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I made the mistake of registering for a hu 22.25$ deep stack no blind increases sng I made the mistake of registering for a hu 22.25$ deep stack no blind increases sng

09-28-2009 , 12:19 AM
Right i ahve emailed pokerstars. The scum has written in the box want to split. Since he has made no attempt to win p;roperly this shows he is a scum
I made the mistake of registering for a hu 22.25$ deep stack no blind increases sng Quote
09-28-2009 , 12:23 AM
And who chops in a 22$ hu sng andway?
I made the mistake of registering for a hu 22.25$ deep stack no blind increases sng Quote
09-28-2009 , 12:30 AM
Have done even split now so thankfully over
I made the mistake of registering for a hu 22.25$ deep stack no blind increases sng Quote
09-28-2009 , 12:49 AM
lol. you have to realize, the avg player who joins these is a huge fishbowl and will dump off their stack if you just sit and nut peddle. if you get a decent player, you just play and see what happens. if it's a long game, there is usually a chop. normally, good players don't sit 2nd in these unless they like to play 5 hour games. And yes, some regs will be playing like 8 of these at a time and timing down in order to induce craziness.
I made the mistake of registering for a hu 22.25$ deep stack no blind increases sng Quote
09-28-2009 , 12:50 AM
Pokerstars said they would get back to me with regards to my complaint. I don't think anyone who has any seriosu intention of winning without boring their opponent into submission so thye give up would played as he did for two hours, before asking for a deal but only on an even split. He knows that noone wants to play like that for so long and that if his cheating doesnt work then he will get a deal to get his money back anyway.
I made the mistake of registering for a hu 22.25$ deep stack no blind increases sng Quote
09-28-2009 , 12:59 AM
Surely if it is a long game then said player would maybe try and see more flops or reraise more often. They would make some other attempt to win. According to sharkscope his account is heavily up and he has won turbo sngs at fairly decent stakes so must be angleshooting. If the game was long because stacks were swingying back and forth due to an even skilled battle then I would not mind.

A 22$ hu sng should not end in a deal, regardless of the structure and imo should not last longer than an hour and a half, if both players are trying to win by ethical means.
22$ is not a great amount of money in poker terms - I usually play .5/1 cash, 75$ 45 seater sngs and similarly priced mtts so it wasn't the money that bothered me; simply that someone would choose this method of gamesmanship to try and steal from me. If you see Allhine in the Pokerstars lobby do not play him unless you fancy his brand of cheating!
I made the mistake of registering for a hu 22.25$ deep stack no blind increases sng Quote
09-28-2009 , 01:02 AM
It's not cheating to make maximal use of the time afforded to you to make your decisions. Even granting your point that he is not using it to make decisions but rather to irritate the opponent, how is that cheating or unethical? He's not name calling, using profanity, botting, mining, or anything else for that matter. If that's how he makes his millions, bully for him, and if you don't have the patience and skill to take advantage of his excessive tightness, then this tournament is not for you.
I made the mistake of registering for a hu 22.25$ deep stack no blind increases sng Quote
09-28-2009 , 01:05 AM
The point is to play poker - not to piss off your opponent so much by playing slow that you win by default.
I made the mistake of registering for a hu 22.25$ deep stack no blind increases sng Quote
09-28-2009 , 01:07 AM
A person enters a sng with an expectation that they will be playing someone at poker - not at lets stall and bore you to death so you tilt off your stack or give up. That is not poker. It is cheating.
I made the mistake of registering for a hu 22.25$ deep stack no blind increases sng Quote
09-28-2009 , 01:29 AM
Originally Posted by madlondoner
The point is to play poker - not to piss off your opponent so much by playing slow that you win by default.
this guy might be a total douche, but he ain't cheating.
I made the mistake of registering for a hu 22.25$ deep stack no blind increases sng Quote
09-28-2009 , 01:30 AM
Players who play like this every game should at the very least come with a warning tag before u sit them to let u know what's in store.. embarrassing
I made the mistake of registering for a hu 22.25$ deep stack no blind increases sng Quote
09-28-2009 , 01:34 AM
Originally Posted by Mr Wray
Players who play like this every game should at the very least come with a warning tag before u sit them to let u know what's in store.. embarrassing
What would the tag be? "You better have some good music playing, you're gonna be here till christmas"
I made the mistake of registering for a hu 22.25$ deep stack no blind increases sng Quote
09-28-2009 , 01:43 AM
What I don't get is why pokerstars runs these games. From what everyone is saying, the type of player I played tonight is not uncommon at these stakes. By keeping these games running as they are, pokerstars are not only getting minimal rake but they are also creating annoyed customers.

