Against unknown, without info, I fold to flop reraise in this spot. Especially this deep. This is just so rarely a bluff at micros. Sometimes this is 2 high hearts semi bluffing and every once in a while QQ/JJ/TT overplaying their hand but I don't see how we can stick in 300BB here. It's just so often a set. And it's so unlikely our hand improves on turn/river.
Against unknown, without info, I fold to flop reraise in this spot. Especially this deep. This is just so rarely a bluff at micros. Sometimes this is 2 high hearts semi bluffing and every once in a while QQ/JJ/TT overplaying their hand but I don't see how we can stick in 300BB here. It's just so often a set. And it's so unlikely our hand improves on turn/river.
If you're folding this combo of KK you're pretty much folding every hand you can have here except AA without a heart, and maybe 99 if you're reraising that pre. I know 300bb is a lot to get in but you have to remember this is 5nl so people will show up with random spew in these spots a lot. You only have to be good around 30% of the time in this spot and there are many more combos of flush draws then there are sets and quads. Unless you have a specific read, or are in a really passive player pool, I think you just have to close your eyes and call.