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January 2012 - No Money in Micros, Everyone's Sitting Out ***LC Thread*** January 2012 - No Money in Micros, Everyone's Sitting Out ***LC Thread***

01-19-2012 , 08:39 PM
lifetime graph vithel? D: this thread needs some gore
01-19-2012 , 08:51 PM
Pm for coaching...

Grabbed by Holdem Manager
NL Holdem $0.50(BB) Poker Stars
Hero ($101)

Dealt to Hero A 9

calls $0.25, Hero raises to $1.50, calls $1

FLOP ($3) 2 2 3

Hero bets $1, raises to $5.50, Hero calls $4.50

TURN ($14) 2 2 3 3

Hero checks, bets $6, Hero raises to $94.15 (AI), calls $6.95 (AI)

RIVER ($39.90) 2 2 3 3 J

Hero shows A 9
(Pre 69%, Flop 83.5%, Turn 88.6%)

shows 7 9
(Pre 31%, Flop 16.5%, Turn 11.4%)

Hero wins $39.40
01-19-2012 , 08:51 PM
teach me how to be humble
01-19-2012 , 09:00 PM
You're gonna have to work on your sense of humour before anyone even considers talking to someone as boring as yourself.
01-19-2012 , 09:05 PM
01-19-2012 , 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by sl8a
Nice red line
01-19-2012 , 10:21 PM
WithoutAir, you've played 500k hands, thought about the game for a very long time, and 25nl players suck. You almost definitely do have the skill set to beat 25nl. It's much more likely that your problem is psychological - after being a losing player for so long you probably feel like whatever you do isn't enough, so you're constantly over adjusting and digging yourself into one big -EV hole. I know there is no evidence to support having faith in your own poker abilities is a good idea, but I think a little faith in yourself is exactly what you need to start winning. You've already outlined what you do wrong: "My leaks are from the blinds and I spew like a mofo postflop, as well as finding it hard to fold." So just stop making bad calls and stop spewing. You probably realize the mistake that's been made immediately after the hand, when the villain shows you exactly what you expected to see, so all you gotta do is listen to your own intuition and make the play that will make you money in the long run (usually, it'll be fold).

A coach with good results at the micros or moving down until you beat 10nl over a decent sample would both be decent ideas too, imo. I still think you can beat 25nl, but at 10nl it will be a little easier because the players are worse and having some good results will help your confidence.
01-19-2012 , 10:22 PM
@ withoutair you 4 tabled 25NL for 500k hands with a loss-rate like that and it never occurred to you that you might just not be getting things?


edit: sorry, dont mean to be dick, didnt read all other posts about it before actually posting.
01-19-2012 , 10:45 PM
^if everyone trolled withoutair then your post would be fair? :P
01-19-2012 , 11:05 PM
I should really stop making K-high calls.

I don't recall a time I've ever won, and I've definitely made at least 5.
01-19-2012 , 11:20 PM
01-19-2012 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by kidacao
^if everyone trolled withoutair then your post would be fair? :P
someone needs to tell the kid that the green line should be going up
01-19-2012 , 11:52 PM
haha hes been linked to a video that will help him. They also gave him solid advice. We will have to deal with another winning reg soon that makes me sad .


anyone want me to post a cheat to see how much rake you are losing with the new stars method on HEM1? I dont even know if this has been posted on 2+2 already so dont hate if its old news D:
01-19-2012 , 11:54 PM
Originally Posted by As1an1nvas1on
someone needs to tell the kid that the green line should be going up
If someone needs to tell him that it would be near the bottom of the list of things he needs telling
01-19-2012 , 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by kidacao
anyone want me to post a cheat to see how much rake you are losing with the new stars method on HEM1? I dont even know if this has been posted on 2+2 already so dont hate if its old news D:
I'd like an accurate VPP stat for the HEM1 report if that's what this does...
01-20-2012 , 12:07 AM
Its a function for pgadmin III that shows you your rakeback with both systems.

Im losing 15% of manies, nits are losing up to 45% lol

edit: about stats, i dont think theres one available for HEM1 but afaik theres an update for HEM2 out there already.
01-20-2012 , 12:22 AM
Originally Posted by MikeGotNuts
WithoutAir, you've played 500k hands, thought about the game for a very long time, and 25nl players suck. You almost definitely do have the skill set to beat 25nl. It's much more likely that your problem is psychological - after being a losing player for so long you probably feel like whatever you do isn't enough, so you're constantly over adjusting and digging yourself into one big -EV hole. I know there is no evidence to support having faith in your own poker abilities is a good idea, but I think a little faith in yourself is exactly what you need to start winning. You've already outlined what you do wrong: "My leaks are from the blinds and I spew like a mofo postflop, as well as finding it hard to fold." So just stop making bad calls and stop spewing. You probably realize the mistake that's been made immediately after the hand, when the villain shows you exactly what you expected to see, so all you gotta do is listen to your own intuition and make the play that will make you money in the long run (usually, it'll be fold).

