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KK on a QJ10 rainbow vs a random overshove?? KK on a QJ10 rainbow vs a random overshove??

08-04-2008 , 12:15 PM
Hi guys hoping yu can help this is my first post on here so all commments are welcome,
playing FT 5/10 full ring get dealt KK in SB actions fold to cutoff who raises pot to $35 button folds and i reraise to $105, BB folds, cutoff flats, flop comes

QJ10 rainbow

i lead out for $160 and he shoves he's got me just covered i had $985 at the start of the hand so its about $700 to call.

do i fold in this spot? i have been on the table only 50 hands and have no stats on the player, i figured his range to be 89, any two pair or set KQ, KJ, K10, maybe K9 but less likely i think he shoves with K9 and AK no chance uness he is just a moron. so i figure i shud call against this range but i wud like some other opinions.
Like i said i called and he showed QJ off and i bricked the turn and river, poker stove says i was 48% against QJ on this flop so i think calling is correct but really just want some others opinions. thanks guys
KK on a QJ10 rainbow vs a random overshove?? Quote
08-04-2008 , 12:20 PM
Text results appended to pokerstove.txt

350,460 games 0.003 secs 116,820,000 games/sec

Board: Qh Jd Ts

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 50.936% 45.45% 05.49% 159279 19230.00 { KK }
Hand 1: 49.064% 43.58% 05.49% 152721 19230.00 { QQ-TT, KTs+, QTs+, JTs, KTo+, QTo, JTo, 98o }

looks like it's fine.
KK on a QJ10 rainbow vs a random overshove?? Quote
08-04-2008 , 12:39 PM
if id bet, i wouldnt fold.
KK on a QJ10 rainbow vs a random overshove?? Quote
08-04-2008 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by technologic
Text results appended to pokerstove.txt

350,460 games 0.003 secs 116,820,000 games/sec

Board: Qh Jd Ts

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 50.936% 45.45% 05.49% 159279 19230.00 { KK }
Hand 1: 49.064% 43.58% 05.49% 152721 19230.00 { QQ-TT, KTs+, QTs+, JTs, KTo+, QTo, JTo, 98o }

looks like it's fine.
This seems like a way too optimistic range to me.
KK on a QJ10 rainbow vs a random overshove?? Quote
08-04-2008 , 01:28 PM
what would you suggest as a range then? i really would appreciate any detailed responses from yu guys this hand had me stumped, as to the best line, hsould i check call the flop and fold the turn when i missed?
KK on a QJ10 rainbow vs a random overshove?? Quote
08-04-2008 , 06:46 PM
I think you should call here your equity will good obv evenvs pretty tight range given this odds.
KK on a QJ10 rainbow vs a random overshove?? Quote
