Poker Stars $0.25/$0.50 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players
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BB: $55.90
Hero (UTG): $53.95
MP: $50.00
CO: $190.95
BTN: $50.00
SB: $43.70
Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is UTG with J

Hero raises to $2,
3 folds, SB calls $1.75, BB calls $1.50
Flop: ($6.00) J


(3 players)
SB checks,
BB bets $2, Hero calls $2, SB calls $2
Turn: ($12.00) K
(3 players)
SB checks, BB checks,
Hero bets $7,
SB raises to $22
SB and BB are both fishy and somewhat loose. On the flop when BB donks into this board, I only decide to flat here because I am going to be ahead of a lot of the BBs donking range, but don't want to inflate a pot here with a lot of bad turn cards to come. I also want to keep the SB in if at all possible with inferior pair/draw combos, which I did.
On turn, when the action is checked to me, I have a clear value bet. I have found that larger bet sizing is looked at as a sign of strength by these players, so i felt that a psb would only leave me against hands that beat me where this bet keeps more air in. That's just my specific read on the table.
What the hell do we do when the SB repops?