A coach with good results at the micros or moving down until you beat 10nl over a decent sample would both be decent ideas too, imo. I still think you can beat 25nl, but at 10nl it will be a little easier because the players are worse and having some good results will help your confidence.
Thanks for the advice, and thanks to everyone else positive or negative.
01-20-2012 , 12:28 AM
oh well

Tried uploading the pic to a image host but it losses his quality and cant be read.

create or replace function amountPreflopInvested(tn playerhandscashmisc, pkh_id integer) returns integer AS $$
amount integer := 0;
other integer := 0;
amount := tn.postamountpreflop + tn.betamountpreflop + tn.callamountpreflop;
select max(pre.postamountpreflop + pre.betamountpreflop + pre.callamountpreflop) into other from pokerhands join playerhandscashkeycolumns using (pokerhand_id) join playerhandscashmisc pre using (playerhand_id) where pokerhand_id=pkh_id and not ishero;
return least(amount, other);
$$ language plpgsql;

create or replace function amountFlopInvested(tn playerhandsflop, pkh_id integer) returns integer AS $$
amount integer := 0;
other integer := 0;
amount := tn.betamount + tn.callamount;
select max(flop.betamount+flop.callamount) into other from pokerhands join playerhandscashkeycolumns using (pokerhand_id) join playerhandscashmisc using (playerhand_id) join playerhandsflop flop using(playerhand_id) where pokerhand_id=pkh_id and not ishero;
return least(amount, other);
$$ language plpgsql;

create or replace function amountTurnInvested(tn playerhandsturn, pkh_id integer) returns integer AS $$
amount integer := 0;
other integer := 0;
amount := tn.betamount + tn.callamount;
select max(turn.betamount+turn.callamount) into other from pokerhands join playerhandscashkeycolumns using (pokerhand_id) join playerhandscashmisc using (playerhand_id) join playerhandsturn turn using(playerhand_id) where pokerhand_id=pkh_id and not ishero;
return least(amount, other);
$$ language plpgsql;

create or replace function amountRiverInvested(tn playerhandsriver, pkh_id integer) returns integer AS $$
amount integer := 0;
other integer := 0;
amount := tn.betamount + tn.callamount;
select max(river.betamount+river.callamount) into other from pokerhands join playerhandscashkeycolumns using (pokerhand_id) join playerhandscashmisc using (playerhand_id) join playerhandsriver river using(playerhand_id) where pokerhand_id=pkh_id and not ishero;
return least(amount, other);
$$ language plpgsql;

select count(*) as "Hands", sum(round(b.rakeamount))/100.0 as "Rake dealt",
sum ( round(a.rakeamount * 1.* (
case when (b.maxstreetseen=0 or b.streetwentallin=1) then (amountPreflopInvested(c, a.pokerhand_id))
when (b.maxstreetseen=1 or b.streetwentallin=2) then (c.postamountpreflop + c.betamountpreflop + c.callamountpreflop + amountFlopInvested(f, a.pokerhand_id))
when (b.maxstreetseen=2 or b.streetwentallin=3) then (c.postamountpreflop + c.betamountpreflop + c.callamountpreflop + f.betamount + f.callamount + amountTurnInvested(t, a.pokerhand_id))
else (c.postamountpreflop + c.betamountpreflop + c.callamountpreflop + f.betamount + f.callamount + t.betamount + t.callamount + amountRiverInvested(r, a.pokerhand_id)) end
) / (a.potsize))
) / 100.0 as "WC Rake"
from pokerhands a join playerhandscashkeycolumns b using (pokerhand_id) join playerhandscashmisc c using (playerhand_id)
left join playerhandsflop f using(playerhand_id) left join playerhandsturn t using(playerhand_id) left join playerhandsriver r using(playerhand_id)
where ishero and potsize>0 and a.handtimestamp>'2011-01-01 00:00:00' and a.site_id=2;
Warning: I had around 300k hands on my database and it took around 5-10 mins to show up with the result.

But i took this from another forum and there was a guy with a 2MM hands database that said that he had to wait nearly 6 hours for the results o_O
01-20-2012 , 12:38 AM
Originally Posted by Cheerful Demon
If someone needs to tell him that it would be near the bottom of the list of things he needs telling
my thoughts exactly
01-20-2012 , 04:41 AM
@WithoutAir just do this please, I bet it'll be helpful
01-20-2012 , 06:52 AM

01-20-2012 , 06:53 AM
Playing 20NL now 4 tables if anybody wants to take a look (using Mikogo).
Hit a PM if interrested.
01-20-2012 , 07:12 AM
Originally Posted by Back off Kiddo
Playing 20NL now 4 tables if anybody wants to take a look (using Mikogo).
Hit a PM if interrested.
you still looking for a sweat?
01-20-2012 , 07:32 AM
Yeah sure, forgot about it lol
01-20-2012 , 09:45 AM

the last 100posts itt, 60% was lololololololol

withoutair u said u dont drink, and ur from 'the east', boooommm, leak fixed

also, gl sir
