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***** June LC Thread ***** ***** June LC Thread *****

06-11-2008 , 11:59 AM

I don't think it matters how anybody abuses you verbally. If you owe them money you owe them money, period. If you want to get into it after you pay them back or bitch at them while paying them back, that is fine, but you can't do what you were kind of doing for a lot of those posts. I've seen it done so many times, both in poker and in other avenues of business and it's really really shady.

It's nice that you guys seem to have set up a plan for payment. I hope everything works out well with it and you can both put this in the past.

(Also, I was thinking the exact same thing as I was reading that Citanul, in regards to the ban thing)
06-11-2008 , 12:10 PM
random rambling: 8 buyin downswing, yay .... what a horrible day.

edit: make that 9. **** idiots, all of em

Last edited by Panaphonic; 06-11-2008 at 12:29 PM.
06-11-2008 , 12:13 PM
So I got disconnected with full chip stacks in a $230 and was blinded off by a new regular (60+ games this week, pretty solid). Is it inappropriate for me to ask for some of the money back next time he's playing? Obviously there's no expectation of the return, but should I ask?
06-11-2008 , 12:19 PM
If you don't blind people off then you can ask.

If you do then you shouldnt.

Either way I don't think it should be expected for him to 1) wait for you to reconnect, or 2) pay you back.

But maybe Im just unethical?
06-11-2008 , 12:24 PM
I blind them off, but if they reconnect, I give them all the chips back. And the one time that someone has asked me for a refund after I blinded them off I sent them their buyin back.

I don't think it should be expected. I'm just a nice guy?
06-11-2008 , 12:27 PM
It surprises me that this jiacstrap guy still doesn't get it. Then again as citanul said, I'm surprised daily at how dumb some people can be.
06-11-2008 , 12:32 PM
skates: i blind people off as fast as i can. then again, i expect everyone to do the same to me. if they reconnect, well then they simply have a challenge ahead of them.
06-11-2008 , 12:35 PM
I have never had a single person NOT blind me down and keep my buy in when I've disconnected. Thus, nobody is getting benefit of the doubt unless I know them (in which case I probably wouldn't be playing them in the first place).
06-11-2008 , 12:39 PM
I agree wholeheartedly with xSCWx and Panaphonic, but I don't play SNGs
06-11-2008 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by phatjeffrey

If you EVER want to offer a 30/70 staking deal with coaching.

Please let me know.

do these type of deals ever work out for the staker?

iit's obviously great for the person getting staked, but i don't think i've really heard many stories at all of it working out well for the person staking. i looked into some stuff like this and it just seemed as though the risk of having your money stolen/donked off was so high, and then if the person actually has success, they just end the stake.
06-11-2008 , 01:05 PM
I'd blind my own grandma down and not give back her money
06-11-2008 , 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by ThePhenom919
I'd blind my own grandma down and not give back her money
Must be a southern thing.
06-11-2008 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by ThePhenom919
I'd blind my own grandma down and mightgive back her money but she'd have to earn it.
06-11-2008 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by skates
So I got disconnected with full chip stacks in a $230 and was blinded off by a new regular (60+ games this week, pretty solid). Is it inappropriate for me to ask for some of the money back next time he's playing? Obviously there's no expectation of the return, but should I ask?
I got blinded off in a 570, was up to 2100 came abck with 300 and the blinds being at 50/100. I emailed stars and a week later I had my buy in back, they did say that because this was the first time we will refund your buy in. Stars rocks
06-11-2008 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by Jeffmet3
do these type of deals ever work out for the staker?

iit's obviously great for the person getting staked, but i don't think i've really heard many stories at all of it working out well for the person staking. i looked into some stuff like this and it just seemed as though the risk of having your money stolen/donked off was so high, and then if the person actually has success, they just end the stake.
I have been backed three times, the first was with paster and obviously did not go well. It was also when I first started online poker. The 2nd time I was backed I made my backer a little under 5k and the 3rd time 2k. I think the question is why wouldn't you stake/back someone with a proven winning history.
06-11-2008 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by Casper05
umm yes.

