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leakfinder video! leakfinder video!

04-29-2011 , 07:53 AM
Hey guys, I recorded 30 minutes of me 4 tabling and talking about the hands. Please feel free to jump in with any suggestions on how I can improve my play, any concepts I may be confused about, spots for thin value or good bluffs that I missed!
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04-29-2011 , 09:06 AM
your AQ hand at 2:40 im 3b isoing the fish. cuz at the start of the video. we saw him get it in w/ AT vs AK all in pre.

he re-bought to 33.70 which i assume is the rest of his roll. he could call there wide and i expect the nit UTG to fold to my 3b squeeze. if he calls im going to assume PPs set mining in a 3b pot. or just to play fit or fold. and 4b AK Qs+ because, he 3b the guy to your left and his right. blowing the fish out of the pot. in the previous hand

that KJ hands i like a defend instead of a 3b pre. when he snap calls your big 3b. it screams SD value. Ts - Qs . and i wouldnt cbet flop because i dont think you have FE on that range on TTx flop

your AK at ~ 12:20 i would open 4x. you have a fish in the blinds w/ a 60% vpip. he doesnt care if you open 3x or 4x. he is callign w/ 60% of his range regardless. you should charge more w/ fish in the blinds

Last edited by immadeadbird; 04-29-2011 at 09:16 AM.
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04-29-2011 , 09:21 AM
KQ at ~ 17:20 cbet bigger w/ TPGK. vs fish that is callign w/ any draw any pair. any A high??
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04-29-2011 , 09:43 AM
Nice Vid man.

@ 10:28 You check raise OTT with 77 hu on a T232 board after being called on the flop.

I would prefer to continue betting here to get value from smaller pairs, A high etc, as I would have assumed villain would check back the majority of the hands you're beating, the majority of his betting range being made of hands that you're behind.

Interested to hear more about your thoughts behind your preference for the c/c (or c/r since stacks were shallow) line.
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04-29-2011 , 11:44 AM
briefly watched like 3 mins of it and a big leak is that you don't take your time for decisions
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04-29-2011 , 11:57 AM
first AQ hand - no u absolutely can not fold pre to the 1st raise. you got a 70% vpip in the pot you need to be 3bet isoing him.

2nd AQ hand on the same table - such a std call even if he's nitty. and i don't really understand why you said "i wanna 4bet or call" and then you just click fold

T9o bvb on 1st table - feels like you pretty much auto bet the turn without really thinking about it. my std would be to c/c. your hand isn't really strong enough to bet it for value imo, mainly because your kicker is crap

JTo HU on 2nd table - c/r the flop seems too thin imo, this is the 1st hand you guys play vs each other so you don't know if he's gonna be willing to call you down light. I'd rather c/c and hope he barrels, if not you can get value on the river unless board runs out awful. when you cr there whats your plan for later streets?

J8o HU on the same table - you didn't even consider 2 barreling the T turn even tho it's a good card to barrel and you picked up a gutshot. I'd definitely barrel there and the fact that you didn't even consider it but pretty much insta checked makes me think you're too passive/don't take time to consider your options

Ok now you sat out vs that guy who stacked off with 43s vs your 77. I'm in shock lol he looks awful

KQs in sb vs fish on 3rd table - I'd 3bet this for value vs the fish.he's what 50 vpip? and he just over minraises you have to 3bet him in this spot

AJs vs bruges on 4th table - again you're not really thinking about what you're doing (it seems). I don't really like the "gonna bet once and then give up" in this spot when he checks this flop as the pfr. it's a really std board for him to cbet if he got air so when he checks he's likely to have some kind of a weak made hand which isn't folding to 1 bet.

Last edited by Blaaz; 04-29-2011 at 12:20 PM.
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04-29-2011 , 11:59 AM
@ 22:11 you decline to cbet the flop oop and then bet the turn with 66 on a KdQc4c3c board.

On the flop I think checking is fine since the texture rates to improve his range a lot.

I don't think there is value in betting the turn here once you have checked the flop since your hand is probably best and the majority of the hands he is going to be calling you with are going to be beating you - thus you're only folding out worse hands.

Also since villain has declined to bet this type of flop once you have checked, it either means he is extremely passive or that he has showdown value - both reasons not to bet; and once you check the flop you can't rep anything by betting the turn, I think most lvl 2 thinking opponents will realise your line makes no sense because you can't have Kx, Qx, or a flush because you would have most likely cbet these hands on the flop. Luckily though this villain wasn't thinking about your range.

Whatever the case I think both c/c and also c/f are better lines than b/f.
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04-29-2011 , 12:30 PM
AQs in sb vs fish on 3rd table - same as the KQs hand earlier. flatting here is a pretty big mistake. I can't see his vpip % but it's 50 I think. you being oop isn't really a reason to flat, get more money into the pot when ur far ahead of his range and take the lead instead of calling and most likely playing pretty fit or fold post

ok im 25 mins in and dont have time to finish it now, i'll prob finish watching when i get home if i feel like it
anyway i get the feeling that some of your leaks are not opening the button enough, not taking time to think about your options/what you wanna do on later streets/generally just planing ahead and not taking advantage of fishes enough. the biggest leak seems to be not thinking enough about what you're doing, several times you kinda just took an action instantly without explaining why and probably without really thinking about it. hands that stand out are the J8o hand where you should have 2nd barreled a KxxT board HU, and the AJs hand when the pfr checked to you on Kxx dry. if you had taken the time to think about what your opponents range was in each hand you should have been able to pick a better line to take (2 barreling the J8o hand and not betting once to give up in the AJs hand)

Last edited by Blaaz; 04-29-2011 at 12:41 PM.
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04-29-2011 , 01:06 PM
Hey guys. Thanks so much for your comments. I think you guys are spot on about the leaks you have identified. This feedback is really important and I cannot thank you guys enough. I'm definitely going to re-read this thread a bunch of times, think about everything you guys have said and get to work fixing some of the leaks in my game.

@ phillipchilip : I think my initial plan w/ the 77 hand where I c/rd all in on 10322 board was to check call / check decide on the turn, but then I realized how short i was cause the last guy owned me so I decided to c/r. And yes betting is probably almost as good or better an option in retrospect.
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04-29-2011 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by FallsviewPokerPro
@ phillipchilip : I think my initial plan w/ the 77 hand where I c/rd all in on 10322 board was to check call / check decide on the turn, but then I realized how short i was cause the last guy owned me so I decided to c/r. And yes betting is probably almost as good or better an option in retrospect.
Sure, but I wanted to know more your reasoning behind the c/r - specifically the reason/s why you believe it is the most profitable line, referring to the range of hands you think he will bet with once you have checked the turn vs the range of hands he will call with when you bet the turn.

Also another thing I noticed is that you didn't talk about your opponents ranges on each street when playing which is something that will benefit your decision making a great deal.

Anyway good vid, thanks.
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04-29-2011 , 09:06 PM
if anyone is interested i made a 2nd video
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