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Isolating calling stations with small pps? Isolating calling stations with small pps?

11-10-2012 , 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by mdmx
I'm not saying it's -EV.. EV is just higher if you bet bigger and don't fold 1:8.
Imo its not a great idea to play small pp's post againt loose passive players because they will be calling a ton of flops and pretty much every turn card will suck for us. However, if you are a more advanced player, going for thin value in certain spots is profitable with these hands of course. But in general, regarding OP, I suggest to take a step back.
Isolating calling stations with small pps? Quote
11-10-2012 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by severance pay
The more limpers the bigger your raise should be. Say we hold 77 and we get 3 limpers we don't want to raise and invite them all to call. Of'course it's nice when we flop a set but it doesn't happen often. We can just raise and hopefully take the pot down preflop or have 1 caller and will be able to take it down most of the time on the flop with a cbet. These small pots are going to far outway the times you entice 3 callers flop a set and stack one of them.

You also don't wan't to be raising your premiums bigger than any other hand you'd raise for value 1stly if its worth raising for value do it correctly 2ndly you don't want to start alerting people to when you have a premium hand.
People limping are generally not paying attention to your exploitable betsizing imo. I would definately raise as big as I possibly can when I raise for value vs a 60/4 cs fish or similair. In fact I think varying bet size can be good vs fish so long as you got a decent grasp on their game, if they call you down every time or fold every flop, regardless though fish in general no matter their playstyle like calling ridiculous sized preflop bets.

Also does your advice regarding limped pots above apply even if there's a "guaranteed" caller playing say 60/4 and who will most likely call almost every flop bet? Or would you prefer as the other guy said to setmine? And if so does that mean we should just play fit or fold in general vs these guys?
Isolating calling stations with small pps? Quote
11-10-2012 , 08:43 PM
Loose passive players are the easiest one to play postflop IP.

Just bet for value, do not bluff.

They also don't bluff, so you can check back if you can't bet for value. Fold if they bet, and check back again if they check again. They also don't vbet, except the nuts on river after checked twice, so you can draw your set on turn & river as well.

22 is ~50/50 against his 60% pf range, we have position and huge skill advantage postflop. Hard to spew so bad it's not +EV situation.
Isolating calling stations with small pps? Quote
11-11-2012 , 08:37 AM
Originally Posted by DaycareInferno
small pairs were so much better 6 years ago when no one 3bet without KK+ and there were 3 fish in every hand.
Isolating calling stations with small pps? Quote
