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Live 5-10, deep TPGK facing bizarre overbet Live 5-10, deep TPGK facing bizarre overbet

09-20-2009 , 06:40 AM
Live 5-10.

Villain has a somewhat strange playing style. It isn't BAD, just... strange. Example: about 6 weeks ago in another 5-10 game, I raised two limpers with 66, Villain called from the big blind, and one of the limpers called. Villain check/called a K6x flop then check/minraised the turn with KJ, the limper folded, and I flat called. He then made a strange river bet of $500 into a ~$900 pot, leaving himself about $85. I don't understand why he didn't just push all in on the river if he thought his King was good.

At the time of this hand, my table image was terrible. I bought in for $2k and ran it up to $5k+. I then got it all in on the flop with a set against a naked flush draw and lost, then ran KK into AA, then got it all in on the flop AGAIN with a set against a naked flush draw and lost AGAIN. I also found myself in quite a few good raising spots preflop but then caught horrible flops. I was not tilting at all, and I felt totally in control, but my image stunk.

Villain bought in for 50BB and blinded down a bit, and I then doubled him up when I raised a couple of limpers with TT but ran into his JJ. He then caught a couple of hands to build up his stack.

On to the hand. Effective stacks were roughly $2400.

Two weak players limped, I made it $100 to go with KQ, Villain repopped to $300 from the small blind, the limpers folded, and I called. The flop came Qxx. I wasn't exactly chomping at the bit to call off my stack with one pair, but Villain then made a very strange move and open shoved for ~$2100 into a $630 pot.

Umm, okay...that makes no sense...but I have one pair and no redraw. WTF?
Live 5-10, deep TPGK facing bizarre overbet Quote
09-20-2009 , 06:44 AM
Live 5-10, deep TPGK facing bizarre overbet Quote
09-20-2009 , 07:35 AM
snap fold this is something like AA/KK/AQ a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge % of the time
Live 5-10, deep TPGK facing bizarre overbet Quote
09-20-2009 , 10:56 AM
I was not tilting at all, and I felt totally in control, but my image stunk.
Often times we are tilting and don't even know it. Also, if you indeed were not steaming than I would say your image was the opposite of 'stunk'.

As for the hand, this is a fold but the interesting question should be, what if he bets out for pot on the flop...
Live 5-10, deep TPGK facing bizarre overbet Quote
09-20-2009 , 12:41 PM
jloc that is indeed true about tilt. People's perception of whether or not I am tilting likely affects how they play against me. Most of the players at this table were either loose-passive or weak-tight, and I doubt that they were thinking "This guy has taken some bad beats but has not gotten upset or made any dumb-looking plays." They were likely thinking "This guy is getting his ass handed to him."

If Villain bet pot on the flop, I likely would have called and seen the turn.
Live 5-10, deep TPGK facing bizarre overbet Quote
09-20-2009 , 12:47 PM
If Villain bet pot on the flop, I likely would have called and seen the turn.
Setting up a nice spot for him as effective stacks sit at 1 pot sized bet...
Live 5-10, deep TPGK facing bizarre overbet Quote
09-20-2009 , 01:14 PM
And I would be folding to further action. I don't know that this guy would double-bomb bluff me.

At any rate, I folded the flop. The whole hand was just so weird.
Live 5-10, deep TPGK facing bizarre overbet Quote
09-20-2009 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by jlocdog
Often times we are tilting and don't even know it.

so true. as for the hand, ez fold.
Live 5-10, deep TPGK facing bizarre overbet Quote