Say someone enjoys playing hu poker with ther friends and having a few beers so they decide to sign up to pokerstars and see if they have fun trying it online too (Obviosuly a very specific example but you can see where I am heading). Assuming they get frustrated with this type of play and just donk their stack off, they will not have had an experience that would encourage them to play again. Poker is meant to be enjoyable and if tactics like this are allowed it will kill the game.
I made the mistake of registering for a hu 22.25$ deep stack no blind increases sng Quote
09-28-2009 , 02:56 AM
I've regged for a couple of these by accident. I was trying to sit a turbo and it filled, moving me down to the next type of game. I wish stars would fix that in the client so if you've got a $23 turbo selected, it won't ninja select a completely different type of game when that one fills.

But until then, type -increase in your SnG filter and never sit one of these accidently again.
I made the mistake of registering for a hu 22.25$ deep stack no blind increases sng Quote
09-28-2009 , 03:14 AM
also accidentally regged in this before, and yes the ppl who play them really are dbags.
Id rather lose the money as my times not worth it, or shoot really is the most ******ed game outhere.
I made the mistake of registering for a hu 22.25$ deep stack no blind increases sng Quote
09-28-2009 , 05:00 AM
wow, i didn't know this exists, but it's brilliant so thank you guys:

just type :"turbo" in the sng filter and all your problems are solved!
I made the mistake of registering for a hu 22.25$ deep stack no blind increases sng Quote
09-28-2009 , 05:51 AM
Originally Posted by madlondoner
First my oppoenent took ages to amke even simple decision and basically folded every hand. Now he is discooed but for some reason he is gettign 40 seconds to amke every deciison despite being disconnecetd. wtf.
Same thing happened to me ......signed up by mistake....after a hour stack sizes were 2000/1000 in his favour....he took me forever to get level and then he reconnects and we play.......i reckon he wanted a break and just pulled his internet lead out ......but why do you get a 40 sec window when you disconnect? do you get same on turbos?
I made the mistake of registering for a hu 22.25$ deep stack no blind increases sng Quote
09-28-2009 , 10:29 AM
Pokerstars said the guy probably had an internet connection problem pmsl. I mightve thought this before but since seeing that other people have had similar experienecs I have no doubt that it is a form of angleshooting. I'm quite angry about this (not the money; merely the principle), so have sent them a very long reply lol.
I made the mistake of registering for a hu 22.25$ deep stack no blind increases sng Quote
09-28-2009 , 11:58 AM
ok, once and for all
my contribution to hu forum

if u dont want to play hu no blind increase

go to filters:

type: "-increases -"
I made the mistake of registering for a hu 22.25$ deep stack no blind increases sng Quote
09-28-2009 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by madlondoner
I don't think anyone who has any seriosu intention of winning without boring their opponent into submission so thye give up would played as he did for two hours, before asking for a deal but only on an even split. He knows that noone wants to play like that for so long and that if his cheating doesnt work then he will get a deal to get his money back anyway.
If you're a winning player, playing a $22 husng for two hours is very -EV. Just open shove every hand and take a flip.
I made the mistake of registering for a hu 22.25$ deep stack no blind increases sng Quote
09-28-2009 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by rongwrong
If you're a winning player, playing a $22 husng for two hours is very -EV. Just open shove every hand and take a flip.
He probably became a winning player by deliberately stalling like this! If I had shoved every ahnd it wouldnt ahve been a flip as he wouldve waited for aa/kk/qq to call me and then he gets his way. I know it isnt much money but I don't like to give in to cheaters.
I made the mistake of registering for a hu 22.25$ deep stack no blind increases sng Quote
09-28-2009 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by crimcof
What would the tag be? "You better have some good music playing, you're gonna be here till christmas"
I made the mistake of registering for a hu 22.25$ deep stack no blind increases sng Quote
09-28-2009 , 01:35 PM
epic post.. A++
I made the mistake of registering for a hu 22.25$ deep stack no blind increases sng Quote
09-28-2009 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by madlondoner
If I had shoved every ahnd it wouldnt ahve been a flip as he wouldve waited for aa/kk/qq to call me and then he gets his way.
If he's only going to play the top 1.4% of hands and fold the other 98.6%, it makes sense for you to open shove every hand, ducy?

Last edited by rongwrong; 09-28-2009 at 05:17 PM.
I made the mistake of registering for a hu 22.25$ deep stack no blind increases sng Quote
09-28-2009 , 06:28 PM
I cannot believe this can tilt someone so hard.

If I would have the time; I would just start a new table for my normal games and meanwhile at this table I would just min-raise each button ip and 3-bet shove depending on how frequent he limps or raises ip.
I would even pull out some DVD boxes and watch to TV meanwhile if I was tired of my other table.
No way I would ever let such a guy tilt me.
I would even start talking to the guy I will never ever chop and that I will blind him death the moment he sits out or DC'ed just to piss him off.

Imo, these games are a great way to learn handling tilt
So I probably gonne do some in the future when I have 5 hours just for that reason only

Honestly, I hope you never play cash as it seems tilting is major issue for you.
I made the mistake of registering for a hu 22.25$ deep stack no blind increases sng Quote
