Do not slowplay this flop.
If I didn't know the result I'd say that we look like we're already guarunteed action with a bet and a raise in front of us. This is the best time to get someone with two pair to commit and there are plenty of cards that could come on the turn that will kill our action (or outdraw us). A good flop for slow playing would be something like T
if we happen to be holding T
. But in 1/2 live you should rarely slow play. You need to focus on being able to get stacks in by the river.
Raise anywhere between $125 and allin.
A shove can also be interpreted as a flush draw or we might even get a call from a hand like A
(they will find a reason to put you on a weaker flush draw).
If you don't get any action then that's just unlucky. You need to take the opportunity to get stacks in when they arise.