Here's the hand:
I'd love to see some sort of "solution"/explanation for this hand from one wise person.
Possible solutions (taken from youtube comments):
a) If its the final 2 headsup, shove it all in with any 2 cards and hope you get lucky.
b) its so clear jackson is out of breath and he keeps covering he's mouth in awkward motions showing he's not comfortable and Ivey the shark picked it up as a intense bluff.
c) that was just sick.
d) you can see how quickly jackson pulls his hand away at 1:10 after he raises. well, interpret it as you might but i think ivey noticed it as well.
e) both players read each other correctly, but ivey had a huge advantage with his bigger chip stack
f) In some situations, its not what you got but what you know your opponent doesnt have. Ivey obviously knew he didnt have a Jack, but knew he might not call with a 7. He made a read and went with it. Poker players live and die with their reads
thanks in advance