Originally Posted by ILMCS
I doubt he will call with a worse two pair. Some might thinking you bluff, but vs. the overall NL5 FR population, you will screw yourself .
You will end up getting called with a J more often than with another two pair.
I'd totally agree that a jack calls more often than not but two pair could call some of the time right? But even if it doesn't and only a jack calls we still have 9 outs to the flush and 4 to the boat giving us about 26%. Throw in a little fold equity from the shove and preventing him from bluffing us on the river and I think it might have been a good play.
The problem I have with calling the turn is, when the river bricks with no heart he should really be bluffing a lot. I think I have to fold this on a river with no heart that didn't give me a boat. Yeah this is the micros so he probably won't be bluffing enough but I want to develop good balanced play for when I move up. So if he can bluff me off most of my river range and I have really good equity on the turn doesn't it make sense to shove? In game I went with folding any river that didn't improve my hand and shoving one that does. Maybe that was better but I'm not sure.