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05-19-2010 , 07:14 PM
Dear jungleman12 firstly thank you very much for doing this well as Ive gathered some real nice info. heres my question for you!

You mentionned earlier that There was a nice window of opportunity to learn Hu plo for the simple fact that edges are bigger especially at micro/small/middle stakes

Im a real decent HuNl player ( at least a winning one ) so I know loads of stuff about poker and everything, But Ive never even played 1 PLO Hand, The only information I know about PLO is thats you have 4 card and not 2... ( LOL ) So for a guy that would prolly like to try out PLO and study it, where would you direct him. Basicly watching videos of pros playing Plo might not be good since I have no clue how this 4 card system works. then What would you suggest DC or Cardrunner ( note that Dc is much cheaper!)
05-19-2010 , 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by blitzilla
Dear jungleman12 firstly thank you very much for doing this well as Ive gathered some real nice info. heres my question for you!

You mentionned earlier that There was a nice window of opportunity to learn Hu plo for the simple fact that edges are bigger especially at micro/small/middle stakes

Im a real decent HuNl player ( at least a winning one ) so I know loads of stuff about poker and everything, But Ive never even played 1 PLO Hand, The only information I know about PLO is thats you have 4 card and not 2... ( LOL ) So for a guy that would prolly like to try out PLO and study it, where would you direct him. Basicly watching videos of pros playing Plo might not be good since I have no clue how this 4 card system works. then What would you suggest DC or Cardrunner ( note that Dc is much cheaper!)
he said previously that cardrunners are best for PLO vids
05-20-2010 , 03:00 AM
What is your standard deviation/100 HU?

05-20-2010 , 06:19 AM
Originally Posted by enty
favorite movie, series, book
player you look up to the most (now or in the past) poker wise
ass or tits
favorite cocktail/drink
fav movie is probably shawshank redemption
series: maybe galfond's philosophy series?
probably phil ivey because he has won the most and is probably good at most games
ass, but shape is more important than size
of the one's ive tried dissarono tastes the best and goes down the smoothest (although only 54 proof)

Originally Posted by bearpolar7
How has your life/ friendships changed since becoming robusto? Do you perceive your life to be radically different in the coming years?

Do you believe that you could be capable of taking a break even 50nl hu player and turn one into a winner at 50/100+ ?

Kind of related to second question but why do you believe some players grind out micro stakes for years without making a profit while others (isildur, durrrr, you etc) move up so quickly?

Sorry for so many questions, had a brainstorm
Life yes, relationships not really. It's easier to make friends now that's for sure

not sure, different at least yes

yeah I think so, but I don't believe everyone is capable

Sometimes it's variance, but I think the biggest reason is that a lot of ppl have emotional barriers that are difficult to overcome (eq refusal to change play, cant deal with stress, etc)
Originally Posted by urubu111
thanks for doing this. very good read obv. i hope you can answer my questions

1- how is being a huge baller? why you don't have a HUGE house w/ 4-5cool cars in the garage? you can buy everything you want. how is this felling? how you enjoin your money? do you make any sick travels?

2- why you don't play 6max? you don't like it or you don't think you are that good at 6m?

3- why 25/50 is so hard?? you said you get pwned in the early at 25/50, any ''aha momment'' at 25/50?? i know its hard talk about this, w/e. i have a felling that 25/50 regs (the good regs) are more close to 100/200 regs than the 10/20 regs. i mean, i feel 25/50 has a HUGE diference to 10/20, while 25/50 to 100/200 don't have that big diference... is this right? and what/where a 10/20 reg should focus to beat 25/50 players? (i know sounds like a 25nl question lol. obv depends a lot, but if you could say few things about this...)

4- sorry if this is boring, but after reading your answer to rumnchess, i need quote masterLJ:

we played few hands, maybe you don't remember, was 12-14months ago at 10/20 and a small session... but id apreciate if you could say something about my game. if you remember anything about our match id love to hear. i have a felling you think i was bad/weak.

5- about durrrr and isildur... who gave you more trouble? is it possible say isildur1 is top5 at NL HU?

6- any chance you post some graph? id like to see your 25/50nlhu all hands graph.

side note: i used to think you didn't tilt, but last year when we played 10/20 (you already playing a ton of 25/50 and some 50/100, so 10/20 for you was small stakes) after you lose a pot you said ''lol you flat K8o oop?? fish''. i get very disapointed because you was my idol... anyway, you still my idol!! id love see you playing 500-1k. also id like to say congratz for the big sucess you hit.
1.Not everything :P . Not yet. I want to get to that position though. I honestly haven't enjoyed my money that much yet, for me it was more valuable to make more money and play higher stakes than cashout and buy something expensive--it has better implications, and the idea was that when I was really rich I would be able to enjoy the money better. I'm also relatively easy to please when it comes to material goods. Haven't traveled much but will do so later.

