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Live 2/5 Flop flush draw turn straight draw, how aggressive to play vs calling stations? Live 2/5 Flop flush draw turn straight draw, how aggressive to play vs calling stations?

01-23-2010 , 06:55 PM
I've been playing relatively weak-tight in my local live 2/5 game because everyone is a calling station / hyper aggressive (CA). I'm not sure if this is optimal or not. Here's an example.

A few hands ago villain played this hand:

Turn (~$50): 89JA
Villain bets $50. Button raises to $250. Villain calls.

Villain had K7 (and made the inside straight draw on the river).

With villains like this I'm not sure how profitable semi-bluffs, continuation bets, etc are. Here's the hand:

Hero (Button, $500): A6
EP: ~ $ 300
Villan (MP, $1000)
CO: ~ $300

EP limps, villain limps, CO limps, hero limps, BB checks

Flop ($20): 348

BB checks, EP checks, villain bets $15, CO calls, hero calls, BB calls, EP folds

Turn ($75): 2

BB checks, villain checks, CO checks, hero ?

Check and get the free card? Bet to try and take it down? Betting here seems like the TAG thing to do, but people aren't going to be folding pairs or draws at this table. There's a decent chance I'll be checkraised. Bet to build a pot in case I hit?

What about on the flop?
Live 2/5 Flop flush draw turn straight draw, how aggressive to play vs calling stations? Quote
01-24-2010 , 09:43 AM
It really depends on how likely it is that Mr hyper aggressive will check-raise you and whether he is doing this with hands that have better or worse equity than hero's.

There are three obvious lines I see:

1) Bet/fold $50 to build the pot so we can get stacks in when we hit. If he min check raises we have to call but we have to fold to larger raises.
2) Check, take the free card and hope that someone else hits a flush at the same time we do - it will probably be hard to get more than an additional $100.
3) Bet $15 to induce a check raise to $75 by villain so that we can go allin for $400 more. Obviously this only works if we think we have a lot of fold equity vs villain's range.

My preference is 1). We may get raised off a hand that has a tonne of equity but its well worth taking that chance so that we can build the pot to a size that will allow us to get stacks in by the river when we hit the higher flush.

A flat call on this flop is fine given the table dynamic.

Last edited by Nogyong; 01-24-2010 at 09:53 AM.
Live 2/5 Flop flush draw turn straight draw, how aggressive to play vs calling stations? Quote
01-24-2010 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by Nogyong
It really depends on how likely it is that Mr hyper aggressive will check-raise you and whether he is doing this with hands that have better or worse equity than hero's.

There are three obvious lines I see:

1) Bet/fold $50 to build the pot so we can get stacks in when we hit. If he min check raises we have to call but we have to fold to larger raises.
2) Check, take the free card and hope that someone else hits a flush at the same time we do - it will probably be hard to get more than an additional $100.
3) Bet $15 to induce a check raise to $75 by villain so that we can go allin for $400 more. Obviously this only works if we think we have a lot of fold equity vs villain's range.

My preference is 1). We may get raised off a hand that has a tonne of equity but its well worth taking that chance so that we can build the pot to a size that will allow us to get stacks in by the river when we hit the higher flush.

A flat call on this flop is fine given the table dynamic.
I would say that it also depends on how likely we are to get paid off on the river. Right now, with 2 others in the pot, we get 2-1 right away on any new money we put in if they both call. Figuring 12 outs, we're a 3-1 dog to hit. So, the odds aren't right - we need implied odds. Do we have them here?

If so, then raise. If not, then check and take the free card. Even if we hit (especially if it's a non-club 5) then we might get paid some anyway.

Live 2/5 Flop flush draw turn straight draw, how aggressive to play vs calling stations? Quote
01-24-2010 , 02:15 PM
Check. No one is folding here and we don't want to getblown off our hand by a check raise. You should have no problem getting paid on the river if you bingo the straight, and you may make the flush at the same time someone else does.
Live 2/5 Flop flush draw turn straight draw, how aggressive to play vs calling stations? Quote
01-24-2010 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by Nogyong
It really depends on how likely it is that Mr hyper aggressive will check-raise you and whether he is doing this with hands that have better or worse equity than hero's.

There are three obvious lines I see:

1) Bet/fold $50 to build the pot so we can get stacks in when we hit. If he min check raises we have to call but we have to fold to larger raises.
2) Check, take the free card and hope that someone else hits a flush at the same time we do - it will probably be hard to get more than an additional $100.
3) Bet $15 to induce a check raise to $75 by villain so that we can go allin for $400 more. Obviously this only works if we think we have a lot of fold equity vs villain's range.

My preference is 1). We may get raised off a hand that has a tonne of equity but its well worth taking that chance so that we can build the pot to a size that will allow us to get stacks in by the river when we hit the higher flush.

A flat call on this flop is fine given the table dynamic.
great post.

but what hands does the 3rd line represent? hero's line seems weighted towards flush draws, straight draws, and middle pairs with {check flop, call turn} line. Is villain thinking?

Just trying to expand on the last statement of the 3)
Live 2/5 Flop flush draw turn straight draw, how aggressive to play vs calling stations? Quote
01-24-2010 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by DallasDonkey
great post.

but what hands does the 3rd line represent? hero's line seems weighted towards flush draws, straight draws, and middle pairs with {check flop, call turn} line. Is villain thinking?

Just trying to expand on the last statement of the 3)
3) assumes that i) Mr hyper aggressive's check raising range is heavily weighted towards air, flush draws and one pair hands; ii) that he can fold those hands; and iii) that he will put hero on two pair or better hands.

But we've already seen villain call a massive overraise with K high + bottom end of gutshot so I guess we can just ignore 3).
Live 2/5 Flop flush draw turn straight draw, how aggressive to play vs calling stations? Quote
01-24-2010 , 06:02 PM
I only read OP (I'll read the rest in a moment.)

Raise PF - you have pos so it gives you control of the hand and 9/10 times it will be checked around to you (giving you the option to do whatever you desire - bet or check behind)

Raise Flop - same principle as PF

Turn - now you have to check behind b/c even though you've gained outs you've lost equity and can't call a check-raise

I understand the table dynamics but a little more aggression in this hand is definitely warranted.

Now I will read everyone else's take GL
Live 2/5 Flop flush draw turn straight draw, how aggressive to play vs calling stations? Quote
01-24-2010 , 10:39 PM
With these games I prefer to not semi-bluff or bluff because you are usually torching money with no FE. Just check behind and run good and then get it in with the nuts. They will call you when you bet.
Live 2/5 Flop flush draw turn straight draw, how aggressive to play vs calling stations? Quote
01-24-2010 , 11:12 PM
Hu I say fire away, 3way take the free card. No matter what don´t bet to build a pot.
Live 2/5 Flop flush draw turn straight draw, how aggressive to play vs calling stations? Quote
