Hold'em No Limit - $0.01/$0.02 - 6 players
Hand delivered by Upswing Poker
UTG: $1.47 (74 bb)
MP: $2.63 (132 bb)
CO: $2.27 (114 bb)
BU: $6.81 (341 bb)
SB (Hero): $3.49 (175 bb)
BB: $2.26 (113 bb)
Pre-Flop: ($0.03) Hero is SB with J
♠ J
UTG calls $0.02,
2 players fold,
BTN raises to $0.15,
Hero 3-bets to $0.40,
2 players fold,
BTN 4-bets to $6.81 (all-in),
SB (Hero) folds
Total pot: $0.84 (Rake: $0)
BU wins $0.84
Easy fold at 175bb eff?
If we were at 100bb eff what do you think? still a fold? I did think his original RFI sizing was suspect, I think many players do this type of sizing with AK type hands but I had not reads here.
not sure if I'm doing the math correctly but if V shoves and we need to call 155bb to win a pot of 183.5bb we are getting just over 1:1, meaning we need like 45% or something? if we give him JJ+AK we have 36% so then fold?
if it was 100bb eff we would need to call 80bb to win a total pot of 128.5bb or
we need to call 80 and final pot will be 208.5, 80/208.5= 38%, which would make it closer versus a range of JJ+,AK since we have about 36.5%. Interestingly if we add AQs to villains range it changes we would be getting about 38.38%. I don't think he would shove AQ at our stack depth though without reads.
Last edited by Donkeybets; 11-20-2021 at 06:57 PM.