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Improving non-showdown possibility Improving non-showdown possibility

07-26-2014 , 08:34 PM
I've noticed that my Net won has largely been based on my showdown profit. While I am happy with this I was wondering how to improve my non showdown profitability in order to make myself even more profitable as it seemed to slowly rise for the first 10,000 hands and then it seems to have flatlined for the next 20,000.

If anyone needs any stats just let me know
Improving non-showdown possibility Quote
07-26-2014 , 10:08 PM
It really really depends on how you're playing. Check out this older CotW for some things to look for to help you're redline. It might not even be a big leak depending on your playstyle.
Improving non-showdown possibility Quote
07-26-2014 , 10:42 PM
^^^^^ that

It's also down to who you are playing, it will be a side affect to the stakes you play , don't expect good non showdown vs people who don't fold it's natural to have a better showdown profit. It's not something you need to worry about fixing, your non showdown will get better as you move up and people fold more. If you try to adjust and fix this thinking it's a leak at lower stakes you may actually start to bluff to much and create a leak if that makes sense.

You cant show a non showdown profit vs someone who doesn't fold as you will always be getting to showdown. Red line is very much misunderstood by a'lot of people and they try to fix what isn't broken. If your losing on showdown then you should worry as your probably calling down way to light, but if your showdown is +ev don't panic. Id say anything 65% or above at showdown is ok.

Don't get carried away with these stats learn to play poker first the stats are only a guide and can sometimes mislead you. I would honestly suggest playing sessions with a hud off and 2 or 3 table so your not so reliant on the software. As i say software helps but your the key to the door.
Improving non-showdown possibility Quote
07-27-2014 , 04:56 AM
Originally Posted by TimBucktoo
^^^^^ that

It's also down to who you are playing, it will be a side affect to the stakes you play , don't expect good non showdown vs people who don't fold it's natural to have a better showdown profit. It's not something you need to worry about fixing, your non showdown will get better as you move up and people fold more. If you try to adjust and fix this thinking it's a leak at lower stakes you may actually start to bluff to much and create a leak if that makes sense.

You cant show a non showdown profit vs someone who doesn't fold as you will always be getting to showdown. Red line is very much misunderstood by a'lot of people and they try to fix what isn't broken. If your losing on showdown then you should worry as your probably calling down way to light, but if your showdown is +ev don't panic. Id say anything 65% or above at showdown is ok.

Don't get carried away with these stats learn to play poker first the stats are only a guide and can sometimes mislead you. I would honestly suggest playing sessions with a hud off and 2 or 3 table so your not so reliant on the software. As i say software helps but your the key to the door.

I'm not familiar with all of the terminlogy yet. What exactly is ev? Also I don't actually watch the HUD that much anyway mostly because i don't really know how to use it properly. At the moment i'm using it more for stat tracking
Improving non-showdown possibility Quote
07-27-2014 , 06:53 AM
Ev is expected value i.e. how much you expect to make by taking a particular line.

Folding is zero EV. Give it a good for more info.

HUD should be your main priority now. Work on a few stats and make sure you know how to use them.
Improving non-showdown possibility Quote
07-27-2014 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by gamma001
Ev is expected value i.e. how much you expect to make by taking a particular line.

Folding is zero EV. Give it a good for more info.

HUD should be your main priority now. Work on a few stats and make sure you know how to use them.
Is there any where that has in depth information on how to set up HUDs and how to use the stats effectively?
Improving non-showdown possibility Quote
07-28-2014 , 07:28 PM
Take a look at this sticky. A ton of great info in there on topics it seems like you should read up on. Some threads are really great places to start if you're a total beginner and some get more advanced and cover some aspects of the game you probably won't need just starting out. Definitely take a look at veneer's 'moving up' thread after you've read up on some intro basics he covers a solid approach to the micros.
Improving non-showdown possibility Quote
