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IP squeeze/call IP squeeze/call

12-18-2019 , 05:32 PM
100bb eff, Hero is BTN. Let's say MP opens and CO calls

Let's assume for ease of discussion that all players at the table are unknowns or reasonably competent regs. What kind of range would you squeeze with, and what kind of range would you call?

I figure that 99+,AJs+,KQs,AQo+ would pretty much always be a squeeze. 88-22 I think could all realistically then be calls (not sure about 33-22 though, they're the worst ones but bottom set is still usually pretty good), as would something like ATs,KJs-KTs,QTs+,JTs,T9s

Once we hit suited wheel aces and SCs/gappers though, I feel more unsure. A9s-A6s I believe would only be squeeze or fold, but something like A5s-A4s and J9s/98s/87s/76s could potentially be reasonable calls as well

So assuming a squeezing range will be more polarized here, what hands is it better to "bluff" squeeze with? I think AJo/KQo and the worst suited aces certainly, but what about stuff like K9s/97s/54s?

I don't have a solver, and idk if solvers can really approach spots like this, but any solver related input would be appreciated (as would any non-solver related input)
IP squeeze/call Quote
12-18-2019 , 09:32 PM
MP villain dependent (how tight he is opening, raise size, how often they fold to sqz etc)

vs a tight MP 3x open

- I call behind 99,TT (even JJ), ATs,AJs. I sqz QQ+/AQs, AK, KQs (situational) for value, A5s-A3s,76s,65s,54s for bluff.. I muck everything else incl AQo

- I loosen up as I play along

(i dont do SCs, gappers, trouble broadway hands, Kx stuff)

PS: I recommend getting snowie output for this situation.. my snowie scenario limit exhausted otherwise i would have given.
IP squeeze/call Quote
12-18-2019 , 09:53 PM
PS: I recommend getting snowie output for this situation.. my snowie scenario limit exhausted otherwise i would have given.
QQ+ , AQs+

QQ mix though
IP squeeze/call Quote
12-18-2019 , 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by Zuko
QQ+ , AQs+

QQ mix though
what does it say for 1/2 pot raise?

lol it is going to be so tight as a virgin that OP is going to go crazy
IP squeeze/call Quote
12-18-2019 , 10:08 PM
I do

100% TT+,AQo+,QJs,KJs,AJs
50% KQo,ATs,KTs,QTs,JTs,99

if caller is fish, all of the above 100% and mby add 50% AJo,88,T9s
IP squeeze/call Quote
12-18-2019 , 10:16 PM
Originally Posted by ionutd
I do

100% TT+,AQo+,QJs,KJs,AJs
50% KQo,ATs,KTs,QTs,JTs,99

if caller is fish, all of the above 100% and mby add 50% AJo,88,T9s
is this solver?? may i know the open sizing? is the raise size pot?
I doubt snowie will sqz QJs vs 3x MP open though
IP squeeze/call Quote
12-18-2019 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by dubakkur2
is this solver?? may i know the open sizing? is the raise size pot?
I doubt snowie will sqz QJs vs 3x MP open though
yes, I have 2 sources for ranges, both based on solver, QJs is 100% sq
between 2x, 2.5x and 3x rfi , differences are negligible, AQo is either mixed or pure and ATs, KTs, 88, A5s are used more often vs smaller opens, but the core is the same

all this assuming OR opens a standard range, if he's a nit, don't be so aggressive
IP squeeze/call Quote
12-18-2019 , 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by ionutd
yes, I have 2 sources for ranges, both based on solver, QJs is 100% sq
between 2x, 2.5x and 3x rfi , differences are negligible, AQo is either mixed or pure and ATs, KTs, 88, A5s are used more often vs smaller opens, but the core is the same

all this assuming OR opens a standard range, if he's a nit, don't be so aggressive
So basically, it squeezes TT+, Suited broadways with AQo thrown in?
How about A5s-A2s, 54s-76s?
IP squeeze/call Quote
12-18-2019 , 10:41 PM
I'm sure they're reasonable at a low freq or if mp has the habit of folding to 3bets or squeezes oop
IP squeeze/call Quote
12-18-2019 , 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by ionutd
I'm sure they're reasonable at a low freq or if mp has the habit of folding to 3bets or squeezes oop
but solver doesnt recommend them right?
IP squeeze/call Quote
12-18-2019 , 10:56 PM
idk ,these are "human revised" cause solvers don't really have a flatting range co vs hj in high rakes games

doubt it's going to make a big difference tho if you use these hands or not, just adjust to how wide you think mp opens and folds to the squeeze

check to see what snowie flats in co
IP squeeze/call Quote
12-18-2019 , 11:04 PM
What size r u using?
2.5bb ->2.5bb ->11bb?
IP squeeze/call Quote
12-18-2019 , 11:14 PM
should be a bit smaller ip, mby 9-10
IP squeeze/call Quote