2. I do play 6max, but not as much. Relatively speaking I'm much better at hu and also it APPEARS that hu has lower variance.

3. Many of the really good players play 25/50 + and not so much 10/20, and they also tend to be many of the few that will play you. Two ahah moments were the idea of using betting/raising for more than just strict EV and also the idea of maximizing value by betting thinner on the turn than checking and betting riv (more applied). You're obs of the difference of the regs of the stakes is correct.

4. I actually thought you were pretty difficult, but probably a bit bluffhappy in scenarios where bluffing isnt a good idea. Also, you really need to work on not getting so tilted and spewing off chips in one way or another (OBV).

5. probly isildur, yes

6. don't have nearly all the data, I posted a graph before of some of my hands
05-20-2010 , 06:44 AM
Are you going to make only NL HU videos or are you willing to teach us how to crush PLO hu
05-20-2010 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by BackBlood
Jungleman you are awesome..


If all your bankroll was taken away how long do you think you could reach 50/100 with a $10k starting roll? (obv I dont know a figure for the bankroll needed for 50/100 but maybe you can state that)
How would you then take shots and what games you you be wanting to play?

Is it worth it for me a 100NL - 400NL reg to learn HU PLO - I play mainly HUNL and make like 5PTBB/100? How long does it take to learn PLO (I know nothing about it), and how would you advise me going about it if you were in my shoes...

Are there any other games you think will get popular (excluding mixed games), that are particularly weak.

Sorry if any of these question have been asked before.
If I got the same amount of action as most get probably <2 years. If I got the same amount of action I do now maybe much longer =[ . I'd probably follow the same format that I did for moving up as I did originally.

Yeah, probably. Lot's of money in hu plo and you might wish you had learned it when you move up and action is scarce. The sooner the better... Obv play at a stake lower than what youre used to and move up.

I have no idea, plo will probably get popular

Originally Posted by Kornspitz
Hey dude, thanks for doing this!

When you call pre OOP vs a rather standard say NL400 reg, with a cbet % of ~75. 100bb effective stacks
1. Do you have a donk betting range on any flop? If not, how low does his cbet % have to be for you to have on?
2. What factors do you take into account when deciding whether to c/c or c/r? Which ones are the most important?
1. Vs someone who cbets 75% I more than likely would usually not have a donk betting range, c/r is just superior most of the time. I suppose vs someone who's cbetting <50% donking is a good idea
2.How often the other guy barrels on later streets, how often other guy hero calls down, cbet %, what the other guy's cbetting range is composed of, what % he opens, my image, my relative hand strength obv, and maybe history/"game flow" in particular. The other guy's stats are most important, ie opening % and cbetting %--they signify the strength of his range.

Originally Posted by Tamas6
what do you think is the most underused +ev play in the mid stakes game or what do you think is the most underused/ misinterpreted concept in these games.

for example do people suck at 3barrel bluffing. im sure you can work out what im getting at. basically can u pick a few areas where the average low/mid stakes winner could make big improvements

cheers man
+ev? maybe just focusing on getting ppl to fold weak stuff in spots they will. Biggest mistake ppl make really is just handreading poorly.

Originally Posted by exec771
what do you think is the most common mistake good 6 max regs make transitioning to hu?

Thanks for the well..
underplaying hands, being too nitty in general

Originally Posted by enty
how much money would it take to eat a really large quantity of the food you dislike the most (ie propbet)
For 100 k, I just might
Originally Posted by sh58
if you are a strong 6max and HU player at 5/10-10/20 whilst waiting for action HU, is it more profitable to try and play all the regs HU, or tableselect some 6max tables.

assume you are playing about 3 HU tables while waiting, or 6 6max tables while waiting

btw, if strong 6max and HU player is too vague, just answer as if i were referring to you
depends on what youre stronger at; if you can get hu going hu is more +ev than 6max so you should focus on hu but otherwise mixing in makes sense if youre not getting any action
Originally Posted by Radeh
Thx for doing this

How do you cope with bad runs? Do you have some sort of tilt control, or a way to release the "negative energy"? Like playing 0.25/.5 and shoving every hand, or smoking pot, or boxing?
Forgetting the bad feelings is the only solution.

The concept of negative energy is incorrect, it's not as though anger is stored and exists until you release it. It's actually a bad idea to engage in destructive behavior when angry (too lazy to explain why atm), and much more beneficial to cope. (lol @ me saying this, it's the truth but I'm not very good at following it)

Originally Posted by Danny830x
Appreciate you doing this. Have a couple questions.

