Hello Friends! I lost $1.14 playing this hand. Was this a cooler, or did I overplay my draw?
Poker Stars $0.01/$0.02 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players
The Official
2+2 Hand Converter
Powered By DeucesCracked.com
Hero (MP2): $6.11
CO: $2.05
BTN: $2.22
SB: $3.06
BB: $2.97
UTG: $2.81
UTG+1: $3.12
UTG+2: $3.55
MP1: $1.30
Pre Flop: ($0.03) Hero is MP2 with J

1 fold, UTG+1 calls $0.02,
2 folds,
Hero raises to $0.10, CO calls $0.10,
3 folds, UTG+1 calls $0.08
Flop: ($0.33) 5


(3 players)
UTG+1 checks,
Hero bets $0.34, CO calls $0.34, UTG+1 calls $0.34
Turn: ($1.35) A
(3 players)
UTG+1 checks,
Hero bets $0.70, CO calls $0.70,
UTG+1 raises to $2.68 all in, Hero folds, CO calls $0.91 all in
River: ($5.27) 5
(2 players - 2 are all in)
My thoughts as it happened:


is a strong hand PF, worth a raise. Two high suited cards gives me a nice chance at TPGK and some straight / flush possibilities. MP2 is a good spot to be in.
-Happy to see the UTG+1 call, not so happy to see CO call. I'm in-between positions here with good cards, so I feel cautiously optimistic. These guys have mid-range chip stacks, so I might get paid off if things go well.
-Interest flop. I miss all the pair cards, but pick up the flush draw. Some match-up possibilities:
--(a): If someone has 55, I am drawing dead. Of course, 55 is very unlikely since we have two 5's on the board.
--(b): If someone has 44, I'm about 2% against them, with only runner-runner draws (5K, 5J, KK, JJ)
--(c): If someone has A5, I'm about 25% against them, with the flush draw (although they can suck out even then with the quad or boat draw).
--(d): If someone has K5, I'm about 28% against them, with the flush draw but a blocked K draw.
--(e): Against 56s, I'm about 25%, with a flush draw (although they have a runner-runner straight draw).
--(f): Against 45s, I'm under 1%, with only runner-runner draws.
--(g): Against A4, I'm about dead-even, with the flush draw and an over-card draw.
--(h): Against K4, I'm about 49%, with the flush draw and an over-card draw which either wins or ties.
--(i): Against 34s, I'm about 53%, with the flush draw and two over-card draws.
--(j): Against 22-33, I'm about 58%, with the flush draw and two over-card draws, along with some draws which tie by strengthening the board.
--(k): Against 66, I'm about 49%, with the flush draw and two over-card draws but some opposing draws (6's) as well and a runner-runner straight draw.
--(l): Against 77-88-99-TT, I'm about 48%, with the flush draw and two over-cards, but some opposing draws.
--(m): Against JJ, I'm about 44%, with the flush draw and one over-card.
--(n): Against QQ, I'm about 40%, in the same situation but with a stronger reverse draw (Q) than before (it would have been J)
--(o): Against KK, I'm about 34%, with a flush draw.
--(p): Against AA, I'm about 30%, with a flush draw but with a stronger reverse draw (A) than before.
--(q): Against a stronger flush draw, I am about 20%, except against A


, where I am more like 19%. I have a good chance of being stacked here in terms of implied odds.
--(r): Against a weaker flush draw, I am about 81%. I have a good chance of stacking someone here, in terms of implied odds.
--(s): Against an outside straight draw, 36, I am about 71%, with the better draw and a real chance of stacking my opponent.
-Under the circumstances, I thought my priority was to discover whether my opponent had air, a hand I beat or a hand which crushed me. I decided to lead off with my PSB after the check to find out. I figure:
--(i):Anyone with air will fold.
--(ii): Anyone with A4, K4, 34s, weak over-pairs, a straight draw or a flush draw will call.
--(iii): Anyone with a A5, K5, 65s, 44, 55, 45s or high over-pairs will raise.
-It was interesting to see two callers.
--(a) The call from the CO indicates to me a weak over-pair, the straight draw or the flush draw. The latter two seem the most likely, as those are good calls in position.
--(b) The check-call from the UTG+1 indicates to me someone unable to get away from their cards. Perhaps a mid-range over-pair or a 4 are likely.
-The turn card weakens my situation considerably. My chances against the hands I've got my opponents on now:
--(a) A4 - 18%
--(b) K4 - 32%
--(c) 34s - 39%
--(d) 66 - 32%
--(e) 77, 88, 99, TT - 32%
--(f) 36 - 75%
--(g) Weaker flush draw - 83%
--(h) Stronger flush draw - 0% (recall that the Aces would now be paired).
-I want now most of all to know whether or not my opponents have an ace. If they have an ace (which I think would make sense given their betting) I need to get out of this hand. If they don't, I am trailing, but have good implied odds in this multi-way pot. I wanted to bet enough so that only someone with an ace would feel comfortable re-raising me. So, I led out after the check with a PSB.
-The call by the CO indicates a weaker flush draw, a 4 or a straight draw to me. I'm crushing two of those hands, and trailing one. So, I felt good against the CO.
-The re-raise by UTG+1, coming as a check-all-in, says ace to me. If my opponent has an ace I am dominated here, so it was time to get out.
My read on the CO seems like it was OK, but I was way off on UTG+1. What do you guys think? Was I too aggressive on the turn?