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live over concerned about a draw out live over concerned about a draw out

07-02-2008 , 02:50 AM
I'm playing more aggressive than usual playing very well and hitting cards even better

i've got 2500
villain has 1000

villain is this old guy who is pretty crappy weak loose player... calling station, although you can tell he definately plays by his gut when he decides to call or not

he basically just does not raise, unless he hits 2pair or better on the flop... only calls with AA preflop, etc...

few limpers including villain and i make it 50 from the cutoff with aj no spade
villain calls

10 q k flop two spades
checks to me
bet 50 (wanted to make a week c-bet so he would call with a crap hand, because then he'd call turn and river as well)
he raises t 175

I know he's got something really good, should i just call here and get him to put more money in on other streets, or push.... he's super nitty... so if i push he might fold his very good hand

just calling would get alot more money out of him, but is it too dangerous to just call and let him see a turn?
live over concerned about a draw out Quote
07-02-2008 , 03:19 AM
Calling does not get more money in, raising does. Almost half the deck is pretty bad for your hand, so I'd make a pretty sizable raise here, to 600ish hoping he shoves. Also, when you have an aggressive image, you want to 3-bet people when given the opportunity as it will dissuade people from making moves on or raising you, or even betting allowing you to get free cards.
live over concerned about a draw out Quote
07-02-2008 , 03:33 AM
nobody i was playing with has the balls to reraise me, that's why i was playing more agressive than usual... just calling would get more money in because he is definately folding two pair here if i shove, but also def calling on turn and river if i just call...
live over concerned about a draw out Quote
07-02-2008 , 12:49 PM
hah what a weird description of a player def raise, he will atleast call with his set,2pairs hands as youve described, esp given your image and hope he shoves
live over concerned about a draw out Quote
07-02-2008 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by StatusBaller
hah what a weird description of a player def raise, he will atleast call with his set,2pairs hands as youve described, esp given your image and hope he shoves
he's not reshoving without the straight... he definately raises the least out of any player i've played with, and i've played with some big nits

also he's folding his two pair when i raise him back
live over concerned about a draw out Quote