Seems like you're pretty big on playing regs. Was that always the case for you while moving up in stakes? It seems pretty hard to get action from most regs at lower stakes.

You said you started very small at HU cash.. Any chance you could post a graph of your transition through the stakes?

Do you smoke? Before/during/after sessions? Regardless, thoughts on that?

Thanks again
I play anyone, regs are often more convenient because they multitable, dont really hitnrun etc.

unfortunately I lost my database twice so I no longer have the graphs

I do smoke, but kind of occasionally. I get high pretty easily, but I don't like being high all the time (pretty sure I can't do anything well high). I never smoke before sessions, sometimes after esp if I've lost money. It's fun and really interesting, and I believe relatively safe, ie no long term damage resulting from it?

Originally Posted by Ome836
You mentioned how beneficial a hud has been to your game. Does that continue to apply against players your more familiar with? Do you look to your stats for indications of gear changing or alterations in lines taken by guys like Ike or Isildur?

congrats on all your success
Yes, absolutely. Hud is way better at, for example, detecting gear changes than spidey senses.
Originally Posted by jcsmithson
I think this is interesting. Could you explain this a bit more. Do the bigger edges vs regs come because you kind of have their mind already(ABC poker) and know what they are doing thus making hand reading easier, and as long as you know how to go to the next level, it makes them more exploitable? It seems to me that as players improve, hand reading can become more precise and regs become more predictable. How do you sort of know when to take it to the next level? Is it common now for you to see a dry board and be like, "ok, this guy is cbetting this a lot because it's a dry board so I'm going to c/r wide" or "I know this guy is probably checking back this wet board because it isn't a good board to cbet and he probably doesn't want to get checkraised so I'm going to barrel him."
Predictability is a big part of it yeah. It depends on the sorts of mistakes theyre making; bigger edges are possible not necessary. It's possibly a mistake to assign a level to an action youre taking; experience and logic are all you can use to make a decision. Also, I don't assign levels to my opponents or to their actions.
05-20-2010 , 12:49 PM
I know you said you use a hud and think its useful. I am a 100-200 reg and have never used one, mainly cuz I play on a mac and its a pain in the ass to get it working. Am I making a mistake? Would it be worth it to take 5-10 BIs to get a PC with a hud for poker? Is their a level where it becomes more important or should I just sack up and get one?
05-20-2010 , 01:07 PM
When you start a session with a reg you played a bunch before, do you do it like you carry on from the last session like the was no time gap between them? Like for instance when you finished your last session villain was 3betting merged range, so do you assume he will be doing this now? Etc. How much dynamics of last session influence the new fresh one? That depends on time between the sessions too i guess but tell your thoughts about it.

Overall are you a happy person?

Thx in advance.
05-20-2010 , 02:12 PM
U mentioned an aha moment for you was using betting/raising for more than strict ev. Can you expand on this plz? Also great well, TY.

Just thought of another Q. Are there any spots you can think of that assuming villain thinks about them one way, given his play, you can get an idea of how hes likely to think about a different spot. I dnt know if that makes sense, but hopefully u get the jist of what Im asking.

Last edited by Doug; 05-20-2010 at 02:16 PM. Reason: spelling
05-20-2010 , 02:24 PM
Assuming your playing a reg @ non nosebleed stakes, and you can control his 3betting ranges by your 3bet/4bet range and aggr, what do you want him 3betting and why? Ie more pots if u think it will help him stack off lighter or only his premium 8% so u can safely avoid?
05-20-2010 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by salsathekid
I know you said you use a hud and think its useful. I am a 100-200 reg and have never used one, mainly cuz I play on a mac and its a pain in the ass to get it working. Am I making a mistake? Would it be worth it to take 5-10 BIs to get a PC with a hud for poker? Is their a level where it becomes more important or should I just sack up and get one? ? Dunno if it works for PT/HEM on Mac but it works for most applications on Linux. Plus it's free

Last edited by JSpazz; 05-20-2010 at 02:29 PM. Reason: linux unix damn it sounds so similar
05-20-2010 , 04:10 PM
are u a dork like some of the other guys that played like magic the gathering before poker and also do u like to party
05-20-2010 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by jungleman
Life yes, relationships not really. It's easier to make friends now that's for sure
It's easy to make friends when you're rich, but it's easier to know who your real friends are when you're poor.
05-20-2010 , 05:44 PM
my god, who has their well go on this long?! call it quits and much appreciated thread!

it was good, but is now just getting repetitive so people should just PM you if they have specific questions now
05-20-2010 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by jungleman
Yes, absolutely. Hud is way better at, for example, detecting gear changes than spidey senses.
could you elaborate on that plz?
05-21-2010 , 04:51 AM
do you know Urnotindanger2 personally or just online friend?? he don't like 2p2?

