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I have the strongest part of my range. I have the strongest part of my range.

03-22-2008 , 03:14 AM
History vs this guy is when I CRed the flop OOP and bet/called turn with a set on rainboard board and ran into his flopped higher set.

5 handed on stars. Villan raises to 30, I call in pos. with KTo. Flop comes xQcJc. He cbets, I call. Turn is a Q. He checks I check.

River is an A missing the flush. He checks, I bet 140 into about 200 and he shove for about 720 more.
I have the strongest part of my range. Quote
03-22-2008 , 03:37 AM
Unless you have reason to believe he's good and balances his game well, I think it's a fold. You don't see average players CRAI river as a bluff in my experience, and KQ is the only worse hand that would do this for value.
I have the strongest part of my range. Quote
03-22-2008 , 03:37 AM
my first instinct was to snap call, but after some thought i fold. i don't see a hand that shoves like this that isn't a monster.
I have the strongest part of my range. Quote
03-22-2008 , 03:53 AM
He knows you can never have a full-house here. Unless he has AA/JJ/QJ you have him beat although I expect the last two to bet the turn most of the time to get value from AQ/KQ/draws. That's a pretty narrow range (mostly AA or air). Despite that I still tend to fold. There aren't any strong hands in your range besides KT so I don't know what he wants you lay down with his shove. If he only wants you to fold a marginal hand or bluff he could have achieved that with a smaller bet size.
I have the strongest part of my range. Quote
03-22-2008 , 03:54 AM
raises from what position? what is your pos? regardless I think this is fold w/o something special going on.
I have the strongest part of my range. Quote
03-22-2008 , 03:59 AM
Fold and taunt for his poor bet sizing (he's full).

edit: ...usually. If he's dumb/aggressive/bad and overplays hands then calling might be correct against some villains.

Last edited by Old Man of the Sea; 03-22-2008 at 04:10 AM. Reason: I added more words.
I have the strongest part of my range. Quote
03-22-2008 , 04:00 AM
i think i saw this hand
I have the strongest part of my range. Quote
03-22-2008 , 04:01 AM
turn is a bet, btw
I have the strongest part of my range. Quote
03-22-2008 , 04:11 AM
Originally Posted by BobboFitos
turn is a bet, btw
agree... riv is super read dependent imo... default fold, but that can easily change.
I have the strongest part of my range. Quote
03-22-2008 , 05:25 AM
fold river, definitely bet turn.
I have the strongest part of my range. Quote
03-22-2008 , 10:55 AM
bobo is right. turn is easy bet, and I think river should be a fold. I was playing terrible last night.
I have the strongest part of my range. Quote
03-22-2008 , 11:55 AM
A fold? What are we expecting to see here? AQ? Why would he go for a cr on the river here after you check the turn? He has no reason to suspect that you are going to be betting the river here. Right? I guess we have to look at what hand range he puts you on after you check behind the turn. He would probably put you on Jx, clubs, KT/T9, and the random 88 or whatever from time to time. Is that a fair range from HIS point of view? (I'm not saying this would be your range on the turn, but from his POV, could it be close?) I'm sorta just rambling a bit here, so does any of this make sense? I guess what I'm trying to get at is that he doesn't necessarily expect you to bet the river so I don't think he's going to be going for the river cr here (although, I definately could be wrong. lol).
I have the strongest part of my range. Quote
03-22-2008 , 12:01 PM
depends on what he has himself, I mean, if he got jacks here he's prob putting hero on Qx/clubs, or some k10/a10 and then he pretty much has to (?) check river once he checks turn. now, thats not his whole range.. but I think he's showing up with the goods here often.
I have the strongest part of my range. Quote
03-22-2008 , 12:07 PM
Yeah turn is def a standard bet. The river play is tricky, it comes down to how you view him. If he is some kind of tricky aggro 2p2 type who can read hands well he knows you pretty much never have a very strong hand taking this line, and he expects to get a fold from you almost always and therefore likely has air enough to call. Against a relative unknown with the only history being a standard set over set hand, you should just fold until you have a better idea of how he plays.
I have the strongest part of my range. Quote
03-22-2008 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by ahnuld
bobo is right. turn is easy bet, and I think river should be a fold.
yea this is jj/qj/aa/qq/xx wayyy too much to call.
I have the strongest part of my range. Quote
