the stakes until eventually i can make it to 1knl. if it means having to hire some coaches, subscribe to training sites etc. then so be it.

thing is, there's always room for improvement. there's no cap on the limit that one can achieve, you can always move up. players who just stop and don't continue moving up either can't be bothered continuing to learn and improve or are just already comfortable at the stakes they are at. others destroy their potential to improve by tilting and mentally not having the right poker mindset (another thing that can easily be fixed just by taking some time away from the tables to work on the mental and psychological side of poker)

us 2p2ers are intelligent people, and intelligence is one of the attributes of a potentially good poker player. i reckon it's possible for anyone of us to get there with the right mindset and work ethic. i'm not saying it will be easy, but then that's poker, it's not meant to be an easy lifestyle.

saying "oh well most people never make it" is one way to limit your potential. you shouldn't think like that, you should believe in yourself and say "i can become one of the best!" since there's no need to cap your potential. most people never make it because most people don't try. don't become one of those people, you're better than that. believe in yourself, and don't hold back!

Edit: also, if pita can do it, why can't we? if a pita bread can crush 1knl, then shouldn't any one of us be able to as well?
@@@*** May 2015 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ Quote
05-16-2015 , 07:18 AM
1) winning at 10nl compared to winning at 1knl is like playing in a local soccer comp and playing in the epl
2) poker is slowly dying and becoming harder and harder moving up stakes from small stakes onwards takes a huge leap in ability and understanding
@@@*** May 2015 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ Quote
05-16-2015 , 07:54 AM
Originally Posted by CRP90
1) winning at 10nl compared to winning at 1knl is like playing in a local soccer comp and playing in the epl
2) poker is slowly dying and becoming harder and harder moving up stakes from small stakes onwards takes a huge leap in ability and understanding
i'm not comparing 10nl directly to 1knl, obviously 1knl regs are much, much better than 10nl regs. i'm more comparing 5nl to 10nl to say 500nl to 1knl. someone who can beat 500nl already has a much higher skill level than a 5nl since they've played for longer and moved up more of the limits so have more experience under their belt.

i'm sure there will be some examples of players who've seamlessly drifted from 500nl to 1knl, but had more of a hard time getting their grips around 5nl in order to make the move to 10nl when they were starting out. what i'm saying is that each jump between stakes is less dependent on the actual skill level of the players at each limit, but more the difference in skill levels between them. you hear of people saying stuff like "yeah the jump between 25 and 50 is way easier than 10 to 25" for example.

i'd expect this difference in skill level to actually decrease rather than increase as the stakes increase. like on average, players at $500/$1000 aren't gonna be 100 times as skilled as players at $5/$10 are they? so this should mean the difference in difficulty between stakes should decrease rather than increase as the stakes increase
@@@*** May 2015 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ Quote
05-16-2015 , 08:30 AM
I think you way underestimate just how tough poker is in 2015.
@@@*** May 2015 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ Quote
05-16-2015 , 08:30 AM
id be willing to bet anyone that is beating 1knl today is far beyond any skill cap someone beating 10nl has. i known u are trying to optimistic but i just don;t think you understand just how hard it is to go from 50nl to 100nl and thus up and up again and be constantly beating the top 0.5% of players in the world.
@@@*** May 2015 - Goals / Progress / Results Thread ***@@@ Quote
