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Looking for advice on finding my leaks Looking for advice on finding my leaks

05-29-2016 , 07:40 PM
Hay everyone, this is my first post on 2+2!

I played more thank 200k hands since last december and had to realize that I'm playing breakeven or a tiny winner at best.
I want to step up my game this summer so i'm looking for any advice or good resource to learn 9max better. My ultimate goal would be a consistent 3-4 or more bb/100 winrate at 2nl, right now im sitting somewhere around 0.6

I included positional stats and starting hand stats on this picture:

Looking for advice on finding my leaks Quote
06-01-2016 , 04:26 AM
Looks like you're not opening enough from later positions, 19/14 from the button seems far too tight to me.
Looking for advice on finding my leaks Quote
06-01-2016 , 04:46 AM
It seems to me that you are to tight to beat the high rake. Loosen up from the BTN 30%VPIP is good from this position. And you can raise the SB with 40%VPIP. Also I would guess that you are folding to too many cbets and 3bets looking at how tight you are.
Looking for advice on finding my leaks Quote
