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Looking to get a group together of winning hu sitngo players... Looking to get a group together of winning hu sitngo players...

09-06-2010 , 04:42 AM
Looking to get a group of me and maybe 4 other heads up sitngo players together. Looking for mostly hand history reviews at first. Then maybe some sweat sessions and whatever else we can think of to better our games.

My info: I have 860 hu games logged on ss with an roi of 9%. I have just been given the opportunity to play 30+ hours a week and am really focused on using this time to improve my game. made me the winner I am and think a group like this could push my game to the next level.
I am back to playing the $6 turbos but had a successfull run at the 10's and 11's(294 games with an 8% roi). I am a better normal speed player but am currently working on my turbo game.

So looking for players with around 500 game samples with atleast 1% roi.

So let me know if you are interested and have any ideas or suggestions...
Looking to get a group together of winning hu sitngo players... Quote
09-06-2010 , 05:42 AM
I could do it should be fun and usefull get down to basics, currently playing 30$ regspeeds @ FT or stars . im not playing ton of poker now, because of my studies and I got a NORMAL job, but I will be playing couple or more hours a day. seems like im bad in adding images to a text ... cant upload my HEM results for ya
Looking to get a group together of winning hu sitngo players... Quote
09-06-2010 , 05:47 AM
I would be up for this as well. Currently can't put in a lot of volume cause of internet issues.
Maybe review hand histories of a complete match or something? Sweat sessions? PM me if you want.
Looking to get a group together of winning hu sitngo players... Quote
09-06-2010 , 05:56 AM
I'm in. Sounds like a great idea. Currently playing the $10 reg speeds, and been doing very nicely, albeit over a tiny sample.
Looking to get a group together of winning hu sitngo players... Quote
09-06-2010 , 06:07 AM
I would be interested in a few sweat sessions for sure. Only started playing HUSNG's recently, but am enjoying them more than cash so will stay there for now.

Lifetime HUSNG graph:
Looking to get a group together of winning hu sitngo players... Quote
09-06-2010 , 06:23 AM

finally i delt with this cyber crap, and managed to upload a pic heres my august results @ 30$ ftp regspeeds
Looking to get a group together of winning hu sitngo players... Quote
09-06-2010 , 06:32 AM
Originally Posted by rollinas
finally i delt with this cyber crap, and managed to upload a pic heres my august results @ 30$ ftp regspeeds
Haha its not that hard. Just get a free account at photobucket and you are sorted for life.

Pretty much an awesome graph you got there! Did you start at the bottom and move up? Any coaching or subscription sites?
Looking to get a group together of winning hu sitngo players... Quote
09-06-2010 , 06:36 AM
Originally Posted by rollinas

finally i delt with this cyber crap, and managed to upload a pic heres my august results @ 30$ ftp regspeeds
I know this is impressive with a 12%ROI but.. sick 300 b/e stretch.

Care to share your thoughts on this stretch?
Looking to get a group together of winning hu sitngo players... Quote
09-06-2010 , 06:43 AM
Yeah, i created an album at that website and upload it. I started @ 2$ HU sng i think on stars. but currently i had a big variance kick, mainly because of 50nl HU cash, so my BR is not good to play higher than 30s ;/ I have been very lucky to have a very good friend who is great at HUsng, he helped me a lot, when i was starting, this summer we bought membership, its really useful. I would recommend HokieGreg's, Skates videos, also mersenneary's videos are awesome for endgame. Im interested in this type of "event" because i think i need to work on my own thought process, so it would be a good training that would give me motivation
Looking to get a group together of winning hu sitngo players... Quote
09-06-2010 , 06:57 AM
Originally Posted by borderline
I know this is impressive with a 12%ROI but.. sick 300 b/e stretch.

Care to share your thoughts on this stretch?
This stretch is mostly because I was unsuccessfully trying to move up @ 50s, then I get 3 bad beats in a row or lose some 60/40 and then going back to 30s, to grind it up, and so on, and so on 300 games is really nothing even @ 30s. playing higher stakes its normal to have even bigger sample of b/e stretches.
Looking to get a group together of winning hu sitngo players... Quote
09-06-2010 , 06:59 AM
Originally Posted by borderline
I know this is impressive with a 12%ROI but.. sick 300 b/e stretch.

Care to share your thoughts on this stretch?
Btw, 12% roi is really sustainable, at least at this level
Looking to get a group together of winning hu sitngo players... Quote
09-06-2010 , 07:02 AM
I'd be interested, skimmed through the thread but PM me with details or whatever.
I'm a $50 and $100 player w/ 11% ROI over 1500 games, I play on Stars.
Looking to get a group together of winning hu sitngo players... Quote
09-06-2010 , 07:12 AM
double post

Last edited by PGNX; 09-06-2010 at 07:23 AM.
Looking to get a group together of winning hu sitngo players... Quote
09-06-2010 , 07:15 AM
I'd like to join also
Maybe we can start by adding eachother on MSN? And make a group conversation once in a while to discuss some hands we've collected?
Looking to get a group together of winning hu sitngo players... Quote
09-06-2010 , 07:19 AM
i use skype only
Looking to get a group together of winning hu sitngo players... Quote
09-06-2010 , 07:25 AM
My stats Fulltilt -
I play only turbos, if anyone wants to add me in skype - ilia belichev.
Looking to get a group together of winning hu sitngo players... Quote
09-06-2010 , 08:02 AM
lurkers of the world unite!
Looking to get a group together of winning hu sitngo players... Quote
09-06-2010 , 08:50 AM
if there's still room, PM me for Skype and AIM?
9% ROI playing 4 tables at 10, 20, 30 and 50 (though only 1 table for 30 and 50)
Looking to get a group together of winning hu sitngo players... Quote
09-06-2010 , 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by yaqh
lurkers of the world unite!

My FTP graph, 9% at 5-20 HUSNG:

Definitely a swingy learning process, although profitable.

PM me if still into it.
Looking to get a group together of winning hu sitngo players... Quote
09-06-2010 , 11:57 AM
In. got a prop on to be the biggest winner in the world at HU sngs at whatever stakes I'm playing this time next year so lets gogoogogo. Skype/msn is good for me.
Looking to get a group together of winning hu sitngo players... Quote
09-09-2010 , 01:47 AM
Lets make this happen! Lots of talk but no action, or at least none that I am aware of yet.

I think the best way to get started is as a group on MSN? Add me: opotiki( underscore ) white@hotmail. obviously the (underscore) is a _

Im keen to share and talk about HH, and sweat sessions. $5 and $10 level.
Looking to get a group together of winning hu sitngo players... Quote
