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KQ facing turn x/r Q636 - NL KQ facing turn x/r Q636 - NL

11-23-2017 , 08:54 PM
Played this on Global Poker so will try to type out the hand bets I can.

5 handed 6-max table
MP(Hero $3.90): KhQd - Opens $0.12
CO(Villain $3.35) - Calls. He was new to the table, had reraised me in a hand earlier. Seemed to be quite active. Later on in the session he seemed overly aggressive and was overbetting rivers and such where I felt like it didn't make sense but at the time I didn't know this.

Everyone else folds.

($0.30) F: Qh3s6c - Hero bets 1/2 pot, villain calls.
($0.60) T: 6d - Hero bets 1/2 pot, villain reraises 2x. Hero folds. The sizing seemed really small to me where I was tempted to call. Villain doesn't really rep much other than 6x, 33, AQ. Considering the sizing and the weak player pool he could be doing this with QJ.

I felt like QQ was pretty unlikely considering I had seen him being active preflop before and I think he would've 3B QQ pre-flop.

I decided to fold. I'm wondering what the best play is as a default line vs an unknown opponent. Definitely never 3-betting in this spot, so it just seems like call or fold. If I had AA or KK in this spot I would be continuing, but perhaps not AQ or KQ.
KQ facing turn x/r Q636 - NL Quote
11-24-2017 , 01:35 AM
You played it fine.
KQ facing turn x/r Q636 - NL Quote
11-24-2017 , 04:53 AM
Think it's fine to fold there.

I think I'd check on the turn when the board paired vs an unknown and probably call down all the way. Specially if it's a new player that re-raised me in the previous hand and seems active.
KQ facing turn x/r Q636 - NL Quote
11-24-2017 , 05:12 AM
Originally Posted by Risso
Think it's fine to fold there.

I think I'd check on the turn when the board paired vs an unknown and probably call down all the way. Specially if it's a new player that re-raised me in the previous hand and seems active.
Think that's not great. The board pairing is better for us I think because V shouldn't have many 6x at all so we should be taking his Qx to valuetown.

I'm kinda tempted to call for the reasons above. He's repping really narrow but the turn minraise from a fish is always the nuts so I don't mind just folding. Given the board is super dry too I think this might be best.
KQ facing turn x/r Q636 - NL Quote
11-24-2017 , 05:37 AM
I would not barrel this turn as bluff with any hand, so I'd c/c turn. Also I cannot agree that 6 fits our range more than Vs, given the fact we bet flop 1/2.
KQ facing turn x/r Q636 - NL Quote
11-24-2017 , 05:44 AM
Originally Posted by Rikk
Think that's not great. The board pairing is better for us I think because V shouldn't have many 6x at all so we should be taking his Qx to valuetown.

I'm kinda tempted to call for the reasons above. He's repping really narrow but the turn minraise from a fish is always the nuts so I don't mind just folding. Given the board is super dry too I think this might be best.
The fold or the turn check?

Wouldn't say that the turn raise is always the nuts, but often, but more less vs an 'active' player...
KQ facing turn x/r Q636 - NL Quote
11-24-2017 , 06:42 PM
I think if I played this hand again I would go for a x/c call line on the turn and x/x river. If it went x/x on the turn, then I would call a 1/2-2/3rds river donk vs villain, or bet/fold if he checked to me.

What are you guys' thoughts on this?
KQ facing turn x/r Q636 - NL Quote
11-24-2017 , 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by IClickButtons
I would not barrel this turn as bluff with any hand, so I'd c/c turn. Also I cannot agree that 6 fits our range more than Vs, given the fact we bet flop 1/2.
Yeah I kinda felt like my sizing was a bit small. I think I've been trying to over think betting "balanced" sizes but this person was pretty loose and I think I am missing some value here. Perhaps 60%-70% of pot would be better on this texture?
KQ facing turn x/r Q636 - NL Quote
11-24-2017 , 06:57 PM
Checking this turn is pretty much the cardinal sin of 5nl. Go for value every single time and folding is well played. Buy-in full though.
KQ facing turn x/r Q636 - NL Quote
11-24-2017 , 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by Bladesman87
Checking this turn is pretty much the cardinal sin of 5nl. Go for value every single time and folding is well played. Buy-in full though.
Thanks. Ok yeah I just went saw another very similar hand to this one on a microstakes training video. Hero had AQ on Q84 turn was an 8 and he was x/r about 3x by the villain, and the instructor recommended to fold as an exploitative line at these stakes.

I feel like I might be overthinking it a much when I'm counting comboes and know that villain is repping a narrow range, but at these stakes it's better to give them credit unless we have a range that they are maniacs.
KQ facing turn x/r Q636 - NL Quote
11-24-2017 , 09:33 PM
I would go just a tad larger OTF and OTT but play it the same.

I think putting some weaker Qx's in our turn checking range against a thinking player is okay. Against an unknown guy who has a 84 BB stack, I would assume the guy's more likely to be a weaker player and bet for value until he gives us a reason not to.
KQ facing turn x/r Q636 - NL Quote
11-25-2017 , 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by DjVex
Thanks. Ok yeah I just went saw another very similar hand to this one on a microstakes training video. Hero had AQ on Q84 turn was an 8 and he was x/r about 3x by the villain, and the instructor recommended to fold as an exploitative line at these stakes.

I feel like I might be overthinking it a much when I'm counting comboes and know that villain is repping a narrow range, but at these stakes it's better to give them credit unless we have a range that they are maniacs.
The question in these spots is less what value they're repping and more about what bluffs they have. His value range is kind of obvious. He's going to have the 67s combos, maybe some 33 (but that tends to raise flop or slow play turn now it's got a boat), and maybe some other hands like A6s, 68s, or 67o etc. Whatever, he has some value combos (and they have us crushed). What matters is how many bluffs we expect him to play this way relative to those value combos. 45s? 57s? Random air? How often do these random fish really spew off a stack on a bluff vs. how often they just flat and hope to hit?
KQ facing turn x/r Q636 - NL Quote