Originally Posted by salsathekid
I know you said you use a hud and think its useful. I am a 100-200 reg and have never used one, mainly cuz I play on a mac and its a pain in the ass to get it working. Am I making a mistake? Would it be worth it to take 5-10 BIs to get a PC with a hud for poker? Is their a level where it becomes more important or should I just sack up and get one?
obv this question was to jungleman, but i can answer this one: get HUD ASAP!!!!! serious, you will improve a lot playing w/ hud.

Originally Posted by undisclosedsn
could you elaborate on that plz?
plz elaborate this.
05-21-2010 , 10:19 AM
chances of seeing a video or 4 from you anytime soon?
05-21-2010 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by insidemanpoker
my god, who has their well go on this long?! call it quits and much appreciated thread!

it was good, but is now just getting repetitive so people should just PM you if they have specific questions now

wtf is this. ignore this jungleman, keep it going
05-21-2010 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by salsathekid
I know you said you use a hud and think its useful. I am a 100-200 reg and have never used one, mainly cuz I play on a mac and its a pain in the ass to get it working. Am I making a mistake? Would it be worth it to take 5-10 BIs to get a PC with a hud for poker? Is their a level where it becomes more important or should I just sack up and get one?
i use a mac and have pt3 and my hud works flawlessly
05-21-2010 , 07:56 PM
If you had to build a bankroll from 200 bucks, how would you do? Grind microstakes cash or start with sngs?
How many hours did you play a day when you started?
05-22-2010 , 08:40 AM
Originally Posted by chipchip
what does kaintd77/iilioiil do differently from other bumhunters, besides playing 12hr days?

someone else posted this, but im curious still
not sure, possibly not suck? I know kaintd77 is really strict as far as game selecting goes

Originally Posted by insidemanpoker
are you joining cardrunners for money or ego/notoriety? you must think it is -EV for your poker?
Maybe something like that, yes but not so much and not so directly.
Originally Posted by DonEdison
what was the most expensive thing u bought from pokermoneys?

do u spend ur money wisely or r u more a balller?

do you find it hard to motivate urself for college/studys?
going to buy a car for <60 k relatively soon (when I look for it...)
pretty wisely I occasionally ball it up though (PARTYBUS!!!)
yes, I don't study/go to class/do school **** nearly enough
Originally Posted by viennashaker
K pLEASE ignore this .. Was a really crazy night and i was an idiot at the time lol..

How important do you feel talking to other players is? Do you think its possible for a players that never discusses poker with friends to succeed?

How much time did it take you to become a really good PLO player once you decided to learn the game better??
Possibly but it's extremely unlikely, it's likely essential. Ppl will almost inherently think of things that you do not think of.

Not sure how good I am at PLO, my ptr for it is a bit misleading (although it totally missed a +200k session vs Benefield), and I'm still learning stuff.
Originally Posted by J0hny
You told in other post that you got 98yr Lexus from parents when you got 15.

So you were baller before poker and from rich family ?
parents are pretty wealthy but not exactly rich, probably upper mid class

Originally Posted by ghandi
hello ive only played hu nlhe since i leared poker but im trying to get into hu plo. in hold'em my strategy is basically to focus on peoples bluff & value ranges and what they do with them, in omaha you cant really do this right? can you talk abot how you categorize opponents hands in plo?
in omaha you can do it to some extent obv but usually the other guy has more equity
Originally Posted by jcsmithson
This question is about mining information from showdowns and fully integrating all the information available into proper adjustments. It seems like it's easy to glaze over certain implications of information gained at showdown and how certain actions effect other parts of a villains range in later hands. I'm curious how a person can get good at not missing any of the implications of a showdown hand and learning to know what a certain action on a certain street means for the rest of his range.

It's easy to say, see that a villain is calling down way too light and adjust to a more thin valuebetting strategy for example, but seemingly more difficult to notice other things like if a player is betting in a certain spot, how that effects his ranges when he checks, checkraises, or checkcalls.

I'm tired of missing stuff and not adjusting to available info. Thanks.
paying really close attention, thinking about the info and practice ofc are how you'd improve at using this info
Originally Posted by Gravity69
If you were to move down and randomly play .25/.50 hu do you think you would win like 80% of your sessions or is there too much variance for your skill to give you that much of an edge?

