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January 25-50k hands prop bet interest thread January 25-50k hands prop bet interest thread

01-01-2010 , 12:05 AM
In for 28k hands, $25
January 25-50k hands prop bet interest thread Quote
01-01-2010 , 05:07 PM
In for 25k Hands, $50

Please PM me regarding $$$ as I don't have Escrow.
January 25-50k hands prop bet interest thread Quote
01-01-2010 , 05:39 PM
How is this not an incredibly easy bet for anybody with a positive winrate... I just don't get it really.

EDIT: that heart was a mistake... lol
January 25-50k hands prop bet interest thread Quote
01-01-2010 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by Tbirdx24
How is this not an incredibly easy bet for anybody with a positive winrate... I just don't get it really.

EDIT: that heart was a mistake... lol
This here is more a motivation bet then a bet tp make big bucks. That way we keep us motivated to play our "low volume" which is for some of us really ahrd work to archieve.
January 25-50k hands prop bet interest thread Quote
01-01-2010 , 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by ready 2 win
This here is more a motivation bet then a bet tp make big bucks. That way we keep us motivated to play our "low volume" which is for some of us really ahrd work to archieve.
Ok, understandable. I doubt I can play 25k hands in a month, but if I thought I could, I'd participate.
January 25-50k hands prop bet interest thread Quote
01-01-2010 , 09:56 PM
Okay i want in on this one and will def escrow if need be but how does the table max thing work? like sometimes i play 8 sometimes i play 12?
also if say im in for 25k and i play 100kh in jan at a loss but my first 25k are winners do i win the prop?
January 25-50k hands prop bet interest thread Quote
01-01-2010 , 10:08 PM
I would also like in on this and don't have an issue escrowing, but have 2 questions.

First one mimics drewbertos... what to declare if you don't always play the same number of tables. Can it be a ratio of x hands per hour or something like that? My standard is 8-12, and sometimes when watching tv or a movie I may play like 4.

Second, I currently play 10nl and am taking shots at 25nl, can I filter out the 25nl and just use my hands/winrate from 10nl?
January 25-50k hands prop bet interest thread Quote
01-01-2010 , 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by drewberto
Okay i want in on this one and will def escrow if need be but how does the table max thing work? like sometimes i play 8 sometimes i play 12?
also if say im in for 25k and i play 100kh in jan at a loss but my first 25k are winners do i win the prop?
I believe they discussed in the last thread that all hands would count not just the first 25k like the last bet.

Originally Posted by jaypee
I would also like in on this and don't have an issue escrowing, but have 2 questions.

First one mimics drewbertos... what to declare if you don't always play the same number of tables. Can it be a ratio of x hands per hour or something like that? My standard is 8-12, and sometimes when watching tv or a movie I may play like 4.

Second, I currently play 10nl and am taking shots at 25nl, can I filter out the 25nl and just use my hands/winrate from 10nl?
This brings up a concern and point that a lot of people have expressed and I have wondered how it already hasnt come up. A lot of people dont just 6 table or 12 table. They play a range of tables. Thus where do they buy in at. I think you guys should set up a range of tables for players to buy in at. This is the only way I can think to do this. This also helps validate at the end. You set a range of tables so say 8-10 tables with a volume of 28k. Then you validate whether they played more by taking their hand volume for the month and if it is over the hands per hour for 10 tabling then you know they played more tables than they should and thus are disqualified. I dont know how else to get around it.

To anwser the 2nd question I believe all hands count. I dont know what rules ready has in mind for this though. It was the rule in the past although it was never questioned so you might be able to work something out with everyone.
January 25-50k hands prop bet interest thread Quote
01-01-2010 , 11:57 PM
Since I'm still on vacation and I am going through a really brutal run, I think I will bow out this month. I will probably be down for Feb though.
January 25-50k hands prop bet interest thread Quote
01-02-2010 , 02:27 AM
I was under the impression that if I play 8-10 tables, I must choose the 10 table hand volume. Therefore, I decided to choose the 9 tabling hand volume (28k hands) and just play 8-9 tables during this period.
January 25-50k hands prop bet interest thread Quote
01-02-2010 , 03:20 AM
In for 31k hands @ $100.

Also, since this is my first prop bet and all, please let me know if you would like to escrow the 50.
Same goes for me.
January 25-50k hands prop bet interest thread Quote
01-02-2010 , 07:56 AM
Originally Posted by drewberto
Okay i want in on this one and will def escrow if need be but how does the table max thing work? like sometimes i play 8 sometimes i play 12?
also if say im in for 25k and i play 100kh in jan at a loss but my first 25k are winners do i win the prop?
I think that is a good advice :

Originally Posted by VeeSe
I was under the impression that if I play 8-10 tables, I must choose the 10 table hand volume. Therefore, I decided to choose the 9 tabling hand volume (28k hands) and just play 8-9 tables during this period.
Or just look what your average amount of hands was at the last 2-3 months and go with that. Like in the OP mentioned all hands will you play in January will count.

Originally Posted by jaypee
Re: January 25-50k hands prop bet interest thread
I would also like in on this and don't have an issue escrowing, but have 2 questions.

First one mimics drewbertos... what to declare if you don't always play the same number of tables. Can it be a ratio of x hands per hour or something like that? My standard is 8-12, and sometimes when watching tv or a movie I may play like 4.

Second, I currently play 10nl and am taking shots at 25nl, can I filter out the 25nl and just use my hands/winrate from 10nl?

I think Thunder explained the part with the table amount really well.

For your second question all hands at all limits will count. We will use the average WR over your complete sample size for January. So even when you are loosing at NL25 but your overall WR is > 0pt you qualify when your hit at least your minimum volume.

Originally Posted by Equus asinus
Since I'm still on vacation and I am going through a really brutal run, I think I will bow out this month. I will probably be down for Feb though.
I can understand that. The registration is open until Jan 5 23:59 EST just in case you change your opinion w/o putting yourself under to much pressure.
January 25-50k hands prop bet interest thread Quote
01-02-2010 , 06:33 PM
Wrong thread
January 25-50k hands prop bet interest thread Quote
01-02-2010 , 09:11 PM
I am just thinking about expand this prop bet to gain hopefully more interest.

My idea is to increase the maximum amount of tables to 24:

17 tables ---> 53k hands
18 tables ---> 56k hands
19 tables ---> 59k hands
20 tables ---> 62.5k hands
21 tables ---> 66k hands
22 tables ---> 69k hands
23 tables ---> 72k hands
24 tables ---> 75k hands

Since the demand seems to be higher for bigger volume props I think that is the right step.
January 25-50k hands prop bet interest thread Quote
01-03-2010 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by ready 2 win
Yeah, I will come around have already someone I trust to do it and he agreed already. I just wait until he declares here official he is the escrow this month.
Still waiting on this one. I'm back home again and ready to start playing.
Got 19k hands in 13 days (couldn't play more days) last month, averaging about 3.2 tables so i should probably nit it up on a couple of more tables this month.
January 25-50k hands prop bet interest thread Quote
01-03-2010 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by wupwup
Still waiting on this one. I'm back home again and ready to start playing.
Got 19k hands in 13 days (couldn't play more days) last month, averaging about 3.2 tables so i should probably nit it up on a couple of more tables this month.
I am sorry I thought ready had already informed everyone of the escrow. I will be escrowing this month. PM me for shipment info. Best of luck to everyone!
January 25-50k hands prop bet interest thread Quote
01-03-2010 , 12:30 PM

He set up the official thread which has the escrow info and everything in it.
January 25-50k hands prop bet interest thread Quote
