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Live 10/20/40 overbet CRAI on river Live 10/20/40 overbet CRAI on river

03-05-2012 , 12:48 PM
5 handed 10/20/40 mandatory straddle. First time I have played poker since the WSOP (irrelevent but w/e).

Table is pretty boring but I have the jesus seat. SB and BB don't defend enough or 3b enough and villian is the mark at the table and limp / calls WAY to wide, it's really his only leak but its a massive one. He very rarely does anything other than limp pre and the only time I've seen him do anything different he's had a VERY strong preflop hand. Post flop he is somewhere between competent and good. The game is basically me iso'ing this fish every button and playing pretty straight forward the rest of the time, occasionally 3betting the nits at the table.

Two specific hands that are extremely important relelvent that I have played with villian:

1) The night prior I squeeze 84s after CO open and villian flats in BB. I check back twice with flopped gutter and turned double gutter on a wet board JT75 ssdd. Squeeze size was 440 and villian has initiative and donk jams 2k all in 9 river. I snap obviously and he says "any pair is good" and I show him a straight. Fast forward to yesterday he tells me that he actually had TT and only said "a pair is good" to get me to show my hand (no idea whether this is true).

2) This hand was same night as hand in question, about two hours before. CO opens 120, BTN flats, Villian calls, I squeeze AQss in straddle to 450. Fold / fold / villian calls obv. Flop Kd Jx 5d. Check / check. Turn is Kx he bets 440 I call. River is a 2x he bets 790 I tank for 1-2 minutes and eventually call. He says "any pair is good". I say "I don't have one" and brain fart and show AQ and he mucks and I don't think to get him to show his hand (this is a really big mistake imo). Anyways this hand tilts him a lot as if he's never been called down with A high before. Anyways he's telling everyone about it and keeps telling me we're gonna play a big pot tonight.

Sorry for the tl;dr HHs but I think they're very important for the hand in question.

SB - nit
BB - nit
Straddle - good reg
UTG - villian 4k
BTN - Hero covers all

Hero: Ts7s

Villian limps UTG I iso 140 on the button (my standard) folds to villian who calls as always.

Flop: Kd Jx 9d

Villian Checks, Hero Checks back. You can comment on the flop, its close and I definitely usually bet there but for game flow reasons I elected to check back. He's never folding any gutter or pair 9x+ so that's fine.

Turn: Kx Kd Jx 9d

He checks and I bet 210 which I would do with 9x almost always, Jx often and Kx sometimes and I think he knows this (we've played ~20 hours together in the past 2 days). He says "Did you flop it?" (wtf?) thinks for about 20-30 seconds (which is unlike him) and calls

River: Qx Kx Kd Jx 9d

Villian checks and I bet 450. He plays with some chips for a while counts out the 450 and says "I raise" and throws in the 450 then says he's all in.

~3000 to me

Hero replays all relevent information 10 times and:
Live 10/20/40 overbet CRAI on river Quote
03-05-2012 , 01:25 PM
I fold, i have not seen anyone bluff like this ever in live poker.if he is bluffing, he doesnt need to shove he can raise to 2k. Imo this is kj, kq always hoping you will call with a straight. Also you already showed him that you can make big calls, this will make players play more straigh forward with you.
Live 10/20/40 overbet CRAI on river Quote
03-05-2012 , 01:49 PM
I mean, I rarely play live but this seems like one of the easiest folds ever (esp given turn speech and acting). you flopcheck is probably bad as this leads to this spot and you wondering wtf you should do with your capped range.
Live 10/20/40 overbet CRAI on river Quote
03-05-2012 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by sasha
I fold, i have not seen anyone bluff like this ever in live poker
I think he may have done it the night before with a 2x overbet just like this (hand 1). Sure he said later that he had TT but he also told me that "a pair was good" originally, and the only other time he told me "a pair was good" it was...

I wish I had made that more clear, that I think he overbet jammed river vs me with nothing already once.

Last edited by jimmyvjv13; 03-05-2012 at 02:36 PM.
Live 10/20/40 overbet CRAI on river Quote
03-05-2012 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by planB_
I mean, I rarely play live but this seems like one of the easiest folds ever (esp given turn speech and acting). you flopcheck is probably bad as this leads to this spot and you wondering wtf you should do with your capped range.
Yeah I mean it sucks now that the board ran out this way and my range is capped but I win this pot quite often with a delayed cbet so I decided to just check back and do that given a few irrelevant hands prior. But like I said I bet this flop more often than not.
Live 10/20/40 overbet CRAI on river Quote
03-05-2012 , 02:23 PM
bet the flop. a lot of his range should be Ax, small pp. You can get those to fold to a cbet.