Can you recommend any coaches in particular with no bias for NLHU or 6max games that are <200 per hr?
depends on length of the session, but I think I'd win really often. That being said a lot of things I do are things that work well vs high stakes regs and I'd likely make the mistake of doing things that happen to be bad vs nl50 players, so I may initially not win ALL the time...
Originally Posted by Codecci
Does your friends & classmates from college know about your poker success?
yes, if you tell one person the whole world knows O_o
Originally Posted by SoLost
If someone has all the natural 'talents' to become good at poker except for a passion for the game, what percentage of their potential can they achieve (I suppose potential meaning if they had the passion).

Vague I know, but it's basically a way of me asking you how vital to becoming very good at poker it is to have a passion for the game instead of just playing for money.
probably significantly less than if they did, unless they had strong ethic. I, for example, do not have strong work ethic at least in a variety of scenarios (eg school).
Originally Posted by StreamlineR
thanks for all the answers!

How do you go about telling people what you do ? Are you completely honest ?
usually, it's a bit odd but there's obv a lot of value in being as successful as I am at anything
Originally Posted by dwusbu
why did u decide to play hu cash rather than hu sit n gos?

what was the longest session you ever played? was it the one against durrr?
winrate was apparently higher in hu cash! I played hu sngs briefly also
I've played several sessions about that long, so pretty much yeah.
Originally Posted by GBP04
good stuff jungleman

if I watch a training vid, it's usually from a 5k+ player (CTS, Brian T, etc). Their thought process/play is obviously advanced, but it's usually stuff that I've either thought of before or already use in my game. I realize that these players are necessarily orders of magnitude better than me, so I'm left wondering:

1) are most instructors holding some things (a lot of things?) back when they do a video?
2) what type of things do you think they aren't saying?
a decent amount are, esp information on other opponents that they plan to play in the future
Originally Posted by Deuce High
What mix of correctly applying what's fairly well known vs. knowing more/understanding the game better typically gives someone an edge? (NLH / PLO?)

It seems like there's been a rapid increase in the general level of knowledge about NLH in recent years. Do you think it will (has?) slow down, and maybe plateau to the point where most solid regs have nothing left to learn? Or will there always be a novel way to approach it?
first question is too vague

well yeah unless someone decides to really apply science/tech to answering how to play nl, progress certainly has slowed down recently. I don't think there will also be a novel way to approach but possibly always more to learn.
Originally Posted by JuJe
I thought I was gettin advice from a Chinese man. I was duped!
lol, I saw that Seinfeld episode!
Originally Posted by WhateverSon
Hey jungle, thx for doing this

few questions...

when you tilt, how long will it last? do u feel that u are lacking discipline at all when u tilt?

are u an organized person, do u mostly do whats important over what u want to do?

what would u recommend to a player that crushes 50nl 100nl NLH switching to PLO if he's only played it for about 2k hands and does not have much knowledge about this game?

theres a lot of information that helped my perspective for poker cencepts from all these great players wells...

is there a simple line that you could share with us on how to view poker in terms of making the most $$$
can last the rest of the whole match, and tilting is always a matter of lack of discipline

I'm actually really disorganized on paper (setup is a MESS), but organized in thought process/execution because it's necessary.
Originally Posted by Royle Bluntson
Do you feel like you play better stoned 1 tabling?

Also, sometimes when I come home drunk, it isn't a ****faced drunk but a more aggro focused you can't punk me drunk, and I play regs in HU Cash (I usually never play HUCash).
Anyway I feel great when I play like this, I feel like isildur, and I feel like I kno wtf I'm doing even tho I probably don't. Is this a recipe for busto?..and do you ever play wasted and feel like you can just dominate whoever your playing
probably, but only marginally better
maybe, it's at least a recipe for fps and/or tilt. I never play stakes that I care about drunk but it's possible that you can happen to play better when drunk, although it shouldn't be the case.

Originally Posted by barnabus
How much do you think you've made total from poker?
3.5 milish, TR is about 1 mil or so off for total profits on FT
05-22-2010 , 12:37 PM
apparently missed at least 2 questions...

Originally Posted by ConcreteDonkey
Did you start multitabling HU early on or did you get a lot of experience single tabling first?
no, I started single tabling and worked my way up
Originally Posted by GBP04
are most of your real life friends poker players?
no, it would be rather difficult for this to be the case
05-22-2010 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by pureklas
You say you played a level until you beat all the regs before moving up. Does that mean you kept playing someone at say 2/4 until you could beat them no matter how bad they were beating you at first?
Missed my Q too!
05-22-2010 , 12:51 PM
^ no, but if i can beat most players at 2/4 i move up
05-22-2010 , 12:58 PM
If you would do a match of half HUNL, half boxing which you would choose as opponent: Durrrr or Gus?