Logic check- If I have $2500 that somebody loaned me and haven't paid it back after repeated requests over a period of 2 years, I am a thief.
I said I was going to drop this but, a thief does not pay money back. There was requests to get the money back twice, we would work out a deal. And twice somehow we got into a name-calling war and nothing happened. Then I didn't here from paster for a long time. I do not think I was right, but I never had intentions of stealing from paster either. Part of our agreement was being done talking about the issue on the forum(unless I did not pay), so i'm doneski. If it makes you feel better by calling me a thief for paying back makeup from 2 years ago or hating on 'jiacstrap' then do what you have to do. If you are ever in the AC area please shoot me a pm and we can discuss any matter you want in person also
06-11-2008 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by jiacstrap
I have been backed three times, the first was with paster and obviously did not go well. It was also when I first started online poker. The 2nd time I was backed I made my backer a little under 5k and the 3rd time 2k. I think the question is why wouldn't you stake/back someone with a proven winning history.
no, the question i have is why would someone who has a proven winning history at cashgames need staking..
06-11-2008 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by Montezuma21

*Oh and for the record I agree with Skates, et al that think that you should refund the money if they time out. I don't really care what anyone else does, but I'm not going to steal someone's money simply because they had an internet problem. I will, however, keep my per table average $ for the time/effort, etc...If they disconnect partway through the match and I'm ahead in chips, I'll take that into account as well. If they reconnect, I give them the option to take the partial refund or gamble with what they've got left. I think it's more than fair. If you give them their chips back, it takes away your edge since the blinds increase = less edge.

Last edited by RyanJM; 06-11-2008 at 02:16 PM.
06-11-2008 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by Jeffmet3
no, the question i have is why would someone who has a proven winning history at cashgames need staking..
i have heard many situations where people don't play well on their own money and need to have the "responsibility" of making someone else money to do well.

also, for every other person i have staked/coached, it has worked out greatly for BOTH of us and it can be a very profitable situation when everyone is in it for the same reason.
06-11-2008 , 02:20 PM
Been playing villain for about 5 minutes. He seems pretty straightforward. I've been aggressive, raising most of my buttons, cbetting a high %, etc. but have been card dead so I've had to fold to any pressure.

Poker Stars, $22 + $1 NL Hold'em Tournament, 10/20 Blinds, 2 Players - Hand History Converter

Hero (SB): 1,100
BB: 1,900

Pre-Flop: (30) A 7 dealt to Hero (SB)
Hero raises to 60, BB calls 40

Flop: (120) 9 9 7 (2 Players)
BB checks, Hero bets 80, BB raises to 260

At this point I decided to raise to 570 or something, the logic being that I'm more than committing myself anyways, and sometimes I'll get a push from someone who wouldnt have called an allin (gutshots, highcards, maybe a low pp but I doubt it). Of course I've also seen people flat the raise and fold unimproved which is obv +ev for me but perhaps not optimal.
Thoughts? Anybody play this differently? (aside from the amount to bet on river?)
06-11-2008 , 02:23 PM

I guess it all comes down to how carefully you choose the people you want to stake. Your basically looking for someone who has a decent game and willing to learn and improve, trustworthy, mentally stable and honest.

The first part might be a lot easier to determine through checking PT stats, ghosting etc.. It's the second part that causes conflicts and bad results.

If you choose your stakees well, getting some extra revenue every end of the week can be comforting when you're on a downswing, on vacation etc..

So its basically a high risk ( minimized if you choose people correctly) and high return ( If u define the staking terms correctly in your favor, or arrange some kind of long term deal).

We just hear more about the deals gone bad, because they cause drama and confrontations.

Edit : This was in response to your first post, I clicked submit post ~10 mins ago and just realized that it didn't actually post.
06-11-2008 , 02:25 PM
dippy, i would call and get it in on basically any turn card.
06-11-2008 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by phatjeffrey

I guess it all comes down to how carefully you choose the people you want to stake. Your basically looking for someone who has a decent game and willing to learn and improve, trustworthy, mentally stable and honest.

The first part might be a lot easier to determine through checking PT stats, ghosting etc.. It's the second part that causes conflicts and bad results.

If you choose your stakees well, getting some extra revenue every end of the week can be comforting when you're on a downswing, on vacation etc..

So its basically a high risk ( minimized if you choose people correctly) and high return ( If u define the staking terms correctly in your favor, or arrange some kind of long term deal).

We just hear more about the deals gone bad, because they cause drama and confrontations.

Edit : This was in response to your first post, I clicked submit post ~10 mins ago and just realized that it didn't actually post.
okay, well then if there are people that fit those criteria and are interested then pm me. with all the idiots at 10/20, i can't imagine how many downies there are at .5/1

Last edited by Jeffmet3; 06-11-2008 at 02:48 PM. Reason: if this isn't allowed, then please delete. sorry
06-11-2008 , 02:47 PM
you mean you call flop, push/call turn?
06-11-2008 , 02:53 PM
Time for a skates whine post!

I got it in with an overpair all-in preflop in LEVEL 1 OR LEVEL 2 alone 9 times today. I won 1.

I have HHs to prove it, but I'll spare you.

9 dl;akfjds;lkfjs;dlak'ing times.

And I went JJ<KK TT<KK, but w/e coolers. The above aren't just standard flips like KK<QQ, I'm including JJ<22.