Once you check back the flop, I guess betting turn is fine, but I think you'd definitely need to fire river a lot because villain prolly gives you less credit for a hand at this point.

river- I'd fold. given the fact that you called him with A high, I think he believes you will station him a lot. He's prolly waiting for a big hand to own you with. He has a ton of full houses in his range, and there aren't a lot of bluff combos that he would call turn with and shove river.
Live 10/20/40 overbet CRAI on river Quote
03-05-2012 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by jimmyvjv13
He says "Did you flop it?" (wtf?)
For some reason this makes me think he is really strong.

(As in, he flopped something good and was hoping you didn't flop the straight but now is hoping you flopped it.)

Also, previously when bluffing he took the lead with air. Here, he c/called the turn and now has to be turning some made hand into a bluff which isn't in the arsenal of most live players.

Live 10/20/40 overbet CRAI on river Quote
03-05-2012 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by ValarMorghulis
He says "Did you flop it?" => For some reason this makes me think he is really strong.

Originally Posted by ValarMorghulis
Also, previously when bluffing he took the lead with air. Here, he c/called the turn and now has to be turning some made hand into a bluff which isn't in the arsenal of most live players.
Yes, we've seen him lead his total air before but what if he doesn't have total air? What if he just wants to see a free turn? He could have a flush draw and c/c it...pretty easily actually.
Live 10/20/40 overbet CRAI on river Quote
03-05-2012 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by jimmyvjv13

Yes, we've seen him lead his total air before but what if he doesn't have total air? What if he just wants to see a free turn? He could have a flush draw and c/c it...pretty easily actually.
And he does seem to attack 4 straight boards based on the first hand (assuming he had air).
On the other hand, he did think long on the turn, and he seems like the type of player who would quickly c/call a flush draw if he didn't lead.
Live 10/20/40 overbet CRAI on river Quote
03-05-2012 , 03:25 PM
River seems like easiest fold even with relevant info. Not sure about the pf iso vs described villain, think limping behind is better play with this hand
Live 10/20/40 overbet CRAI on river Quote
03-05-2012 , 03:53 PM
clear fold
Live 10/20/40 overbet CRAI on river Quote
03-06-2012 , 03:20 PM
seems like a fairly simple fold. Villain tilted at you for calling down light, overbet ships river when top of your range is gonna be hero'ing. I think occasionally we chop, but are losing far too often to call here.

I think the hand is a ton more interesting if we have QQ, but still fun hand nonetheless.
Live 10/20/40 overbet CRAI on river Quote
03-06-2012 , 07:40 PM
yeah i think i fold.

he should know that there can be Tx in your range pretty often given your line. this isn't his bluff spot... and his value range >>>> your hand.
Live 10/20/40 overbet CRAI on river Quote
03-06-2012 , 08:27 PM
I wouldn't even need to think about it. Snap-fold. . . Not even bothering to factor in the strong speech-tell or the fact that live players wouldn't bluff in a spot like this, the sizing alone, (that he's risking $3,500 to win 1100) would be enough for me to never call here.
Live 10/20/40 overbet CRAI on river Quote
03-06-2012 , 09:01 PM
In live poker when fish cut out chips to call with...then think and say raise and go back for more chips...they always have the nuts.
Live 10/20/40 overbet CRAI on river Quote
03-07-2012 , 09:23 AM
Originally Posted by LucidDream
In live poker when fish cut out chips to call with...then think and say raise and go back for more chips...they always have the nuts.
so so true!
Live 10/20/40 overbet CRAI on river Quote
03-07-2012 , 09:24 AM
Thanks all, I thought it was closer due to the previous hands but looks like I was wrong.

I did eventually fold, he mucked and said he had a ten. The more I think about it the more I agree with everyone here.
Live 10/20/40 overbet CRAI on river Quote
03-07-2012 , 10:50 PM
I don't even ask or don't care what they say, I caught people lying so many times. Sometimes i ll do to like if I put Alot of chips in spots I'm never bluffing in, and you start asking me I'll tell you I was bluffing , rather I had it or not. It's just part of live poker. If you don't see it, than forget about it.

Last edited by sasha; 03-07-2012 at 11:07 PM.
Live 10/20/40 overbet CRAI on river Quote
03-07-2012 , 11:14 PM
Originally Posted by jimmyvjv13
Thanks all, I thought it was closer due to the previous hands but looks like I was wrong.

I did eventually fold, he mucked and said he had a ten. The more I think about it the more I agree with everyone here.
this hand is a definite fold and don't believe him when he says he had a 10. he has a full house almost always. also keep in mind that this guy will def show you bluff in this spot when u muck
Live 10/20/40 overbet CRAI on river Quote
03-07-2012 , 11:16 PM
i also understand the reason you want to hero call is because of your history with this guy, but the spots he's turned up with nothing are much much different than this one
Live 10/20/40 overbet CRAI on river Quote
